Wow! I can't believe the weekend flew by and Monday is over already too. Well, ok Monday didn't fly by, but it's over! I even cheated a bit and left work a tad early.
Saturday was spent running errands and then in the late afternoon I had a wedding reception to attend. It was one of the best receptions I've been to. The rain held off and the Bride got her wish of being married on the private beach of her parents. I wasn't at the actual ceremony. That was pretty much for immediate family, which accounts for probably 100 people. The reception was held at beach bar and had a very casual Hawaiian theme. It was out of this world! The rain had held off so it was a bit hazy but very warm and humid. I can't imagine being out on the beach with the sun too. We'd have been fried by more then the alcoholic beverages. I decided to post this picture of the sailboat as it sat a short distance off the beach almost the entire time. I of course added another shot that I took of the sea gull. I actually took a picture of the bride and groom and misted into the foreground of this same picture, but I need to get permission to post that.
Sunday was a pretty relaxing. I did a little around the house and played a bit with the new toy. It was a hoot doing the sound bite. At first I couldn't stop laughing long enough to talk. Then the length became an issue. But it did make it, short and sweet. And I will tell you, that was hard! Believe me, I'm a talker, just ask Steve. After dinner last night Steve and I jumped on MSN and actually talked real time. It was out of this world! It was as clear as if he were sitting in the next room. I've talked over the Internet in the past, maybe 10+ years ago. Back then the connection was horrible and I was on dial up to boot. Just wasn't worth the aggravation. Last night was so different. No lag time, no jumping with the sound, and to be honest it was a better connection then I actually get on my home phone at times. And Steve, OMG! I could understand him fine and we talked like two long lost pals. Each talking a mile a minute and more then once you could hear the excitement as we both talked at the same time. Not to be rude of course, but we just had so much to say. Though he has a web cam, I don't so we just talked... and talked... and talked.. in to the wee hours of the morning. Hardly felt that we talked as long as we did, but it was hours. I am still in awe of the modern technology. Hearing the LOL's, the umms, the aaahh, the snorts during heavy laughter. It was wicked! Near the end of the conversation he did turn on the cam and I could watch as we talked. What a hoot! Seeing his facial expressions and movements as he showed me around his computer room. And the dimple... OMG! He is even more precious then the video's he posts show. I know what I will be getting, and soon. Yeap, a web cam! Too cool for words. Some how I don't see IMs in the same light.
This evening the kids are here for a short while. During that time I got an alert and we went to check out the entry. What a hoot! Here we have Steve singing 'Brown Eye Girl' as only he can do. ROFLMAO!!! The kids had to put on the headset and listen full boat. Bug, well she loved it. She danced and hummed right along with him. I had to grab the camera. Busted! But she loved it and asked me to play it over and over again. Too funny!

What a little cutie pie!
Steve sounds like an amazing person...and he sure can all sounds so exciting...hugs,TerryAnn
what a real treat for you to talk with stevie, he is such an awesome man. awwww what a real sweetheart that lil one is. she is beautiful. (((hugs)))
Dear Donna,
love and hugs from natalie!
sounds like everything has been great at the wedding!
and it sounds liek Stevie was very funny!
Donna, sounds like you had a jam packed weekend. Same here. Too much to do - so little time. Wedding receptions are a blast. I love going to them and knowing I don't have to drive home. Then I can have a really good time. MSN chat with Steve? WOW. How cool!!
Sounds like you're really going high tech these days. It does sound like fun, though. Glad you had a great time at the reception.
Well, you're having fun, no mistake. Keep it up!
The wedding sounded great fun, I hope you can get permission to post the picture ,Your little neice is so beautiful ,and what a hoot for you and Steve ,sounds as though you both had a good time ,.,.,.,Jan xx
A conversation with you have us all The wedding sounded lovely. HUGS Chris
H i D.
Your little Niece is sooo cute, bless her. Hoping to get set up for a chat anytime soon. I can just imagine the conversation you and Steve had. lol!! Would have loved to have been a fly on the wall. Glad you enjoyed the Wedding reception and can't wait to see the pics. All excited for Adam's wedding now. Can't wait.
See you soon. Love n hugs x x x
That's a cool wedding other than the sand part.
The bug just doesn't stop getting cuter!
deaer Donna,
wow! Im so happy that you went to such a nice wedding reception! how cool!
the entry is nice and refreshing too! lol! thanks! :):)
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