Well, you know I had to do something with more pictures, both yesterday and my trek to Presque Isle. Yesterday the day was a blast... and hot! I planned this weekend off correctly that is for sure. My parents had their hands full. The whole gang was there and after awhile the silliness and laughs became a loud roar. The neighbors didn't call the cops, but I bet you on more then one occasion they looked out the window to see what was happening and laughed along with us. The one picture of 'bug' is a little light, but in error I was shooting right into the sun. I had to share tho, look at that face!! She loved having her uncle throw her in the air.

Wanted to add a few more pictures of the sand dunes at Presque Isle. Interesting wood to say the least. I found out after the fact that Chris over at Cabs Creations went the day after I did. What a shame we didn't plan that better. It would have been a hoot to meet her face to face..... ::sigh:: next time we have to plan it right! She also posted some pictures so drop by and check it out.

Today was a good day. In the morning I did a new sidebar graphic... had to get more with the season I guess. Then I met my niece over at my parents. They had a ton of left over food, and the day was in the 80's again. It was much calmer there today and glorious. I don't want to go back to work tomorrow. ::stomping feet:: I don't, I don't, I don't!!! My Dad made a splash today and got me all teary eyed. He got in the pool and actually swam across. His legs don't work as well as they once did and his arms didn't come out of the water like they use to, but it's the first time in a very long time I've seen him swim like that.. or even attempt to. It was wonderful!! Growing up we had a pool in our backyard the entire time. He taught us all to swim, to dive, to be safe. He loves to swim and it breaks my heart to watch him stand there now. He doesn't get in a ton, and rarely if we are all there. With his health issues, sore knees, recovery hip surgery, I think he would just rather not have the attention and pampering. I was thrilled to see him making a splash and not be because he fell in :)
Another thing that apparently made a big splash was the mystery blogger. I received a picture from another JLand faithful. Brought back memories and they had a photo booth shot they wanted to share. If anyone else wants to send a picture, please do so. I'll post it and see if anyone can guess. I will do an entry in a minute with 'Mystery Blogger II'
Hope everyone had a great weekend and good start to the week. Be ready for school pictures. LOL I will be at the bus stop in am... something I haven't had to do in years......
90s here today for us! Ugh! But 64 & 69 highs for Thurs & Fri...WOW! I miss my pool at my folks house. I don't get to swim like I use to before. That is great that he is.
it may as well be fall here this past week LOL back up to the 80's this weekend though.
Bug sure is adorable and getting big. I love your scrapbok family pics :)
Awww...great news about your dad!
I love how you get creative with your photos! Great shots too!!
Bug is so cute it would be hard not to get good shots of her. Yes I thought of you when Chris wrote (she is in my graphic's group) that she had gone to Presque Isle also. Have a great rest of the week.
Hugs, Joyce
Okay, your Dad's swim got me all teary eyed.....what a wonderful moment and memory for you to keep :)
How cute is bug? OMG, the look on her face is priceless....her mind looks like it is always twirling with creativity!
Love & Pooh Hugs,
I'm so happy for you that you were able to be at your parents and got to see your Dad swim. Even if it did bring tears you have a wonderful memory to cherish. I bet Bug is all excited about her first day of school, can't wait to see the pictures. That mystery game is fun but me being a newbie I really don't know alot of the folks yet. Gonna go check it out anyway.
Beautiful pictures of the beach. The pictures of the driftwood really look awesome. Thanks for sharing! (and Bug is adorable, as usual)
Always, Rose~*
How cute ...Bug is just a doll!! I am so happy your dad went for a swim.
How did Bug get this nickname?
Have a great Wednesday
Cute pics of Bug. You did a good layout on them. Getting in that pool is the best exercise that your Dad can get, good for him getting in. I never would have guess mary in the mystery photo one thing because I had never seen her picture. Glad that you had a good weekend. Hugs, Helen
PS. I loved the nature photos. Helen
Fantastic pics donna. Bug is great with the camera!! Love the new sidebar graphic. take care mrs t x
Have fun at the bus stop! I miss those days! Linda
can't wait to see the bus stop pictures.....yeah...I wish I had a few more days off myself...but NOT is what work is saying hehe....
Hi dear, *hugs* I am telling you, i need to fly up there and join you alls get together one of these days, haa, lol. U all know how to throw a great fam get together with good food. Reminds me of my families when we do it every so often. not as often as i would like it to be though. I loved the pics of Bug. I cant get over how she is going to school now. She will love Kindergarten. My little one loved it. I think she misses it lol now that she sees that 1st grade is different. I definetly look fwd to seeing the bus stop pics. Ty for sharing more pics of the presque isle. Its really beautiful there. I do love yoru sidebar graphic too. I cant believe fall is near. Well not here in fl. Its always freakin hot we dont have seasons lmao. Oh about your dad. That touched my heart. Thats wondeful he got in the pool and got to swim a bit. I bet that made u all happy. God bless him. Well agian hun glad u had a good long weekend. Hope you have a good day ttys! xo, Leslie
Love the pics...the one piece of wood looks like a ducks head. So glad you were there to see your dad swim again. So glad you took these days off and enjoyed yourself too. XO
Love the new look of the blog....wonderful images of summer...Ü
I'm glad to hear your Dad felt well enough to go in the pool. What a great weekend Y'all had. Love the pictures!
Donna, loved the pictures of Bug glad your dad felt well enough to take a dip in the pool, Hugs Lisa
I checked out your new sidebar! It's awesome!
Bug is so precious!!!!! The second picture of the wood looks like a dinosaur's head!! LOL I'm glad your Dad took a swim....hugs to you...it is sad to see them not be able to do the things they use to do easily. I understand totally ~ with my parents getting on up in their years. I can't wait to see the bus stop pictures! I hope work isn't too bad for you. It's so hard to get back in the routine....
Bug is gorgeous ,but you know that lol ,fancy you and Chris missing each other like that,it would have been wonderful to have met up ...love Jan xx
Great pose Bug....... Love the wood photos
Glad that you had fun
hugs Jayne
Bug is just adorable!
Good for your dad taking a swim...I know that made your day!
Awww...wish you and Chris could have met...that would have been sooo cool!
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