Words, words, everywhere. That's kind of how this entry will be... but I found this site that will search your blog and pull in words to make a neat tag. Or so I thought anyway :) Wordle is real simple to use. Just go, select create your own, plug in your URL and it does the work. You can edit colors and the direction the text goes.
The last few days have been up and down. Last Thursday I had a business trip to Syracuse. It went really well. Later that evening I was just exhausted. On Friday I felt ill. My body ached, my head hurt, and my stomach wasn't up to par at all. I did go to work and fought through it. I was a bit pissed too. For days prior others in my department came in sick. Coughing up their lungs and bragging about having a fever. 'Damn it go home!' Why do folks think it's ok to come to work with a fever? I wasn't feeling great but I did not have a fever, nor was I coughing. After work I went with the family went out to dinner. My sister Martha Karen had her birthday this weekend. It was a blast! Sixteen of us to dinner then a beer tent fall fest that had a band playing. I wasn't much in the mood, but had to go for her. I was glad I did as I ran into friends that I haven't seen in years. I did pay for it Saturday. I felt like I was hit by bus. No, by a semi! I laid on the couch the entire day. Each time I stood I felt like I was going to toss oats. Imagine that and I didn't even drink.

Sunday I got up and felt so much better. The sun was shining and it was warm out. I decided to go to a local park and get some pictures. I was thinking it might be a nice place for my niece to go and get wedding pictures. She agrees. A fall wedding with trees decorated with colored leaves and a water fall in the background. I like it. Even if the leaves are gone, I do think it would be a nice shot. The park is the site of an old Mill that is now open in fall as an apple cider store. It wasn't open the day I was there, and the outside could use some grooming and a definite paint job, but it looks like they may be working on it. The run off falls near the main one was just as pretty but my shot is not the greatest. Not sure if was the setting or the lighting. I will definitely go back later in the fall to give it another try.

The rest of Sunday was spent watching football. YEAH Bills... they beat Jacksonville. Jacksonville had some injuries but are still a playoff caliber team. It's nice to be 2-0 to start the season. I can't remember the last time that happened. This Sunday it's Oakland. Can they go 3-0? Would be nice!
I got an email congratulating me on my counter hitting over 100,000. I know site meter had been down off and on over the course of the past several weeks because of upgrades but I didn't believe the count was correct. I emailed them and they assured me it was. Even though the counter may have disappeared or even the actual icon, I was still linked up and the stat's are correct. They did have issues and didn't roll out the new and improved with all that anyway. Ahhhh so it's not only AOL that tries to improve what is not broke. GRRRRRR why do companies do that? With that I wanted to say thanks to all my visitors. I appreciate the one second fly bys as well those that hang out for a few minutes. Thank you! Thanks also to those who noticed the quick snap shots on my sidebar. LMAO They aren't the greatest but I fooled around a bit and thought I'd add 'em for a bit anyway.

Guess what this Friday is? Can you guess? Ok, ok I will just tell you. Training camp starts! Whuuu huuuu my boys will be back!! This week is rookie training camp and then Friday the guys roll in. Our alternate jersey will be revealed on Saturday. They tried to keep it secret, but there are sites out there displaying a leak. Is it true? I have no idea, but I do know I like the idea. It's the original logo with the new blue color. If it is in fact the alternate jersey you can rest assured I will be going to Jochen Hecht's... 'what the hecht, you must be jochen.' No, no I'm not. LOL So are you ready for some hockey????
Well, enough words for one day... probably too many. Hope everyone is doing ok and has recovered from the storms in your area. Seems Ike has hit just about everyone. Here we had wild winds and some rain. Homes are still without power, but nothing compared to the devastation elsewhere.
Glad you are feeling better ....I get annoyed when people would come to work sick too ....great pictures!
Those are great pics. I love the waterfalls, but I love the old red bldg, too. I don't know too much about professional (or college, for that mattter) football. All I know is Roll Tide and Roar Lions (local college). I know less than nothing about hockey. (thankfully, lol)
I agree with you Donna that the waterfall cider mill would be a beautiful backdrop for some wedding pictures. Sorry to hear that your sick, and yes it does suck when people come to work sick!
glad you got to enjoy the festivities for your friends birthday party, it's alway nice to see old friends!
Hope you have a good hump day!!
We had a power outage and heavy winds. Not too much rain. Just on and off...but no storms.
It's crazy to me that we're feeling the effects this far north.
Love your sidebar pictures. And congrats on the 100,000 views on your blog!
BTW, that park is gorgeous.
Love the picutres. Impressive on the "counter". :o)
Darn, Wordle won't work with my journal because it's private. Darn, Darn. Enjoy your evening.
That wordle site is neat. I had to check it out but I'm about ready to conk out right here so I'll have to explore more later. Love the pictures and the waterfalls. That would be a beautiful backdrop for wedding pictures. Glad you are feeling better and congrats on the 100,000 hits. LOL...I have a long way to go to get there. Love ya, Chris
I completely agree...it is NOT noble to work with a fever while getting others sick!
Glad you're starting to feel better. I was in Albany for work this past Mon-Tues. Wish we could meet one day!!
Thanks for wordle...it's lots of fun!
Great photo's D. Sorry to hear you were under the weather, but sounds like you got over it enough to have a good time with sister and friends. Titan's are 2 and 0 also. Woo Hoo is right. Maybe they will do better this year. One can only hope.
Hugs, Joyce
Great photos of the Falls and Mill. And I did notice your quick snappies : ) Happy Hockey Season! hugs, Bethe
So glad Hockey is coming back for you....I know how you love it! My McDreamy comes back on the air next Thursday, so we'll both be happy campers soon :) :)
I'm so sorry you have been under the weather though my friend.....enough of that RIGHT NOW! Feel better.
Thanks for the wordle site, I'll be checking that out later tonight!
Love & Pooh Hugs,
That words thingy is pretty cool, but I don't have a blog or journal. I really loved looking at your pictures, it is very pretty where you are.
Carolina signed Staal for 7 years.........yum!
Great shots. I think wedding pictures here would be fantastic.
Thanks for sharing.
I am going to be up near Traverse City this weekend when training camp opens for the Wings, so I am thinking of going there to meet some of the guys and get some autographs!!! Wooo hooo!!!! HOCKEY is BACK!!!!!!! YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I tried to do the Wordle but when I copy and paster the code I cannot get it to show up as large as yours on my journal. Any suggestions?
I'm sorry you haven't been feeling well. I hope the bug moves on quickly and you get back to normal. The pictues of the falls and the old mill by the stream are great. I really like that mill house. I must admit, though, my mind did wonder how they are ever going to paint that side by the river, LOL.
A belated Happy Birthday to your sister Martha Karen. Glad you had a nice outing to celebrate.
I never commented on the new snaps of you in the sidebar because I thought you added them while I was on sabatical this summer and that they were probably old news. They look great and I'm glad you put them on your sidebar.
Good luck to your boys this season no matter what jersey they wear, LOL!
I'm sorry that you were ill, but I'm glad that you are feeling much better! I'll have to check out the wordle...looks like fun. Your photos are great...all of them! Your outing for your sister sounded like fun. I'm glad your sport will be back before long!!!!
Congrats on 100,000!!!!! Woo-Hoo
I love going to beer tents! It is always such a riot. Glad you had a good time. Linda
I am glad you are feeling better. I simply love all the pictures. I am still not to sure what wordle is supposed to do and how it works so I will go and have a look. Usually I get into a mess with these things.
I'll try that site out. Glad you had fun & you are better.
Sorry to hear you were feeling ill.
The pictures are beauiful and the wedding idea is great. Can't wait to see the pictures when it is time for them.
Take care. Hugs, Maria
i added what i think is an amazing Amber Alert to my sidebar. check it out sometime.
OMG, the pics you took are totally out of this world. I love love waterfalls....you are a brilliant photographer. I hate it that you were so sick but glad you enjoyed your sisters birthday bash!! I hate it when a coworker makes a person ill....sometimes though a job will fire or penalize you if you call off. LOVE YOU SO!!
oh, i tried to make a word thing and just like with everything else, i couldn't get it to work.
As usual, I am amazed at your photos. Like th wordle- Dannelle
I was screaming my lungs out cheering for the Bills - it is about time that they shined...I loved the game!!!
Your photos are always pretty...these are beautiful....
I hate it when people go to work sick...and think nothing of making others ill....your right, they need to go home.
Congrats on the 100,000 mark..that's wonderful!!
Hope your week is going well....hugs and love,
I'm a big waterfalls fan. I just LOVE the people in work bragging about a fever. THANKS, I'll be looking forward to getting that now, dude.
Sorry to hear you have been sick. It sounds like the virus that was going around here a few weeks ago. I love the pictures of the waterfalls, they will make a beautiful background for wedding photos.
Oh D, theres a lot of this crap going about. I have felt just the same as you.
Gaz xxx
PS, I hope your'e feeling better.
hi d, sorry to hear you have been unwell (got the lurgy myself...yuk) hope you are feeling better now. Sounds like you had a wonderful time at your sisters dinner! Stunning photo's looks like a perfect backdrop for wedding photos, wonder if you could super-impose mine onto them...lol!! i love autumn and waterfalls, we got married last autumn,perfect day.have a good weekend mrs t xxx
Donna, hope you are feeling better by now ! Hugs Lisa
((((((((((((((((HUGSTOYOU)))))))))))))))))))I hope ypu feel better.I been away on vaction,just letting you know so you didnt think I forgot about you.I love your pictures.Have a nice weekend.
Beautiful pictures and place!!
glad you are feeling better....
and congratulations on 100,000! Wow!!
Have a great weekend!
Linda :)
The pictures are great! I especially love the one of the mill. Linda
The photos are great as usual, and the word game was fun. Good luck tomorrow. Hope the Bills do well.
As always D, when you have bits and pieces to tell us I thoroughly enjoy the visit. Congrats on your 100,000 count! That's impressive. LOL .. I put site meter on my journal and got two reports only and the icon never showed up. But then, that's me, as you know.
Nice pictures. :)
Sorry to hear that you were feeling under the weather....... hope your better now
Great photo's
hugs Jayne
Great pics!
Hope you are feeling much better now Donna...
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