Tuesday, January 24, 2006

It's back..........


The snow that is.  Usually by this point of January we have gotten over 18 inches of snow.  This year, less then 5 inches thus far.  ::knocking on wood:: so a mild one it has been.  The temperature is not bad but the snow has been falling off and on since about 4.  It looks like fine snow, but actually it is extremely wet and sloppy.  Great to make snowmen if there was enough, but horrible to drive in.  I saw 3 cars off the road on my way home from work.  Surely, it was someone who was going to fast and had total disregard for anything.  One, I am sure, thought their 4 wheel drive truck was going to keep them safe and on the road.  Wrong!  

I decided on this graphic because I liked it when I did it and two it really fits the mood.  Alone and searching.  Ok, so that is a bit drastic, but damn close.  I was online after work minding my own business reading mail.  I had a ton, and went as usual one by one.  I got a call and talked on the phone for a few minutes.  When I came back to my computer my mailbox was open but all I saw was envelope after envelope.  I saw no title, no from who, nothing.  I IMed someone on line and it apparently was not AOL but me.  So I logged off and shut down.  I rebooted without incident but when I went to open AOL I got an error about a file and that AOL would try to restore it.  I said ok and things seemed to be fine.  I logged on and opened mail. ARGH!!!  Nothing changed.  I went to AOL online tech support and actually got an answer rather quickly.  No run around like the other night with you know who.  :)  I logged off, shut down AOL as instructed and followed the directions.  I opened AOL and bam, same error, same process, same deserted mailbox.  I went back to live tech support and rather quickly got another tech.  Does no one use this service?  No wait time at all!  So I get a new tech and she proceeds to ask what my PFC looks like.  Hmmm.. there is stuff there but I didn'tthink it was too bad.  Some of the items did have graphics though.  She said it was probably to full and something was corrupted on this username.  Only solution was to uninstall and reinstall.  Though I hate doing that, it was the only way, she did say everything had to go.  So I uninstall and reinstall.  Yeah!  I got a normal mailbox.  Stuff saved in PFC is gone.  No big deal I will live.  I go through my mail, and fix my settings.  I open my favorites.  OMG!!  Nothing, zilch, empty.  Notta one.  Not even the AOL preset favorites, now that isn't a bad thing LOL  Ten years of accumulated favorites gone in a matter of minutes.  Hundreds I would guess.  Sure I hadn't visited some in years, some were probably dead, and it did need to be cleaned out.  But, yikes, all my graphic sites, all my tutorial sites, all my directions.  Gone.. poof... kazam...  Most of the tutorial sites I didn't use any longer, but sometimes I needed a refresher on how to... I will soon know how many brain cells are gone because when I need it I will have to go by memory.  OMG!  That is funny.  I am in my 40's, ok mid 40's and I have the ever dreaded CRS decease.  Can't Remember Shit!  Why do you think I had so many favorites in the first place?  So I sat and looked at the empty favorites and thought damn I had some good graphic sites there.  I did a little search to see if I could find the ones I had, and nope didn't happen.  I found new ones, and they have some good tubes, but they aren't 'mine.'  Hence, the alone and searching comment.     

All my favorite journals, gone.  Some I have on alerts so I can save them as posts are made, but I had to cut back there as I was coming home to 200-300 pieces of mail a day.  I fear some I won't find again :(  For those of you that forgot, I have CRS.  So, leave a link to journal as you comment and if you don't see me in a little bit feel free to email me the link.  It just means my reinstall zapped you, not me.  

I will be fine, the world is not ending, I will continue to do graphics and animation.  I will continue to find journals.  I will just start over.  I may evenfind bigger and better who knows.  I will just ask, if you have PSP tube sites or a journal can you email me the link?  I need to fill up my favorites again, I feel naked! 


Anonymous said...


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Anonymous said...

I think you are supposed to save your favorites down at the bottom of the favorite screen before uninstalling. At least I did that once then I had them. I like the graphic althought it looks lonesome. Sorry I don't have any tubes as I haven't figued out how to get them or use them. If I did you would surely be welcome to them. Helen

Anonymous said...

That's an awful thing to happen, I know it's not the end of the world but it's still awful. I'd hate to lose my favorite sites, think I'll go and clear it out so it doesn't get too full! Jeannette.

Anonymous said...

I lost everything once do to incompetent tech....sorry!!!

Anonymous said...

Sorry you had to go through al of this.   Good luck getting all your favorites back.  I hope this does not become a big issue for you later down the line.

Anonymous said...

Hi..just wanted to say what a fabulous atmospheric graphic!! I love it. Hope you get all your favs sorted again. Eve

Anonymous said...

This is becoming a common occurrence on AOL lately, Betty.  I'll e-mail you a solution a friend sent me.  The techs always say to uninstall and reinstall, which, of course, never do unless it's the last straw.  It has to do with corrupted files which can easily be found and gotten rid of.  If I can do it anybody can.  I'm feeling your pain though because I hate losing things.  HUGS  Chris

Anonymous said...

I am sorry that happened to you.
You have such lovely creations.

Anonymous said...

Great graphic, kind of has a dark look to it!  Sorry about AOL, I've been having problems too.  My journal is on my All about Me page, click my name and it will be there!  Linda

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Anonymous said...

hmmm, depending on what version of aol you are running.. (if it's 7 or above, I believe) your favorites should have been saved as they are kept by aol on the web and not on your computer.  You may want to contact a tech again and ask about it.. could be an "adjustment" and not a reinstall.  Also if you shared your favorite psp sites with anyone remember to email them and ask them to send the link to you.  And lastly... did you know that you can save your "favorites" folder to a cd?? well you can!  Once you get favorites going again I would advise that every so often you back up the folder.. if anything like this happens again you can replace the favorites folder after the reinstall and get all of them back that way. (I learned that the hard way too!)  I hope that was all you lost!!   I try to back up all I can about once every 2 months.. it's a pita but when something like that happens you can smile and say "neener!" lol

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry that you have lost everything. It is a shame that AOL can't be a bigger help.
It has happened to me a couple of times and it is annoying and sad.
I wish you good luck.
I do love the graphic you did share with us. Thanks!
Hugs, Maria

Anonymous said...

Aw no what a nightmare!!  It's certainly not your month regarding AOL huh?  Hope you manage to find your faves again :-)   Love the CRS syndrome - think I might be suffering that too lol

Anonymous said...

AOL sucks sometimes . . . well MOST time lol. I was having a problem for a few days too that they had me doing a gazillion things that DIDN'T help me. Finally they told me it was their problem and not mine. It's weird that after you reinstalled your favorites were gone. They usually stick around after the zillion times I've had to reinstall. I'm sorry you had to go through this and I hope you're able to at least get some of your things back


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