Saturday, January 14, 2006

And.. the snows came

The cold weather came back and we had a little snow today.  They called for much more than we actually got, but that's ok by me.  We've been lucky this winter!  It is in the teens now but will get back to the 50's next week.  I will take it so long as it stays!  I am tired of the crud!  I figured since the snow already came I could post this one :)  

Today was a lazy day.  Very lazy!!  I think I still have some after effects of being sick earlier in the week and I was just tired.  Or was it lazy?  Either way I didn't do much.  Sat on my arse from early evening to just recently watching sports.  Yeap, you heard me right.  I started with the early football game between Seattle and Washington.  Seattle won 20-10.  For the second game we had a conflict.  My boys were on and I really wanted to watch.  We have so many injuries we had several young guns from the minors up and I was curious how they'd do.  Some I had not seen play before.  In the first 5 minutes we had a 3-0 lead and my nephews wanted football.  So we played remote tag.  LOL Boys ended up winning 10-1... Wow!  It was such a blow out :)  I actually gave in pretty much and watched football.  I am not trying to be mean, but I am so glad Denver won!  I've heard enough about the Pat's and Bruschi to last a lifetime.  More football tomorrow and you can bet I will watch. 


Anonymous said...

lol, we have been having spring weather here, love the graphic. My sweety is a hockey fanatic too :)


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

It's nice to laze around all day doing nothing. We live such busy lives sometimes it's good to just sit and relax. We've had half an hour of snow all winter which didn't lay, that was too much for me!! Don't know how you cope with the amount you get!! Jeannette.

Anonymous said...

Jeannette is right, sometimes you just need a day to sit on your duff and do NOTHING!  I am starting to feel guilty for sitting online for so long but I have so many alerts to catch up on!  Hehe!  Linda

Anonymous said...

The graphic is beautiful!  I too had a lazy, sit on my tail kind of day.  Watched Seattle/Washington game.  Watched the dog show, the ice skating and the Pats/Bronchos.  I couldn't seem to get a fix on any one show.  Bleh kind of day!

Anonymous said...

It sounds like you had a good football day.. and I had a good figure skating day! lol.. "sports" musta been in the air!  (I can hardly wait for the Olympics to begin!)

Anonymous said...

Go Bears!!

Anonymous said...

Ugh! Freezing in the Philly `burbs! Just shoveled 4" of snow off the car!