Got home from my parents about 9:30 last night. The sun had gone down and the darkness was falling. I got out of my car and started down my driveway. I had bags, my camera, my purse. It was not pitch black, but it was dark. When I left earlier in the day I never thought I'd be gone that long so the outside light was not on. As I walked around the neighbors boat, I felt something scurry across my foot. My heart stopped and I let out a squeal. I saw nothing in the driveway. With all I had in my hands, when I looked down all I saw was a shadow. I was freaking thinking it was a mouse. I jumped onto the steps and shook my foot wildly. EEEWWWWW I didn't feel fur, but there is some overgrown areas near my house and a mouse would not be out of the question. I just don't want them at my house! I stood on the steps and looked around, there under the tail end of the boats trailer was a frog. Or is it a toad? I can never tell! He was hiding and not moving. Who scared who? LOL I put down the bags and pulled out my camera. I'm such a tard! I tried to focus on the poor thing, as I could barely see it. Looking thru the lens was even worse. I turned on the flash and attempted to capture the little critter. As my camera focused, the red light came on and I think it paralyzed him with fear. He didn't move but let me take the shot. It took a few attempts to get a clear view, but finally I was able to. As I was standing there taking pictures my sister pulled in. As she got closer, she was at a loss as to what I was doing. When I pointed him out, she laughed at me and went on her way to the door. It was then he made his escape into the garden. I tried again to find him, and only came up with pictures of the flowers. I think he must have found his way under the rocks to the comfort of home. I followed suit, relieved it was only him and not some furry critter!

Sunny and 90? That is what the weather forecast was. I got up early this morning to the sound of the phone ringing. I made my way out of my bedroom and my sister was on the phone with my other sister. Making plans to meet at my parents again today. LOL I wonder if they regret buying a house with a built in pool. I know my Dad loves it, but does he love having company every hot day? I wonder. There is a new sign on the side door. 'Visitors welcome, relatives by appointment', or something close to that. Do we listen? Hell NO we are his kids, we don't count!!! Actually, my sister bought it for them and they did not hesitate to display it proudly. So anyway, my sister left for work with her bag of swim gear as I was getting caught up here. I'd never get to my parents before noon so I loafed around a bit drinking coffee. The sky was blue and the sun was shining. As I sat here the wind chimes in my kitchen window were ringing loud and furious. I looked out the back window and the blackest clouds I've ever seen were making their way over the trees further back and right towards my house. Thunder rumbled and roared. Before I could get to the window the rain came. Drops the size of nickels pounding the earth and of course blowing in all over my kitchen floor. I closed the window and ran to the back room to close that window before the rug got wet. Too late, it wasn't too bad but I could feel the dampness on my feet as I crossed the room. As fast as it came, it stopped. It's still looking pretty dark outside, the humidity soared, but the temperature is only around 75. The tree branches are dancing in the wind, and my wind chimes are ringing once again as I opened that window back up. :::sigh::: change in plans? I can sit in my own house while it rains.......... Maybe it will clear up... still a bit early.
Off to find something to eat, shower, and see what the day brings........ Enjoy your Sunday :)
Poor old you and the frog! I bet he was glad you didn't want him for!
You have a wonderful descriptive style of writing. I am always there beside you when you are describing something. I enjoyed this entry. Jeanie
lol so funny...and it sounds so like me. can you believe that my daughter told me not to be taking pictures of bugs and flowers at my lil grandson's bday party! lol
ah yes we are to get near 100 for two days now and dry agin that rain is effect is all gone.
man a frog huh that is funny but gald you did not throw anything
As usual with our weather the rain and storms start after 12 noon and last till after dinner....makes for long hot summers....hope your day clears and you get some pool time in...
Enjoy your sunday
Too funny Donna ....while reading this I found myself wanting to sit on my legs ....did not want anything running across my feet!
Enjoy the rest of your day.
It's been in the 70s for about a week here... I'm losing my summer color!
I love what you do with your photos. You're so very creative! He's a cute lil' guy... (not as cute as Cabana Boy... ;) )
hehehe. Never know what might run across your feet (& up your leg)!!!
I love your water animation, you do the BEST water. :)
Those toads are tricky! Linda
Ugh ,why didnt you kiss him ,.you could have been telling us about your handsome Prince now Jan xx
Hi D.
I have frogs in my garden pond, I love them. The things I get on my path are slugs and snails. YUK !! And I always seem to stand on them in the dark. Ewww!!!!
Just fitted some new lights up the path thank goodness..Hopefully I will be able to see them first.
Hope you find time to chill out for a while. Be good while I'm away.
Speak to you on Thursday, God willing.
Love ya x x
That would have been me. Out in the dark with my camera while the family looked on shaking their heads, LOL. Glad it wasn't something furry like a spider, yikes. Wish we would get some rain here. It is so hot.
a frog huh? So, D, how many of them have you kissed in your lifetime? Any princes jump out at you?! LOL
I wish i had a relative that had a pool....i'd be there daily too....i am sure your parents love having all of you and Gage and Bug there....i know i would. You have a great family. Hot as hell in Ohio..HUMID. Yucky sticky hot!
love,lisa jo
I don't mind the frogs, but the mice...yes....
Hope you have had a great day....I wish I was near ya...I'd go to your parents with ya.....It's sooooo hot & muggy here in KY....YUCK...
I love your nature calls collage...
the colors are perfect =)
I don't mind frogs either..but mice EWW!
It's sooo HOT today in Kentucky...and our
AC is doing all it can do, and can't keep up...
dunno if it's low on something, or if it's fixing to go
out...Jeff's buddy is coming over tomorrow to check it out!
Hope you have a good week
I enjoy reading your journal...nice writing! sounds like you a sweet person, thanks so much for making me tags I just wished I knew how do them lol I hate buggy for them lol anyways have a great sunday evening and I really do appreicate your tags that you did for me. Hugs and smiles to you, Tammy
Ugghh. I'd be petrified of a toad/frog too. That was a pretty big fellow! LOL
The flowers are beatiful though. :)
Love the nature shots! Very pretty.
wonderful frog he is a cutie..maybe because im not close to him lol i would run from him.
Frogs are our bug-eating friends! Remember that. So are toads -- they just have an image problem. I'm listening to the frogs in my backyard sing right now.
LOL, no matter how brave we are, a frog doing that will spook us every time! I'm glad it was a harmless ol' frog though, and not something nastier!
Hope the day turned out ok. We had no rain in the forecast, either, but there it was, about 1/2 hour ago!
Have a good week
Laughing at the toad. Glad it wasn't anything furry. I can imagine the fright as it crossed your feet in the dark. Great pictures though. Like what you did with the presentation. Colors are perfect. Rained here yesterday too. No call for it but it rolled in. Hope your day ended up being just what you wanted.
I love the collage! :o) lol...that would have scared me too! :o)
I love this collage. You are such a talented artist.--Sheria
I can put up with all sorts..........frogs never, I hate em!
Gaz x
I love that sign! We have one that says... Dog Fine - Beware of Kids.
be well,
I love the collage!!!
You just can't rely on the weather lol. Hope you had a good sunday.
Funny story about the frog. I can so relate. I've been chasing the same butterfly for a couple of days trying to take its picture. I heard somewhere that they live for 2 weeks. I better hurry.
P.S.: Cool collage.
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