New and old ones... just wanted to organize my graphic folders. With the celebration graphics and work graphics I'm doing I needed to have a better setup. Work graphics, oh yes, I have been getting holiday e card graphics ready already. Can you believe it? Apparently no one wants to wait until the last minute. Good for me though :::grin::: I will get paid earlier too. LOL Maybe even add a few more this year. Keep your fingers crossed!

These are wonderful! :)
Wow, those are great!
The last one is sooo cool too. It's kinda spooky.
I'm trying to figure out the story there. Is he away? Is she missing him?
Has he died? Is he missing in action with the army? Hmmmm.....I love a mystery!!
Lv Stevie
These are great Donna. Like Stevie I want to know what that guy's doing outside the window! Has he forgotten his key, is he a snooper?! Have a great weekend! Jeannette xx
D, they are all great but the one with grandma and the rain and the apples is the best one i have ever seen you do...LOVE IT!
Astounding! My fav is the last one. Dreamy and wondering like. Grandma pic is cute too. Brilliant as usual! Millie :-)
beautiful Donaa! I think that the last one has a very spiritual connotation to it and I love it!
How lovely ,gets the imagination working again !.........Jan xx
I like the first two but the last one kinda scares me.
I like the first two but the last one kinda scares me.
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