:::giggle::: or in there... however you want to say it... we took a trip to the zoo today. A Rainforest Exhibit had recently opened and I wanted to check it out. So this morning we packed up the kids and headed over. My son and his girlfriend took Gage. Bug drove with her mother, me and grandma. They called for a chance of rain, but we didn't see any. It actually got pretty nice out.

The Rainforest exhibit was unreal. The waterfall is part of it. Hot and humid inside but not a great place for pictures. To much netting and fencing to get clear shots. There was a bird exhibit that you bought food for and they actually came right to you to eat. Bug was hoot. She talked to the birds to make sure they had enough. Gage enjoyed that part to, until the bird ripped the cup from his hand. LOL Little piggies they were!!!

As I took pictures of the Elephant, Ellie decided to show off. She was doing a little dance of sorts. It was hysterical. For such a large animal the sense of balance was awesome. Ahhhh and the Mountain Goat. He came right over and gave me a smile.

I got a ton more pictures but I'll save them for later. Don't want to bore you to death. The day was good and we spent a good 4 hours walking around. Bug then exclaimed, 'I can't walk anymore.' Steve, my son, carried her a bit here and there but it was definitely time to call it a day.

All that fresh air and walking took a toll on me too. I'm exhausted. As I sit my eyes are watering and I'm yawning up a storm. Hmmmmmmmm.......... I'll take my own hint. Hope everyone had a great Saturday!
love the look on bug's face on the first one...the others are just fab!
Get some rest...
Giraffe's are my favorite zoo animal....I LOVE them!!!! That is such a phenomenal picture of Bug with the bird.....you ARE going to enter that in some contest somewhere, right??? It's just a GREAT picture!
Loved them all.....
Pooh Hugs,
Our Brookfield Zoo also have rain forest exhibits. There is one that takes in animals from Asia, one from Africa and another from South America. It's incredible to see the variety of life in any of them, and then to realize they are thousands of miles apart. Love your photos, but as always, you do a very good job.
I love elephants...I swear I think they understand us.
Such a fun day you had! :)
Glad you had a great family day at the zoo.
bug looks so serious! and so sweet. :) great pix...i love zoos. maybe one day i'll get to visit this one.
Great pictures Donna. You had some good subjects (especially Bug) and they turned out great. Can't wait to see more.
Hugs, Joyce
I just love those big horn sheep !! We have zoos in Milwaukee and Racine-- and you just put a bug in my bonnet...lol. I am taking my wife to the Zoo now! Woo Woo!
It is a good thing |I found your Blog. thank you for the bright , clear pix.
Tom Schuckman
Disabled Vietnam Veteran: 68-70.... and Chrysler retiree-- 30.5 years.
Glad you enjoyed your day at the zoo. Loved all of your pictures, especially the bird with Bug and the waterfall one. Thanks for sharing, and waiting to see more. I wasn't bored, one bit!
Always, Rose~*
These are great pictures .....so much detail. I never get bored looking at your awesome pictures.
Have a great Sunday!!!!!
Lovely pics as always. So glad you got to see the kiddies and enjoy yourself! XO
What a day you had! That shot of Bug is so cute! I never had an elephant dance for me, that must have been a real treat. These are great shots you captured! Thanks for sharing them.
The pictures are so good, as always! I love the one of Bug feeding the bird. She's so precious!
In the Nashville Zoo, I was trying to get one of those pretty Lorikeets to sit on my finger, but I didn't have any of the nectar like Bug had. Musta made the bird mad, cuz it bit me on the thumb, and didn't want to let go. Didn't feel real good, but it didn't stop me from trying again...and he did sit on my finger.
Great pics. I always enjoy the zoo. The rainforest sounds like something I'd really like to do.
Wow, I wanna go! LOL Beautiful pictures! The bird is gorgeous, D.! Hugs to you, hon! Val xox
Wow, what a cool rainforest. The xoo looks pretty neat also. I haven't been to Pittsburgh's in years although Jon & Kate plus Eight got there. Looked good on tv. Glad you had a nice day...love the elephant! Love ya, Chris
... funny ... almost went to the zoo today with AKA ... I enjoyed the pics, especially of the giraffes ..!
... is that bug in one of the shots ..?
Bug's face looks so determined in the top picture. We haven't been to the zoo in ages....
Can't wait to see some more.
Bug is so cute! Linda
I love the zoo!! It has been so long since I have been. Maybe I ought to get someone to take me to San Diego to see their zoo and wild animal park. They say it is great. Have a good day and enjoy the football games.
Look how intently she's watching that bird! SOOOO cute!!
That looks like a very nice zoo. Animals are so interesting aren't they? I love that pic with her and that bird. The look on her face of wonder but also maybe a little bit of fear mixed in from what the bird may do. Hope you have a happy Sunday as well. Luv ya!
I love the zoo! I've been wanting to get there this past year.
What a great day! I love the photos : ) hugs, Bethe
Great shot of the mountain goat -- I wouldn't mess with that dude!
((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((HUGSTOYOU))))))))))))))))Very nice pics.glad you all had a good time.
I loved all the shots. The elephant, loved it.
Nice shots Donna and that Bug ... she is so serious with that bird. LOL
Oh hun :) I loved the pics of the zoo. I want to see more. You wouldnt bore me to death, lol. They came out great Im so glad u got to enjoy the day with ur family and Bug & Gage had a blast. I want to take Miss D to zoo soon too. I am just waiting for the weather to get cooler. Its just too damn hot, lol. I enjoyed the story you told about the elephant and what it did that was cute. The rainforest exhibit sounded cool too. Anyhow i hope u had a good rest of weekend. take care hun. ttys, Leslie
WOW - great pics - why do zoos always call their elephants ellie - I am starting to get paranoid - LOLOLOL
looks like you all had a grand time - great way to spend the day!!!
Peace--Ellie ~!~
Fantastic!!!!!!! Love the elephant!! : )
Looks like you all had a great day to be there. I'm sure you are tired. Great pics by the way.
Take care, Chrissie
Bug looks adorable in that first pic!!
very nice shots Donna, loved them all! Glad the weather permitted you to have a good day!
WOWWW some of the BEST ZOO pics i have seen...GREAT SHOTs ~d!!!
thanks for sharing!!
take care ^j^
Bug looks so cute and all the photos...look wonderful...hope you got some rest...hugs and love,
LOL..... Love the pictures...thanks for sharing
hugs Jayne
awesome pics
Beautiful pics....what a great day!
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