Aaaww, I am so flattered. Thank you all for the emails, but all is good. Honest! I've not given up graphics, not one bit. I took a break from my tag journal during the preparation for the 3rd Anniversary Celebration as I knew I would not be able to get the tags out in the manner I like and you've grown accustomed. I've just not gotten back to posting another. I'm flattered beyond belief with the notes. Thank you! I will post a few snags here next and get a new tag up soon.
Home life is good and my iron is working just fine thank you. I've not had any issues with safety latches or outlets. I don't like it but it does the trick. It definitely falls into the category of 'you get what you pay for.' I figured I would go cheap as it's been a staple in my house and the last few just did not last. But dang it's so light weight and I feel like I could do the ironing with my bare hand if I could get it hot enough. Alas, I have wrinkle free clothes and I can relax.
Work has been good. Busy, but good. I am having a very successful month and hope it will translate into some $$$$$ soon! LOL Need to invest in a few more toys for me and no shite get ready for Christmas. Can you believe summer is just about over? School is starting across the country/world and it won't be long before you see the decorations in the stores. It use to be that Christmas things didn't come out until after Thanksgiving, but that is no longer the case in my neck of the woods. They all overlap. I find Halloween mixed in with back to school, mixed into Thanksgiving, and yes even Christmas. ARGH!!!
I'll admit it, I've also gotten caught up in live chat. I just can't get over it. I don't mind typing, but damn it is so much faster, and less likely to have things taken wrong. I'm probably a bit behind the times too. No doubt some of you already knew, but like I said after my experience years ago I never tried again. I haven't been a big chatter in years. I got disgusted with chat rooms unless they were more or less private and with a group of folks I knew, but if you do chat and haven't tried it let me suggest you give it a whirl. It's free and so easy! No doubt you'll never go back :)
A few more weeks and my boys will be on the ice! Whuuu huuuuuu I am stoked!! I got a bit of sad news today tho. One of my fav's will not be back. JP Dumont will be playing in Nashville. He ended up going to arbitration for his salary negotiations and the arbitrator just went to high for management to accept, making him a free agent. He was free to go wherever. They did make him an offer, and I had such high hopes he could put the bitterness behind and come back. No such luck. My eyes filled with tears when I heard the news today. Good Luck JP, you deserve good things. I wish you and your family well.

I dont even know what live chat is! lol
I have been buying Christmas presents here and there for over a month....little bit at a time!
hugs to you,
shhhhhhhhhhh, don't say that "C" word. I'm not ready for it yet. I have'nt recovered from last year's, lol. (((((((hugs))))))
I Follow your journal (WITH MUCH INTEREST),And do not understand snag and tag differance,braindead or what LOL!! Though whatever graphics Iv'e seen are fantastic.Don't know which one can have free etc or ddo we have to ask permission by E. mail to you ?I love the ocean ones, due to lme living at the coast and looking out at the ocean,from my main windows.Christmas I started 2 weeks ago.A night mare.So started early one or two stores in the UK are full around me of xmas goods already.Chat I dare not attempt!!! if I had the time.Scares me to death thinking of you have mentioned. I think most things do,when one is new to the pooter.You deserve all the praise you get.Glad you and your iron have become best friends Haa!! Us domestic engineers, need to get on well,when we work together LOL!! Happy for you work is fine, and Good Luck for JP you talk of.Take care.
Astoriasand. http/
Dear Donna
great... Im glad that you will stay with your marvelous graphics!
Im glad you're enjoying chat!yes it is odd that sores have Chrismas decorations up!
Im so sorrya bout JP:(:(
love you Donna!
I do live chat with my works better on yahoo for some reason I can't get it to work all the time on aol??? have no idea why..always says that something else is using the mic? Glad all is well with you...take care,TerryAnn
Gosh that is frightening Christmas in the shops already ,and we havent had our hols yet ,.,.,.,Jan xx
Christmas, oh please. It's not even September yet, aaaaarghh!!!
Anyway, chat can be enjoyable, but you're right - pick the right company
Hi Donna,
Kids in England mostly start back to school on Wednesday. Those six weeks have flown by so fast.
We were out shopping yesterday and saw the first signs of Christmas in the shops. Wrapping paper.
Can't believe it's that time again already. This is my favourite time of year though. I love the crispness of the leaves and the gorgeous orange colours. Beautiful. Can't wait.
Love n hugs, speak soon. x x x
Arghh! Don't mention Christmas! I tend to celebrate less and less each year, it's just too commercial for me now. Bring back the old days when Christmas wasn't all about food and drink and how many presents we get! Sorry JP has left you. Jeannette xx
Right about now - I don't wanna hear about Christmas - thanks! LOL!
I'd be interested in knowing more about this live chat you mentioned. I don't really have a clue right now, LOL! It is way too early to be thinking about Christmas much less to see it in the stores already!
Live chat???What is that? I guess I am behind the times. I've missed you tags but I figure you be around again. I can't wait until Fall & Halloween stuff come out!
The store I work for, skips over Thanksgiving all together. So do some of the other stores in Rochester. They say it's not profitable, but hey at least you can get a free turkey after you get 250 points.
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