Hope everyone is doing good this Sunday afternoon. I am amazed it is actually Sunday. The past few days have been a whirlwind. Coming and going, shopping, primping, moving, stacking. OMG!! In retrospect I did nothing, yet I still feel wiped out. Jammies 'til noon yesterday? Not on your life!! Ran to the bank, did some running for my son. Made stuff peppers for dinner and of course made extra for him. After dinner I ran over with the care package. Even though he had eaten pizza earlier in the day he had one. Made me smile inside. I knew he'd have to try one, so I gave enough for 'his taste', then for dinner another night.
He moaned a bit about not having chairs for the balcony yet. I had my fold out camp chairs in my trunk. They stay there for 2 reasons. One, I don't want them to become animated and walk out of my garage never to be seen again, and two you never know when you might need a chair. Well, this summer hasn't been the sit outside at the park type. I've gone to only two picnic's that I needed them and don't foresee anything else so I told him to grab them. His eyes went wide open, 'really?' I tossed him my car keys and said go get them. For as tired as he was, he moved like a bat out of hell. Before you knew it he was sitting outside with his feet up and an ice cold beer. I had to laugh. Not quite like camping but it's his outdoor retreat. Sure an ocean view would be more to his liking, but he will take it. Though he did make a comment being on the other side of the complex would allow him to watch the high school football games come fall. He'll hear it, no worries! I swear I haven't seen him this happy and care free in years. I guess his old apartment and room mates took a toll without me even realizing.

He had his cable turned on early this morning. On a Sunday??? Think they may be hurting with the dish??? I have to think so. They even showed up during the time they said they would!! He and S ran back to her house to finish moving her things. He said there must 20 bags of garbage/junk in her Mom's garage. He will stop by later this evening and get it out to the street for them. He also has to go back to his old apartment and clean the rest of the mess there. He stopped over here about 11 and I made a big breakfast for us. It was so nice, and filling! I made steak, eggs, and home fries. I knew with all his running he'd not eat until dinner at S's grandma's and I wanted to give him some energy food to burn off with all the work he has left to do. Besides, it's been so long since he's been here to actually eat with me. He smiled the whole time and couldn't thank me enough for all the help I've given him. I even got a hug on his way out the door.

A friend asked for another Breast Cancer graphic and I thought I'd share. As I'm typing I'm thinking some might like it smaller for their sidebar, should have thought of it before. If you'd like me to resize and send to you leave it in the comments. Keep in mind it has to be a .gif file. If you have issues saving that way, let me know. If you need it attached just say so. I won't be mad, and I won't yell. I'd much rather attach it and have you display it animated then not ask and have it be 'still'. I will work with you, and together we will beat AOL and the shitty service!
Some more snags for you, hope you find at least one you like :) Off to do some more things around here and then figure out what to have for dinner.
Enjoy the rest of the day!

YOu sound like you are an amazing mom. Running back and foth for your son. Sometimes just the presence of someone is help enough. I hope that when my kids grow up they will still need me too. I hope you have a good Sunday. You are right, I doesn't feel like it should be Sunday yet.
Hi Donna,
All of the things you make are amazing! Sounds like you and your son had a great weekend. I love it when my son makes the time to stop by and visit and we catch up on our lives. Both of my children grew up to be wonderful adults and I have wonderful grandbabies as well. Guess I'll always miss the days when they were little and still lived at home though....except I won't miss some of those teenage days! (ha)
Take Care,
Sounds like a busy weekend! But anjoyable! :)
Love the tags, they're beautiful (as usual).
Yes, let me have a very small one of the Breast Aware to fit on my sidebar. TY!!!
Have a great week.
its good to have a jammie day. Im cathing up from camping I love even th egreen fairy tag and I love these too. yoru breakfast of steak and all sounds so temping yummo
Yes... I'd love to have the breast cancer tag resized for my sidebar...it's beautiful! ;o) It's so nice to spend time with your son. ;o) I'm glad he's settleing in. ;o)
I would love the brest aware tag smaller for my sidebar!!! Please attach it though. Glad your son is so happy! I can't wait until we move either!!!! Tawnya
What a busy few days you have had ,isnt it nice to be able to help our kids ? I really love the lilys of the valley ..love Jan xx
whoops - please hun and thank you LOL Laine xxx
Hun can you send me the breast awareness one as an attachment - dont want you yelling at me coz its still LOL!!! Love Laine xxx
I would love this in a smaller version to add to my emails if possible, Love Pat
Me thinks he's so happy because of "this" roomate,LOL
Have a nice nite...
Love UR graphics
Awww, I'm so happy that he's happier now. It gives me a nice warm feeling..hehe! You need to relax hun....stop running around now. Put ya feet up and CHILL woman! lol!
Love the graphics, as always,
Lv ya,
It sound like an active day. Nice of you to give Steve your folding chairs. I would have loved to join the two of you for Steak and eggs, my second most favorite breakfast. The first being eggs benedict. The tags look great, but your work always looks great.
AWWWW, you are a good mom....that is how it should be. Love the snags...I got a couple...
I personally thank you for attaching my stuff....It helped me out ALOT...
I enjoyed the graphics here tonight. Can I have one of those small breast awareness ones if you make it? Linda
if our child is safe and content, life is good. I am so glad all is going better for your son and i know what that means to you. I'd love that tag for my sidebar if and when you have time. Love,lisa
It sounds like your son really is thankful for all of your help. Good for him for being happy and feeling good about life! Stuffed peppers~mmmm.
These entries about your son's new apartment are really bringing back great memories for me. Moving out and moving on!
I slept til 9:30 this morning, something I never do. Guess I needed it. Mmmmmmm I love stuffed peppers, so does my hubby. Breakfast sounds delicious. That was so nice of you to give your son the chairs. I know he'll enjoy them. ((((((((Hugs))))))))))))))
Wow... it must be so cool to see your child blossoming like that in such a good way... I am so happy for you!
be well,
Your boy sounds content. Nice.
Your such an awesome Mom...stuffed peppers, going ahead letting the chairs go...and then breakfast...and a hug to boot. I loved all the tags..each one so special. I hope your week goes well...and you have enjoyable evenings too.
Hugs and love,
Awesome tags!! Cable on time?? Wow!
Donna~I can always find more than one of your graphics that I like to snag! Your work is consisitently beautiful! ;-))) I really like how you made the waves move in the orangey beach scene; the lilly of the vally one even makes me like this rainy day a bit better. (I really don't like rainy days at all as a rule.) Glad you got to spend that good quality time with your son; those smiles at dinner can be contagious...xox Deb ;-)
Your work is always amazing - Snagging a few! My son and I are very close - I am looking forward to being there for him always! Your a great Mom and I know he knows that! Hope you enjoy your day!
Wow, I love all of these ... the graphics and I love that your happy that your son is happy! LOL
I would love a re-sized 'breast aware' is you don't mind and when you have the time. There is no hurry. An attachment works best for me. You know, techno-ramous that I am!
Thank you!
D, you've been busy no wonder you're tired. Take some time for yourself. Your son has become a wonderful young man, be proud. I'm glad all is working out so well and he is happy.
Stuft peppers!? Yum! I've been wanting to make those, care to share your recipe. I've never made them before. Beautiful tags Donna.
- Jessica
It's a pleasure to read about your relationship with your son. I know I am almost a week late now catching up, but it's great how you have grown closer together.
Can't look at all your tags with water on em, we have enough here at the moment!
Gaz ;-)
Hi Donna,
I'm a first time reader of your Journal...and what a pleasure it is! I love your photos and your tag work! Absolutely awesome. I'm adding you to my links and putting you on alerts.
If possible, and if the breast cancer graphic is still "open", could I please have one sized for the sidebar of my journal? If the offer is closed, I certainly understand.
I wish you, and your family well!
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