Thursday, July 19, 2007

~ They're In ~


The rain held off on Wednesday for the move.  My son was told the apartment would be ready by 10 am.   He was organized and had his plans in place.  He woke up early and got the remainder of little things in his car.  His buddy was there and they were ready to go.  At 9:30 the rental office called and said they are behind.  They were putting in a new tile back splash, sink, and counter top.  They weren't going to be done until 3.  I know he was livid, but kept his cool.  He's been on his own for over a year so he took the time to clean up his room at the old place.  His room mates are planning on staying.  Hmmm I wonder though.  He was the only one that contributed with household items.  Living room furniture, big screen TV. kitchen set.  It was all going.  I give the other guys a couple days and they'll be gone.  Good thing he gave his landlord notice and it was a very relaxed month to month set up.


They did get the truck about 1 and were able to load his items in.  They made their way to his girlfriends house and loaded her things.  It was then they got the call that said they could get in. It was a bit earlier then 3, but much later then he planned.  By the time I was ready to leave work they were still not back at the apartment.  They went to get load 2.  I came home and changed my clothes.  Ordered pizza and wings and stopped to get some beer.  When I pulled in the parking lot they were loading things off the truck.  I grabbed the goods and headed in. 


They are on the third floor and in the back.  It really is a nice apartment.   You enter into the dining area, there is a partial wall that blocks the living room that runs the width of the dining area and the kitchen.  The kitchen area is just cooking space, but there is a good amount of cupboards.  More then enough for thetwo of them.  Now anyway.  We all know how we accumulate shit!  LOL  Two bedrooms and a good size bath.  There is balcony off the living room and is big enough for a grill and couple of chairs.  I was impressed.  Very nice.  Classy


They stopped to eat and have an ice cold beer, and was back to work.  As they unloaded the truck S and I made room in the kitchen and started unpacking dishes.  Right into the dishwasher.  When the washer was loaded I put soap in and turned the dial.  Nothing!  I messed with things, settings, still nothing.  I rearranged the dishes thinking maybe there was a sensor or sort.  Still nothing.  The dishwasher manual was in there when we opened it so for the first time in my life I had to read directions on how to run a dishwasher!!!!  WTF!?!  So I read the directions.   Load dishes, load soap, select setting, turn on water at the nearest faucet until it gets hot.  HUH????????   Never have I heard that!  Not ever!!!  It wasn't like we had to connect the dishwasher to the spout.  I do it, and still nothing.  GRRRRRR  So I tell them to add a broken dishwasher to the list that they had to return to the office.  I took a few things out of the dishwasher and started washing.  They can't fix it if it is full.  I get some done and then start to move things on the counter to make more room.  There on the wall is two plug outlets and two light switches.  I look around, there is a garbage disposal, but no light.  Hmmm  What do you suppose that is for.  Well 'bite me' it's to turn on the dishwasher.  LOL  Glad I found it before I did ALL the dishes. 


I got home about 10 and I was beat!  My thighs and calves throbbed.  From watching the guys lift and carry everything up the stairs no doubt.  LOL  I know why my calves were sore.  No step stool and I was on my tip toes hanging the shower curtain.  I thought about standing on the side of the tub, but I know me.  I'd have slipped and cracked my head open or something.  Just not use to bending and twisting like I did last night.   Hmmm... well not that way or for that purpose anyhow.  :)~


Today I was stiff but doing good.  It rained most of the day and I was thrilled the move was yesterday.  I will be stopping for some groceries on the way home tomorrow and dropping them off.  A little care package.  They are both off and will finish unpacking as well as find some blinds to put on the windows.   He called earlier and said things are coming together nicely.  They are both thrilled and extremely happy.  That makes Mom happy!!!  My babies growing up and the memories flood in. 


YIKES!!!!  Long entry sorry.  Hope everyone had a good day.







Anonymous said...

I am glad move day is finished you can hopefully relax and have a great weekend.

Snagged these tags



Anonymous said...

no the entry wasnt too long Im glad he showed patience and kept his cool andgot in fianly that is aesome fr the weekend

Anonymous said...

well at least he's in....and his tummy is full of pizza and beer - what a good mom!

Anonymous said...

Awww Glad mom is happy.
Congrats to the kids!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your son's new apartment. By your description it sounds very nice! Duh LOL.... Honest mistake.. There is always some modern thing coming out right?? LOL... It's always tiring moving into a new place.... Get some rest ..No more hanging shower curtains for you LOL...
Have a goodnight..

Anonymous said...

Dear Donna seems like you had a long day yesterday. I had that to happen to me at a condo once with the dishwasher. Switch was on the wall so I know what you mean there. I am glad your son and his gal got all moved and yes you can collect alot of stuff. hope your soreness goes away fast Mammaw

Anonymous said...

I am really happy for your son and his girlfriend....first apartment together...did you take pics of the moving and all?
Rest well.....

Anonymous said...

That is the oddest sounding dishwasher ever!!  Maybe your legs hurt from going up the 2 flights of stairs...i'm guessing you had to use stairs.  Mine always hurt when I start back to school, and I wonder why until I realize I've been going up 2 flights of stairs multiple times a day.  LOL


Anonymous said...

I'm so happy for them and you! :o)

Anonymous said...

I remember the very first apartment I had on my was basement studio in a really slummy part of town, but it was like Buckingham Palace to a young man who needed to be free.  I didn't even mind the roaches too much!


Anonymous said...

Happy to see Son has finally got moved Donna.Just the thing I would have done too.Probably been ringing up and blasting them saying it was broken,and then them telling me have you turned the switch on there on the wall Haaaaa.It's amazing how that stiffness creeps in, when we have to do anything differant isn't it ? OUCH!! I bet you slept well last night though..Have a great Friday I hope son has many happy yrs there .Take Care God Bless KATH

Anonymous said...

I remember when I moved out...i had room mates was short lived...Army then marriage...I would love to know what it was like to only take orders from me...LOL...hope you have a great week!  Hugs,TerryAnn

Anonymous said...

Hope they will both be very happy in their new home.

Anonymous said...

Knowing my 'Dippy Dora' attitude sometimes... I would have washed all the dishes up and then found out how to turn on the!
Great to hear they have found a lovely little'nest' to share together.  It sounds wonderful!  I wish them every happiness in their new home.  
Jeanie   xx

Anonymous said...

I remeber when I first left home.......... My Ma was always up, thinking we were starving to death, bringing in grocery's gift's etc. I think I loved it as much as she did lolol
Gaz xx

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear the kids are in and happy.  That's some arrangement for their dishwasher, LOL!  My mom was always stopping by with care packages the first time I moved out of the house and thank goodness she did.  I know the kids will really appreciate your gifts.

Anonymous said...

Hope the two of them will be very happy in their new home.  The apartment sounds very nice.  Maybe a photo? - with his consent of course.

Anonymous said...

I did just that with a switch when we moved lol ,I bet they were grateful for your help and support,they have a different level of energy at that age dont they lol ? Jan xx

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I can't even count the times I have moved since I was 18.  Kinda wishing I never made that last move cuz it landed me back home with my mommy!

Anonymous said...

i am so glad your son and his gf are moved safely and all is well. I had to lol at you washing every dish and then boom, you find the switch!!! Poor D!

Anonymous said...

So happy to read your son and girlfriend are moved in.  There's always so much work to be done, prior and after.  Have a great weekend...many hugs and love,

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I'm impressed you got that dishwasher going, that's crazy! It stinks that things were delayed, but glad they got it all moved in and now are organizing! I'm sure the groceries will be a wonderful and appreciated gift!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Glad to hear you son got in his new place!  That beer sure sounds good.  Linda

Anonymous said...

You've done well, Donna

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Anonymous said...

D, things like this never go smoothly glad it all worked on in the end.  Funny story about dishwasher, I've heard the water before.  Actually I think that is a suggestion for all of them but who reads directions?  The switch is different but I bet it's more common then we think

Anonymous said...

aww I remember when my boyfriend moved in with me it was so exciting and wonderful fast fwd 20 years and he's still here and it's still exciting and wonderful.
Congrats to them and LOL on the washer

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear son is all moved in. I am sorry but I was cracking up on the dishwasher thing, lol. That was too funny. (((((((hugs))))))

Anonymous said...
