Bite Me! Ahhh yes, I've been known to use the phrase. Today has been no different. I could come up with probably 101 reasons to have said it the last couple days...........
Technorati - Ok, so this one I'm over now, but over the course of the past couple days I did say 'bite me' several times. I tried and tried to claim my journal only to have the 'spiders' not find the code. Lets see, I did everything they said but nothing. I had it inserted throughout and the 'spiders' couldn't find it yet a blind man could have tripped over it on each passing turn. I deleted the claim started over, still nothing. I'd tried it a few months ago as well, had no luck then either. After contacting tech support for the second time I finally got a response. They didn't tell me what the problem was, and honestly I don't care. It's fixed. LOL If you have an account there and want to add this as a favorite feel free to click on the technorati icon on my sidebar <----- over there (you may have to go 'back to journal' to see my sidebar) it will be a snap and be added rather quickly. If you haven't claimed your blog, give it a shot. It feels good to say 'bite me' every once in awhile. LOL
Krissy and Guido, thank you so much for your help! I do appreciate it. Now lets see if I can figure the rest out. I know it's a great way to get exposure.
Trolls - aaaah ... different one this time. I've removed a few comments that have been left advertising crap. Delete and block. In case they haven't noticed, I don't need my penis enlarged, and really have no interest in the other products. Find someplace else to advertise, AOL has some major ones flashing as a banner on the top of my journal. I think I will let them have the monopoly here. Bite Me!
Co-workers - oh no doubt everyone has someone they work with that they would love to say it to. I will do it for you. Bite Me! Hmmmm maybe I mean my SSI check is late..... Bite Me!
Speed Demons - the road does not belong to you. You don't own it! Yield does not mean step on the gas, nor does the yellow light. Merge does not mean stop! When you hear a siren it doesn't mean drive down the middle of those two lanes, it means pull over and get the hell out of the way. Bite Me!
AOL - OMG I could go on and on with the 'bugs' here, but today I will stick with mail. I sorted mail by subject and got thru it all but alerts. Anything I had not opened and saved again as new was eaten. I don't know where it went, it's gone. WTF!?! Not in old, not in recently deleted. It just slipped off into cyber space. Bite Me! (if you requested a tag and haven't gotten it yet, drop me a line. I think I was able to get thru all them but I can't be sure.) Oh hell, AOL deserves it twice. Bite Me!!
:::sigh::: I could continue, but think it's best to stop here. Do you have a 'bite me'? Leave a comment and get it out. I swear it feels great! I know you want to. Do it. Click 'add your own' Get it off your chest. Sorry no ads allowed, and please don't tell me to bite you. :)
I feel better... how 'bout you? Did you click 'add your own' yet?
Believe it or not -- I have no real desire to bitch and complain right now! Amazing! I'm just too sleepy. Goodnight and have a happy Tuesday.
This is good D.
Getting to the elevator only to have the door be shut in your face. Whoever is in there. Bite Me!
Going to the parking lot to see someone left their cart to be blown into your car. Bite Me!
HAHAHA you're right, it feels good. I may have to come back.
Ok you asked for it.... The binman who moaned about a twig sticking out of my bin BITE ME!....The social worker or thinks I'm an imbecile BITE ME!....Sorry about this one...The local Americans who haven't learnt how to use a roundabout and keep cutting me up when I have right of way BITE ME!....The idiot at the bank who insists on interviewing my son who has the mental age of a 6yr old (he is 18) BITE ME! Better stop now there won't be any room for more comments if I don't lol.
No D I haven't gotten my tag yet but I'm in no hurry....and thanks in advance...ok here goes....Bite Me to the ppl my wife works with who piss her off every day and make her job harder than it needs to be.....Bite Me to all homophobes and Bite Me and Drop Dead to the parents of the two toddlers who let their kids starve because they were "obsessed " or "addicted" to Dungeons and Dragons.....Give me a break......thanks D that feels nice....... Mark who wont get off his lazy ass and get a job...Bite me!! Mark who has nothing good to say all day long Bite me!!To the person who wrote me an email and told me I was getting what I deserve Bite me!! Well I feel better..have a good week! Hugs,TerryAnn
Too many to mention for me LOL.I'm worse than Deb Haaaaaaa.Take Care God Bless KATH
AOHELL - bite me!!! Lainexxx
ah you have had a day of it really you have. you had a bite me day. I heard that after fooling the the techonrati thing you get lots of porn stuff . I heard that from two tohers. I dont know if its true or if there is a connectoin there or not. yup co workers hubby got a good place now but now andthen they hire one that is off the wall
Glad you were able to get all of this off your chest. I hope today is a better day.
I don't like that expression but I could have used it last night LOL.
Litterbugs.... Bite Me!
to guys like my ex-son-in-law that don't support their kids11 BITE ME!!!
I will say Bite Me to the Bad Gremlins who live in my computer and causes it to have a slow start up but big hug to the good Gremlins who allow it to run fast after it has started up. Bite Me to those demons who live behind my back sticking those sharp pointed things in my back to keep me in pain all day. That about it for me. Helen
i dont know what technorati is and i am sure its way over my head...i could make a journal just about coworkers so i totally understand your bite me there....i wish i was on SSI....hell, think of all the time we'd both have if we had that check and medical coverage.
AOL sucks. For no reason about 2 wks ago my mail saved to my PC, hundreds of important things, disappeared with no warning. UGH! BITE me.
I loved your entry! lol :o) I know you're serious....but I liked how you handled it and the graphic. ;o) I'm glad you got Technorati figured out. ;o) I hope your day goes better for you. :o)
Ain't I glad I am accessing AOL through an external ISP, Donna. Am glad the Technorati thing got sorted, I already had your favourited beforehand. As I have all the journals I read.
Hmmm. Family members who don't clean up after themselves! Bite me!
lol on this entry...I think we have all had Bite Me days...
I was at some site the other day...not sure how i got there but it was a tag tut site and i saw that tag up there...So you must have been at the same site :)
I've tried to do tag tuts....but i always end up messign up a step somewhere i just put tags together on my own...LOL
But i do like that one!
I love this entry. Every one has their bite me days and times. lol. Aol has been acting real funny lately. It is crazy. I hope you have a great day!
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I truly DID laugh out loud reading this entry & today has already been a day that I needed one very big giggle! BTW I'm always telling AOL to BITE ME!!!! Have a super day!
LOL you are so funny!! I definitely have a bite me going on right now....with a man I was (keyword WAS) dating (of course, big surprise, huh?? LOL). This entry was funny!!
No bite me's today.....hope you have a better day today...
oh yes I definately have one, I would like all the rich folks that have the nerve to complain about stupid stuff like "oh I have nothing to wear", or "oh my car is so yesterday, I need a newer model, or "oh no, I have a scratch on my face...let me go get surgery, and while im at it, I can get bigger boobies, and then they breed rich lil bratty kids that complain about....oh daddy I need a big fat party with all kinds of expensive things and if I dont get everything I want im just gonna die....and then they wanna name there kids the most stupid names like "hola Horsey" and think they can get away with it cuz their famous...whatever, what I have to say is...u dont know what its like to stuggle, born with a silver spoon up your butt, wait til u have some real problems, then u'll have the right to whine and cry, until then shut up and bite me!
Oh Yes,I have a lot of bite me's since I got back online,Think I'll sit down and write them all then post it in a blog,maybe a whole blog just for the "Bite Me's sounds good-- then everyone can come and post thier 'Bite Mes'
Oh hey if you read someones journal in the UK -click on create a journal-it will be without the ads at the top-really it does
AOL alerts don't work for some journals...bite me!
Okay I don't feel better, got anyone yo want me to bitch slap?
Great entry,super way to deal with lifes irritabilitys ,hope your SSI cheque Jan xx
LOL... you crack me up! And, I totally relate... I have been wanting to say BITE ME all day to many things!!! Mostly a 10 year old girl who was in a snit and made my dd miserable! LOL
be well,
That's one of my favorite expressions, too. I only wish I could block penis enlargement advertisments from TV as easily as it can be done here. And my pet peave while driving are the idiots that get on my ass while talking on the cell phone. I want to scream Hang up and pay attention!
Oh come on Deb....are you SURE you don't need your penis enlarged??? LOL, I am still laughing.
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