I mentioned in my entry yesterday that 'bug' had stopped by, so yes it is about yesterday. It was late morning when my stomach started yelling at me. 'Feed ME' it growled over and over. I got up and looked in the cupboards, looked in the fridge. Nothing really caught my eye, but coffee, coffee, and more coffee was not doing the trick. I remembered the left over fruit and decided that would shut the angry pest up. I was just putting things out on the counter to put in a bowl and I heard my kitchen door. I turned and it wasn't open wide, but it was moving slowly and open only a crack. I thought maybe my sister hadn't shut it tight when she left and either the breeze had caught it or our community dog from upstairs was trying to sneak in. I made my way over to shut it when the darkest eyes and biggest smile looked up at me through the crack. She's so adorable! Makes all the aches and pains disappear. Her hair was all curls and pulled up off her face. I told her she looked beautiful and she giggle, 'I know, lets take a picture' Too damn cute!! She ran to my living room and posed for me. After I took the picture she went back to the kitchen to investigate. She needed to know what I was doing. So I gave her a taste of the fruit, of coursing putting some dip on it. Her eyes lit up and she grinned ear to ear. Next thing I know we are fixing her a bowl, not me. She is climbing on the bar stool and pigging out. Well, we all pigged out and finished off the fruit. It was fun to sit and listen to her talk about going to community days, ride the rides, and see the fireworks (see entry from last night). I have no idea where she gets the gift of gab :)
The visit was really not a complete surprise. I had tried to stop at their house the night before to drop off my old memory chip from my camera and no one was home. Like I said I had bought a new one. It holds a whole gig!! I am so stoked over it. Hopefully no more deleting the 'not so perfect' picture because I ran out of room. When I got my new camera, last year I think, I gave my niece my old one. What I didn't give her was the memory chip. I kept it as it fit in the new camera too. It was time, however. to expand my ability of taking a shit load of pictures. My niece is thrilled too. Since she really does nothing with the pictures but share via email (at this point in time anyway) I changed the settings so the pictures do not have to be resized to mail. In doing so, it gives her the ability to store about 225 pictures at one time. I gave her a reminder to make sure she loads them on the computer and delete off the camera. My sister doesn't do hers until the card is full then she sits and waits while the transfer. She doesn't get how much easier it is to do 40 or so as opposed to 240. LMAO! So half the time she leaves her camera behind because it is full.
Did stop at my parents for a bit. No big party for my Dad, just wanted to visit a bit. It was nice to have time to talk without the commotion of people coming and going. I lucked out as some had been there and gone. After dinner we sat out back and my older brother and his wife showed up. It was nice to see them and hear about their recent trip to Virginia Beach. It wasn't long after the sun shifted that I started to shiver. The temperatures had dropped a great deal. I bid my good byes, gave kisses and headed home to dress warmer for the firework show. On the way I found the cloud formations unbelievable. Full and puffy. Almost looked like cauliflower in the sky. If you look at the one yellowed by the sun, it almost appears as though there is a face. Right about the tree line, looking up. See it? As I took some shots I was notified with beeping and buzzing that my batteries were low. So off it was to go get changed, charge the batteries, and get back to park in time for the beautiful light show. Amazingly enough when I left my house the sky was clear and blue. The huge clouds had moved on and it appeared the view would be perfect! ::grin:: and it was.

Bug is precious as she can be .....she is a doll!!
She looks adorable!! I love her hair! Is her hair naturally curly like that? Tell her I said she's beautiful too!
What a cutie! I must know how you do that with your photos? It looks like scrapbooking but I have no idea how you do it. Special program?
She's too cute!! Love the clouds too!
i always delete my pics as soon as they are online. Otherwise my camera uses all its juice quicker. Bug is so so so cute. I love your story how she finished off the fruit.
XO lj
Isnt she beautiful ? love the one with her arms folded ,I hope you told your neice she could have the card on condition she lets you have some pics lol ..love Jan xx
She's bordering on EDIBLE!
Awwwww bug is a beautiful little girl. Those clouds are just like cotton wool.
Glad you had a good weekend
love and hugs
She's adorable! At look at those curls! : ) What a great surprise. love, Shelly
That brightened up your day no end, Donna :-))
she looks like annie but with darker hair thats my favorite movie.
Adorable little girl! Nice to read you had a good weekend. I can't wait to buy a new camera, mine is just completely shot!
Well, that gave me an idea on how to have Sarah's hair for pageant! Linda
She is just the cutest thing I love her hair1
Hugs, Marina
wow the clouds look like marshmallows and that girl bug she is adorable.
Marshmallow clouds and a grin from ear to ear. Sounds perfect to me!
Sounds like one of those days that doesn't get any better! My sister Sarah, God rest her soul, used to think if you could reach out and "touch" a cloud it would feel like cotton candy. - Barbara
Sounds like a fun day...love the scrap so cute! Hugs,TerryAnn
Bug is just beautiful!
Love her pose on the right...too cute =)
I got a 1gb memory card too...I love it!!!!
Hope you have a good week
Sounds like a lovely day! Bug is the sweetest looking little angel. {{ }}
Have a good week.
Bug is a cutie!! (and I almost never say "cutie")
D, that child is precious. Precious I say. Have her parents get her into modeling. I can't believe how photogenic she is and how willing she is to pose. You taught her well to enjoy the camera. Your day sounded pretty full. Glad it was a good one. The clouds are awesome by the way
Lovely pics. Bug looks very cute.
She is so cute...love the way you presented her photos.
You just reminded me that I need a new memory chip...LOL.
Love the cloud photos too...so nice and puffy!
Hope you had a beautiful Sunday...hugs,
That little bug is the cutest. You could just eat her up. And sassy too I imagine!
Her curls make me envious!
What a little doll!
Bug is so cute!! I love her curls .. I am super jealous!!! Sounds like a wonderful time was had .. and you sure deserved it!!!
She really is cute! Linda
I can't believe those clouds! Unbelievable photos. Glad you had that new camera handy. And that Bug is a photographer's dream. Some of your new snags tugged at me. You know me, I will think about it and just have to have one that caught my eye, and I will let you know when I do. Thanks so much. Gerry
Awwww D............. she is adorable........ that look she gives is just like my grandsons.....lol
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