.... but not before I say thank you for putting up with my numerous alerts today. For visiting me like you do. For the wonderful and sweet comments regarding my son and his new apartment, new life, and for the requests for my various tags. All comments are so appreciated! All the times I've asked for prayers, good thoughts, and all the times you've gone back and lit a candle for my sister. I don't thank you enough and I'm sorry. You guys are the best.... Thank you!
I responded to a comment earlier and it really got me thinking. Being a single Mom, Steve and I were extremely close when he was young. We'd play games together, take walks or bike rides, we'd even wrestle. We'd hang out. It was awesome. I remember when he got a bit older and started pulling away from me. Normal I suppose, but it broke my heart just the same. His friends thought I was cool, but somehow he didn't. I guess it's 'cuz I was his Mom.
I grew to accept it and patiently waited for the day that he'd be back. Talking to me, telling me things, including me in his 'life.' I mean really including me. Don't get me wrong, we talked and fooled. Yet it was always more or less on the surface. Before he could drive I started dropping in him off at school on my way to work. Doing so allowed him a good 30 minutes extra in bed. He loved it. One time as I pulled up, a car in front of us was letting their son out. He leaned over and gave her (assuming his Mom) a kiss. He was about the same age as Steve. I leaned over to him and said, 'where is my kiss?' He opened the door and got out. 'Bye' LOL I knew that was the reaction I'd get but had to try, ya know?
Slowly over the past few years there were things he would include me in. Not everything. On occasion I'd get a hug or kiss. He'd say he loved me. I could see that teenage armor softening. Since he decided to move in with his girlfriend he's really opened up. He calls me a few times a day. He doesn't talk long most of the time mind you, but he is calling to tell me his news. No matter how little it may be. He tells me his plans, his goals, what he wants. He's matured that much more, grown that much older, he's independent and responsible. He is an adult, yet he's my baby and I got him back. Seems like I've waited a life time for this. I'm busting with pride and so happy.
I've gotten a few emails and comments asking about my sister. She and hubby got home today. Or should have. I've not talked to her yet. I will most likely call tomorrow. She had been feeling pretty good and was excited about the little get away. On Tuesday she should get the results of her latest scan. My thoughts, prayers, and hopes are that things are still shrinking. I"ll keep you posted, thank you for thinking of her.
I'm off to bed............ again Thank you! I hope everyone had a great weekend.

I went through so many different stages of attachment and DEtachment with my mom as I grew up. Makes me miss her so much just remembering those times.
I just wanted to say THANKS for letting me read your journal and you sharing a bit of your life with me....I think you and your son have a great relationship and you are truly blessed....you have each other and that is what matters...
Again thanks for letting me be a part of it sort of speak...
I know just what you mean. It seems that stretch out like a rubber band growing farther away from us, then they snap back after they grow some on their own...I am happy for you my friend.
PLease let us know how your sis tests turn out...still praying.
love ya,
This is a very heartfelt and touching entry Donna. I know exactly what you are talking about, having a grown son and daughter myself. It's hard to let them go when they start pulling away and is so very wonderful when they begin the new adult relationship and include you again. I'm so glad to hear your sister is doing better, hope the test results will all be good.
Take Care,
Donna, I love Carlene's comparison to a rubber band when it comes to our kids. I have seen that rubber band bounce back in my kids and as I think back I did the same with my parents as I grew older. Isn't it awesome when our kids grow to be adults and can truly show their appreciation for the love we have shown them over the years? One of the blessings of life that is a miracle in itself. Praying for good results for your sister.
Lovely entry, brought a lump to my throat.
My son is 39 now and he calls with every little bit of what is going on in his life,always hugs and kisses and does it in front of his buddies,girlfriends,everyone.But he,also slacked off in those teen years,but when out on his own, started again.
I think I'd be lost if it all ceased agaain.
Have a great Monday...
here is praying for the good results for your sister after her time away. i think its good you shared the hurt of your son pulling away and adnthen coming back. it makes everyone feel so normal about this time of life when then get to or have gone thru it.
I have seen this happen with my sons ...and Grandsons ,its lovely when they return ,until they do you have to learn not to be hurt and impatient ,but they do come back ,its an age thing lol ..love Jan xx
I look at my boys and wonder where our relationship will go. I'm not a single mom, but seem to live just a very tiny part of that life (and I truly do know it's NOT the same) when Chad deploys about every other year. I love my boys so much and want to always be close to them. I most of all pray that if they can't talk to me they'll talk to Chad and most of all God. I just have to keep plugging away and doing the best I can as a mom to two little boys (and soon another little girl) and thank God for every moment they do share their hearts with me, and know that if they do close off some that they'll come back!
God Bless
I have those same feelings as well with my daughter. She has lived here with my grandson since she was pregnant and after his birth. When she recently moved out..it cut me and my heart hasn't been the same. I'm very proud of her...but I still want that back. ;o) It'll be the same when my son dose the same. I guess it's all about being a mom. ;o) Hugs to you.
Being a single Mom is rough, but you made reading your journal the best for those who are in the same boat. How nice you are to be so open about things in your life...and people look for that so they can relate. My prayers go out to your sister that all goes well...and the test come back with good news...many hugs and much love...
I think it's wonderful that he is "back"! I hope my girls and I always share a close bond. Crossing my fingers for your sister!
My mom & I went through the same thing. After I passed through the teenage & young adult years things became great again. She's my best friend. Reading this made me wonder if she felt the way you did.
i hope that both of my kids can rely on me and come back and talk as they follow their journey in their lives too. You are an awesome mom and your son knows that....i am SO glad you have him back!
That's such a sweet story about Steve that it brings tears to my eyes. You must be one terriffic mom, and it shows through him. Keep us posted with news on your sister.
Great story about your son. It works that way which is nice. If you get through the teen years they are fun again.
i know how you feel Donna having two sons of my own. Mine are 28 and 37 and hugs and kisses are few and far between, but they know we are always there for them don't they. I love reading your journal and I am still praying for your sister.
Keeping your sister in thoughts and in prayers. I hope she gets good news from latest scans. ((((((hugs)))))))
What is it that they say? "If you love something, let it go. If it returns to you it is yours forever, if it doesn't it never was!"
I am dreading the day my son goes his own way. I know we have been a team and i know as he gets older that i will be the last thought on his mind. What is it they say when the son leaves home and marries you have also gained a daughter in law. You have steve and his girlfriend in your life.Its time to make new ever lasting memories.
My son stopped allowing me to give him a kiss in the morning in the car in 4th grade!! OMG I died! Now, all kisses and hugs must be in private! LOL!
I hope my son calls me when he's older like your son does. You are so blessed to have a close relationship with your son.
I know this is all part of being a mom and all I can do is pray that my son and I can build on the relationship we already have! Thank you for sharing a part of you! Love this entry! Have a wonderful day! Take care,
Fabulous graphics as usual. Its great that you and your son are becoming close again now that he has matured and is on his own. Its what all parents hope for and I am glad it is happening for you.
It's nice to hear of a good relationship between parent and child. You did a good job!
Loved the cat at the end!
bella x
Oh gosh, D, you have so many things going on in your life, good, not-so-good and still each day you find time for all of us. I thank you, too. :)
Everything OK? You've been very quiet!
Awww... sounds like your boy has bounced back to you... that is awesome.
And, I hope you will tell us about your sis... as always sending her prayers...
be well,
The phases of a young man. I think it's normal. Very glad to hear that with maturity comes the understanding. I'm glad the closeness has returned.
God, this one had me in tears too!!!! LOL
Are you writing heartwarming entries or am I just incredibly emotional? :)
I dread the day when my kids stop being kids and instead, think mommy is 'geeky.' And I am...I could hardly blame them for thinking that. LOL
Sounds like you've come full circle, love.
I read this and realised, I did the same to my Mum as well. I felt truly guilty with those pangs of guilt inside me.
Gaz xxxxx
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