I am thrilled it's Saturday!!! I should be doing laundry but I just can't get motivated. I crawled out of bed at 7 and just couldn't seem to wake up or get my body in gear. This past week has been a whirlwind. I promise I won't bore you with every mundane event or detail. Ok, so I hope I don't :)
I haven't been back to visit my Dad, but I've talked to him a few times. He is doing good. He still has some pain and a bit of fuzzy vision but after all the poking around in there I'm not surprised. Each day it gets a bit better. For most, that surgery is not a big deal. For him, he had to have permission from both his cardiologist and general doc, so it wasn't just a run of the mill thing. So far so good. Once he is at a good point in the healing process he will have the other eye done.
No results on my sister's scan. Probably a good week before the results are back. Thanks so much for the good thoughts, prayers, and lit candles. She and her husband will be taking a little trip this coming week. Good for them! It's her off week from chemo and she definitely deserves it!!
My dentist appointment went well. I messed up and thought this was it, and I'd be all done after the next trip. I have at least two more visits. I got in the chair and tried on wax molds to test the fit. It felt extremely odd. Move your tongue around, stretch your tongue towards the roof of your mouth, as far back as it will go. Open, close, bite, relax your lips. Move your jaw from side to side. Run your tongue around the forms. Suck in, blow out. About half way through I started to laugh and couldn't stop. The dentist looked at me in confusion. At the risk of sounding like a pig or giving too much information I told her I felt like a young girl being taught how to move my mouth gently around in some sexual encounter. I thought she was going to choke. Her eyes opened wide and we both laughed until we had tears in our eyes. Her assistant is new and that was only the second time she has seen me. She didn't know, poor girl. Her jaw was on the floor and she had no idea how to react. When we were done we scheduled my next appointment. My jaw was a bit sore and we laughed some more. Her assistant told me as I walked out, 'Can't wait for your next visit. You made my day. It's nice to have someone with a sense of humor in the dentist chair.' My reply, 'if I don't laugh I'll cry. Besides, I wasn't kidding, that is exactly what it sounded like. Without the heavy breathing of course.' Off to work I went.
Work was work, busy, busy, busy. It's hard collecting those SSI checks and getting them to the bank! LMAO (no offense intended to those that might be on SSI) Ok, seriously, some minor issues that took time to fix. Running here and there, calls, quick fixes with the system issues, meetings. The days flew by but not much on the 'to do' list actually got done. There is always next week, right? I was planning on taking some time off on Thursday to help my son with the move and setting up of the new apartment. That won't be happening. I have to leave early on Tuesday and rules are rules at the office (more about that another day). I will just have to give my 2 cents to him on Thursday evening. Did I say 2 cents? Somehow I know it will be more then that.
Last night I got home. It was just me. I fixed a sandwich for dinner and nestled up the computer to get through mail and journal alerts. Maaaaaaaaan we all type a lot!!! LOL I slowly made my way through things. Leaving the alerts until last. About 8 (I think) my head was pounding and I decided to just wait until later. I logged off. I did some of this and that. I was in my room changing my bedding and I laid across the bed. It felt great! In my ear, or was it in my head, I heard the whisper of 'take a nap'. LOL So I stretched out and laid there. Thirty minutes is all I wanted. Can you say, game over? Next thing I remember is jumping out of bed and not knowing where I was, what time it was, or what day. I rubbed my eyes and tried to focus on my clock. I stumbled out of my room thinking I overslept for work. It was dark and quiet. It was then I realized I had taken a good 3 hour nap. Shit!! I'll be up all night. I fumbled around a bit. Logged on to the computer to see new entry alerts had multiplied. I read thru a few but I really felt groggy. I ended up going back to bed. Guess what.. I even slept!! This morning the birds woke me early. I turned on my TV and laid there for a bit. My body was stiff and my head cloudy. I hate getting too much sleep! I know my body needed it, but my brain can't function when I do that. It seems to take hours to wake up. Coffee doesn't help either!
I sat here this morning plugging away at the even more multiplied alerts. AOL was screwy besides. Sometimes it would open the journal, sometimes it wouldn't. I could comment, I couldn't comment, my comment got posted twice!! GRRRRRR I logged off and on a few times. Each time the welcome screen was different. I went from the old one, to the new much larger one, to the old one. WTF are they doing??? I finally made it through, or so I thought. Yeap, you got it... more alerts! Gotta love it and how we love to share. It's awesome to read an entry full of life's trials and tribulations. So much going on. Some that breaks my heart, but how important it is to the writer to share that news. How important to have the support of the community. How great to get or give it! The recent 'rocker' awards that went out are deserved by all that take the time to include the rest of us in their life, ladies and gents! Congrats to all!
Geeze just realized I babbled on for more then I intended. Sorry....... could you imagine if I included every little thing? LOL Wishing you all a great weekend. Ummmm.. yeah you know I'll be back with more. I'm awake now!!! Off to find something good to eat :)~

I had trouble opening journals too. It was so frustrating.
OMG I thought I was gonna PMP over your 'sexual encounter', in a dentist chair too!
You crack me up.......... Glad your Dad is getting better.
Gaz xx
ROFLOL....Thank you...you made me laugh. ;o) I really needed it right now. :o) That was funny about the dentist! lol :o) Yes, it did sound like that. ;o) I'm glad that it went well.
Your had me laughing ..something I have not done for a long time ...hope you have a great weekend!
Snagged your animated tag.
You really sound like a fun person, lol. I'll bet that story got told a few times when those folks went home!
Good news about your sister. Glad to hear she's doing as well as can be expected. Hope she enjoys herself.
And AOL---grrr, AOL, lol. It seems that AOL has itself perfectly synchronized to my schedule. Every time I have free time to read journals, AOL's servers go on the fritz. So, see? This comment is the result of some determination, lol!
Lol you really made me laugh at your visit to the dentist. They will not forget you in a hurry
Just think D -- you'll have a reputation! LOL
Was a busy week and you needed the rest -- I'm coming to visit! After three mostly sleepless nights I could use your room to flop on the bed and wake up sometime in the future.
Call me pooped!
No wonder you all had hysterics at the dentist ,only you could think of that ROFL ,and yes from experiance I would think it would be more than 2cents when your son moves lolHave a good weekend ...love Jan xx
D! I can't remember when I last laughed so hard or so loud. I imagine you were the talk of the office all day. Good for you. Make an impression (no pun intended) and they will take good care of you. Good news on Dad and sister.
LOL...about the dentist....Praying for your father and sister! Hugs,TerryAnn
ah funny about your dentist appointment lol that is wya to fuuny lol
well I tell you....... your dad will be so happy I know hie will. I dont know why drs take so long to get tests back
Your tags are lovely, the top one cute/funny & the bottom one awesome!
LOL on the dental appt conversation. ;)
Happy your Dad is doing ok. Hope Sisters scan is ok.
Have a nice weekend.
Good to read your Dad is doing well Donna under the circumstances you have mentioned.I hope everything continues that way.I hope you Sis has a wonderful break like you say she deserves one.What ya like LOL at the dentist.I think I would have choked hearing you say that LOL!! I hate when I take a nap and end up sleeping hours.You must have been in need of it .Have a great week/end Take Care God Bless Kath
astoriasand http://journals.aol.co.uk/astoriasand/MYSIMPLERHYMES
D~Blessings and prayers for your family...Take good care, Deb ;-)
I know just what you mean about oversleeping. I feel sluggish the rest of the day afterwards. Sounds like you needed the sleep though. :)
BTW, I snagged your 'I'm entitled' tag. That's SOOOOOO me. LOL Bubble baths and books are my life-savers. ;)
I hope you have a lovely weekend!
You funny SSI lady! Linda
though i have not addressed it before, there are those who only write "have a nice day/week" and i always wonder WHY do these people even bother? They have no time to read the entry, hell, dont leave a 5 word comment. I think its an honor to be allowed into so many private journals and open ones with people who care enough to express theirselves. I pray your sister enjoys her time away....glad you could still sleep after your nice nap....i cracked up at the SSI comment.
Man -- I thought MY week was hectic! Your body needed that long nap...and your mind too. Naps are gifts! Never forget that!!!
So glad to read your day is doing ok. I have been praying for him. Too funny about your trip to the dentist! I can just imagine the look on the assistants face when you said that.
Hope you have a good weekend.
oh also the entry before this one called butterflies...May I have that one with Lisa on it?
Glad your dads doing good. Enjoy your weekend, what's left of it lol.
yeah, like you ever gonna take a bath like that old lady? you should if you want and two pina coladas in each hands too.lol love Nancy
I know what you mean about plugging though all the alerts. I have so many of them this morning! I hate going to the dentist. I like to hear that i don't have to come back for six months when I go and when I hear I have to come back soon I really do cry!! LOL Linda
AOL is f'd completely lately! Making me nuts!!! You are so funny! I bet you will be the talk of the dentists office for years! LOL
Glad dad is good...
be well,
I have 265 alerts, lol. Since I haven't been feeling well, I got so behind. I am trying to catch up with some today, before I make an entry. Starting from the bottom and working my way up. Hope your having a great week. ((((((Hugs))))))))
That last tag is gorgeous! I so want to be there! ;-)
- Jessica
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