Feel free to snag any or all the graphics. I only ask that they not be altered or claimed as your own :)
I'm testing a new font size. My PC settings show my font fairly large, apparently it isn't for others. I'm sorry. AOL is a bit goofy as there is no size 12 so I am jumping up to 14. How's the new look? Better? Too big? Not big enough? After all this time I'm also considering changing my signature for my tags. I guess I got a bit tired of the little lady. She gets in the way at times. I was thinking something a bit simpler with the year added. Thoughts? Does it matter? LOL
I have a new sidebar graphic :::big ass grin::: Click 'back to journal' at the top of the page if you want to see. Russ over at Inner Outer Demons recently asked for our 'right on's'. He then drew a cartoon to fit the saying. Of course, mine was a surprise visit by bug. When I saw what he had done I giggled, then smiled ear to ear. Thanks Russ!!! I had to snag it up and put it here. I love it!!! If you've not been by his place, take a trip, you won't be sorry!!!!
Brittany over at As the Sun Sets did an entry recently about journals, the turn on's and turn offs. I've been asked on more then one occasion about comments and how I pick journals. I really don't have a set rule. I go with the flow, but she did pretty much nail a few things. It's a personal thing and she no way is pointing at anyone. She is just giving her thoughts. I personally like a personal touch to journals no matter what the main theme is. Every once in awhile it's nice to let us readers into your world. It doesn't have to be defining information, address, phone, social security number. Not that anyone would stalk you out and meet you on your doorstep, but a little insight on your life and thoughts helps draw readers in and keep their interest. It's a nice change from the blah same 'ole same 'ole... nothing new here.
While I'm at I'd also like to thank Brittany for the plug in I'd been looking for. Diama over at Chocolate Cherried Creations helped as well, we just couldn't get it to work. It's now in place and running like a charm. Thank you both!! Another great thing about journals. Helping each other out. Sharing knowledge, giving back to others. It's a wonderful feeling and I so appreciate when I'm on the receiving end. I'd like to think I give often.............. but that's up to you folks to decide.

Nothing much happening here today, I think I will finish up some household chores, get dinner in place and ready to go... breaded pork chops, mashed tators, and peas I think :) Of course since it's a lazy Sunday I will play some more in PSP. Watch out! LOL
Hope you're all having a great day!

Snagged all of these tags Donna ....font size is fine with me
Love the snags especially the first and last! I will write more here in a little bit on the rest of your entry....great entry though!
God Bless
I love reading your journal and the insight into your life. I love to read about people. lol. I know I must be a nut. I really need to head over to my journal and get an entry done, but it will probaly be tomorrow before it gets done! Nice job.
Your font is SO MUCH BETTER for an ol' blind lady like me!! I wizzed right through your entry with no problem. THANK YOU DONNA!!
I knew that "right on" that Russ had drawn was yours. He's done a good job on those hasn't he? He didn't draw mine yet though. I'll have to wait until his break is over. <sigh>
As far as you being on the giving end of journals....uh yeah...DUH!! LOL! I've got so many of your lovely graphics on my computer and in my journal! You've decorated my life, Donna!! Thank you for that!
Have a good day...and again thanks for increasing the font <adjusting my glasses here>.
I love when PSPers help eachother out and Share...From their hearts!
there are a few things that always stick in my mind....One being Sharing and the other being "if you have nothing nice to say opt to say nothing at all!" Now only if other people could remember this as well!
When you become selfish and competitive and stingey it takes the fun out of life, and art creation!
i just had a conversation with someone about Journals being too wide...sometimes it's the monitor too...See, i have a 19 Inch widescreen monitor on my desktop...but my laptop is a 13 inch screen...everything looks fine on my desktop but on my laptop... things are too large...or wide...ect and so on...Sometimes it's putting too wide of an image in your about me or your entries...and sometimes it's simply that you are working with a larger monitor and don't see the wideness that everyone else sees.
Yeah I like the entry Britt did, I on the other hand would have just came right out and said why I don't read your ass LOL
Dinner sounds good, but it reminds me that I have to get working on mine soon...Meatloaf, scalloped potatoes and corn on the cob. I can't stand raw meat but somebody has to do it!
That font size is great ,its the one I use too, love your graphics as well ,have a lovely relaxing Sunday ..love Jan xx
Font is perfect, I have to get the magnifying glass out for the small type and definitely for the comments!!!
Love the font size D us olduns need all the help we can get LOLOLOL.
Gaz xx
The new sig is great and it's yours so you change if you want lol.Agrre about the blogs sometimes I find one entry really interesting on a new journal but not the next all down to taste. Love the sidebar graphic.
Donna your entries look great and I enjoy reading your journal. I have a problem wit the butterfly tag not moving(help) What can I do???
D, really will be happy with the little larger font size. Eyes are beginning to fail--so larger is certainly better for your older readers. Also, you do help so much. Your note to me to add. gif after the snag's name made such a big difference. Also, like that you share your family life. Curious, though. Have you ever told the kind of work you do at your job? Much love, LaVern
Just thought I'd share my email response to LaVern :
Hi LaVern
Actually contrary to someone stating I'm on SSI, yes I have mentioned it several times. (How soon they forget that they've actually been to work related sites.) I am in sales/client service for an international company. I've been there for 15 years. I've shared numerous pictures of work and co-workers, sorry you've missed them.
I like the font size and yes aol does have a funny way with fonts lol
I think a date is nice on the graphics. very cool.
that is waht most say they like about coming to my journal coming into my home and seeing what daily life is like that personal touch in the videos. How ever you do have to be careful after the recent fiasco in feburary I do know that you can be stalked so you do have to be careful of sharing your information. or enough for someone to use to harrass you atleast evne if they dont stalk you.
I like the bigger font.What is wrong(SNORT) with aol? It doesn't give us any choice to save in except bitmap and we can't ' save as' because it says it can't find specified file ,and if you try to e-mail it -IT WON"T.....grrrrrrrr
Enjoyed the entry....love the graphics as always..hugs,TerryAnn
have a good week:)
Prefer this bigger font (am I getting old??)
Nice entry!!
Glad you liked the bug! I always use size 14 ariel black. It just seems "right" for some reason.
14 is what I usually go with... Depends on the font I'm using-which is usually comic sans. I like what you have here!
Snagged the bottom graphic.. (hope it was meant for snagging!) THANK YOU!
Have a great week!
Love much,
Your graphics look wonderful! I'm not really into all the graphics and tags that much on my journal, but I do love how others use them in theirs. Now I know one of the people they come to. ;) I also have that font issue when I'm doing entries, and if I look at my journal on other computers the font looks tiny to me. It is something that changed on my computer a while back and I couldn't for the life of me figure out how to get it back to normal. Maybe it is an AOL thing.
i love pork chops...sounds like you had a good Sunday....everyone is unique so therefore our journals are also always going to be different.
love, lj
I like the new font size. I'm one of those people who don't read certain journals because the font size is too small. Not yours but some different ones. But my old eyes appreciate the upgrade!
THat crabby fairy looks adorable.Got to snag it.tx, love nancy
I like the new font size and the style. It's easy on my poor ole eyes. The sunset graphic at the top is really quite good. It is nice to changes things around once in a while, isn't it?
D, never thought about the font size, but have to admit this is great. It makes it that much easier to read, but then your writing makes it easy. Hehehehe like that right on you have, Russ did a good job. Great graphics today, as always.
I love the font size. Something I am always finding hard to keep straight in my own journal.....love the tags too.
Hugs and love,
Some beautiful tags Donna! ;-)
- Jessica
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