Thursday, August 24, 2006


Well, things are pretty much back to normal.  Work has settled down, even after my 4 hour meeting today.  ARGH!  Well, actually two separate meetings, but they lasted a total of 4 hours.  Back to back, both conducted by men with very very strong foreign accents.  The first was with an Indian Dr from the local University.  I was selected to take part in a study that he was conducting for the school.  Impact of relationships.  It was pretty interactive and since I am pretty blunt and open about things like that it was actually not too bad.  That is except for a bit of strain trying to understand what it was he was asking, or what he was looking for.  After 2 hours he asked me to come back for part II, oh the joy.  I wasn't given a choice the first time around, well not really anyway.  I was just sent a meeting request, I suppose I could have said no for part II, but I didn't. 


The second meeting was a Chinese man talking about our business and the culture in China.  Laws, what the process is, the impact, and the changes in the Chinese cultures.  This was not interactive at all.  I sat in our conference room right next to the CEO.  There were times I actually has to shift my position as I felt my eye lids getting heavy and feared I would just fall forward smacking my head on the table.  It was hard to follow at times.  Not only the accent, but it was conducted over the phone/web and the connection was not the greatest and the gentleman was pretty soft spoken.  Added to the fact that I had already been in meetings.  My head was spinning!


I got back to my desk and finished out the day without incident.  Well, almost.  I needed a break and decided to clear my head with non work related reading.  I found myself reading the funniest story.  So much so that I laughed, cried, snorted, and about choked from lack of air.  Co-workers came to my aid not knowing exactly what was happening.  I couldn't even catch my breath to tell them.  I laughed so hard the tears rolled down my face taking every bit of makeup with them.  Lovely black streaks on my cheeks, and dropson my desk.  I grabbed a Kleenex and noticed that my co-workers were actually laughing right along with me and didn't even know why.  It was so refreshing.  It caught me so off guard but cleared my head and my lungs.  It felt good to laugh like that, but then again over the past few weeks I've been doing a ton of it.


I often say things happen for a reason.  We don't always know right away what that is, but something brought the event on.  I'm a strong believer in that.  We certainly force the direction of our lives by the choices we make. A decision, an answer, a social event, how we interact with people, and of course timing.  What we do with those choices are what make us who we are.  Yet, why did we do it that way?  I can honestly look back on some of my choices and be totally baffled as to why.  It was out my character but for some reason I did it any way.  Regrets?  Sure I have some, but the positives I've gained far outweigh the negatives.  I have thought 'what if', but know any other choice would completely change the make up of my life along with so many others.  Good or bad.  I don't think I'd change a thing.


An event of this nature took place not too long ago.  I met a wonderful person, so gentle, sincere, unique, and humorous.  I had to start a conversation as the person made a connection to me right off the bat.  Fate?  Don't know, but I know it was something.  As we talk and get to know each other there are little connections that actually are spooky to an extent.  Not, BOO spooky, but OMG I know that, I feel that, I've done that spooky.  A day or conversation hasn't gone by where I haven't scratched my head at one point and said to myself, is this a parallel life?  Have I really known this person for years or in another life?  I am sure you've all experienced something like this.  Where immediately walls and fences come down and you feel 100% comfortable and safe with someone you've just met.  In the process of getting to know this person in this life, (because yes, maybe I did know them in another)  I've found myself crying uncontrollably over stories of their past, their present, and their dreams for the future.  I've laughed so hard I actually thought I'd wet myself it didn't stop.  I've looked forward to my dreams and hopes as well as theirs.  I've been taken to places I haven't been in a very long time and can only hope I've had some type of impact on them in return.  I do think I have.  I look forward to the next conversation, the next story, the next event.  I just can't imagine not having made the choice I made those weeks ago.  I can't imagine having them not warm up to me with a response.  I would be missing out on such a wonderful experience, such a great relationship with no strings or expectations, a friendship found that without a doubt will last a lifetime.  Call it fate, call it coincidence, call it the wonders of the world.  Things happen for a reason and if we follow our heart and soul, the journey to find those reasons can be the most wonderful experience.  I'm assuming you made it to the end of this rambling mush of an entry so I want to say Thanks!  Thanks for being part of my life, I'd have it no other way.  Why this entry?  Why today?  Maybe the meeting this morning, maybe in my far out, round about way I wanted to say thanks.  Who knows... the world is full of wonders.


Anonymous said...

What a lovely entry ~ I was laughing with you ~ dont even know what the book was you were reading but you describing your co workers reactions to your laughter was lovely ~ Ally

Anonymous said...

Awww, I wonder what you were reading..;-) ROFLMAO!!

This was lovely hun...nearly got me crying myself!!!

Love Stevie

Anonymous said...

A lovely entry Donna! Laughter is so good foir us all. Imagine a world without it. I've known a few people with totally no sense of humour, I can't stand to be around such miseries! I had a 4hr accreditation meeting this week so can understand you almost falling asleep! Have a great weekend! Jeannette xx  

Anonymous said...

It's great to hear that laughter fills your life these days.  It is so important to see and feel the humor of life.  I was chuckling as I read about your plight in front of your coworkers.  I think it is really cool that you have found a soulmate, or kindred spirit, if you will.  Our lives are enriched by the friendships we share.  This was a great way to say thanks to your friend.

Anonymous said...

What a great entry yes Iread it all ,and related to so much of it ,quite moveing in places and laughing in others ,and yes laughter is such a good tonic ,,wondering what you were reading? lolol .....Streaky make up ,onto your desk lolol ,.,.,.,Jan xx

Anonymous said...

Great entry Donna.

Hugs, Angela

Anonymous said...

"Imagine" is one of my most treasured songs of my life. It took about 3 min to begin playing after i came here.
What a wonderous entry....i love it! Its good to peek into your mind and see how you feel about things. I have had that connection with only a few people in my life but i understand what you are saying. I dont know what made you laugh but i wish i did! LOL   I am glad you were able to feel joy and that you made it thru that boring 2nd meeting!
hugs, lisa jo

Anonymous said... wondering what the heck you read that was that darn funny....I wasn't even there and I had a good laugh out loud...the meetings sounded so long and boring...hope you have a great day...hugs,TerryAnn

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Anonymous said...

Very intense day, Donna, but thoroughly rewarding by the sound of it. Such is life :-)

Anonymous said...

If I'm wrong I stand corrected but sounds like you could not communicate with the people at work and started reflecting on the people you "really" communicate with. Just a thought.
Love the graphic.

Anonymous said...

I agree with what your saying and I don't know how you managed to stay awake in those meetings!! LOL

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Dear Donna,
what a beautiful and fascinating story!
you are such a talented storyteller!