Saturday, August 12, 2006


Perfection: 1 : the quality or state of being perfect: as a : freedom from fault or defect b : the quality or state of being saintly
2 a : an exemplification of supreme excellence b : an unsurpassable degree of accuracy or excellence
3 : the act or process of perfecting


I had this conversation a bit earlier today.  What is perfection?  Is it the perception of yourself or that of someone else of you? 


Is it a size 2, perfect hair, perfect complexion?  Having all that is desired?  Being handed everything?  Waking up happy and healthy?  Working hard to accomplish something?  Having a ton of friends or a few close friends you can trust with your life, no strings, no expectations?  Watching your child grow?  Watching your grown child succeed? 


It's funny how we all have our own definitions of perfection, how one's life is defined by that definition.  How boring life would be if everything was perfect.  No flaws in the flowerbed to have a unique beauty stand out.  All lawns would look the same, each blade of grass a vibrant green and the same size.  Clouds would always look the same on a plain blue sky.  Nothing would change it would be 'perfect.' 


I'd like to think my life is perfection.  I work hard each day and have a sense of accomplishment when the day is done.  I make mistakes and own up to them.  I try to live each day without hurting folks, but unfortunately I don't always succeed.  I strive to perfect my downfalls, and make things right.  Having everything in place would be 'perfect' to some but not to me.  Waking up each day and having something to strive for, a goal to tackle, a smile on my face.  The simple things in life.


Ever think about what perfection is for you?   Do you define yourself by this?  Others?  Friends, family, strangers?  Curious........


Anonymous said...

To me perfection has to do with the Bible verse that Jesus says: "Be perfect as your Heavenly Father is perfect."  I know I cannot be perfect, but I think Jesus is talking about the striving here, the "process of perfecting", as in your third definition.  I would like to think I strive.  And I use the Lord as an example of that perfection, and other good people whom I admire.  Thanks for an interesting entry.


Anonymous said...

I am living my "perfect" life. I have someone who loves me no matter what and will do anything to avoid hurting me. Yeah I have issues to deal with, but who doesn't? Tawnya

Anonymous said...

Now heres an entry to think about .........Jan xx

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

My life is perfect, I have Andy and my two lovely cats, I couldn't ask for more in life! Perfection for me is not so much every blade of grass being uniform in size and colour, it's standing back and looking how all the different blades of grass complement each other to produce a perfect effect. Look what you've done now, you've got me getting profound!! Jeannette xx  

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Slightly different angle: perfection is in the eye of the beholder. It is subjective...

Anonymous said...'s toughie.
In people, I believe it's our faults that make us all perfect in our own way.

I think we're all like Mary poppins..'Practically perfect in every way', although she was far too bossy to be perfect in my opinion! lol!

Lv Stevie

Anonymous said...

If we were all the same and each of us were perfect, do you think our worlds would be ver boring?  I do.  

Anonymous said...

I think your definition of perfect is well........perfect.  Linda

Anonymous said...

Perfection is when all your nails are the same length and you can still type 60 wpm and pick the car key up without a problen.

Anonymous said...

Thank you so very much for this interesting entry. It really made me think.
I think "Perfection" is in the eye of the beholder.
I just wonder why some people have the urge to walk around and tell others, if they want to hear it or not: I AM A PERFECTIONIST!
So?....Why do people have the urge to let others know? Should it be an excuse for them? In case they go over the top? - Or appear terrible boring to others? - Or do they want to intimidate others? - I could never figure out such behavior. Thanks for making me think....even thought it is kind of dangerous for me, before I had my first morning coffee :)
Have a wonderful Sunday. Hugs, Maria

Anonymous said...

LOL, D, I am far from perfect.  I don't even seek perfection because I would drive myself nuts.  It's more of a spiritual thing with me.  And, of course, I have my head spinning.  I struggle with tags because I do like some SAC tubes.  Do I use them?  I don't see that a tag is that awful when nothing is exposed.  But then others do.  This whole thing with me started when I started going to church with Becky, my oldest daughter.  She is searching for some peace.  I think it's a good place to go.  Now, I'm more confused than she is.  LOL..and longwinded.  HUGS  Chris

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Dearest Donna
I don't think that peopleare perfect; ina sense I think Mother Nature is...and the spirit whihc is the collection of all spirits and souls, is to me perfect! Interesting forum Donna! thanks!:) love ya,natalie