ARGH!!!! I've been without my Internet connection for the past 8 hours!! I am just using the entry I was in the process of doing this morning when it went 'poof'. To pissed to do another... LOL Obviously some of my comments below are not relevant at this point. At 8:20 pm I was back...
I stayed up a little late last night, definitely wired from the day I had. It wasn't enough to realize my boys will start playing hockey again, I had to run into an old love. No doubts about making the choices I made long ago, but it did make me think 'what if.' How so much in my life would be different. At the rate we were going back then, would I even be here? Very scary thoughts. Don't get me wrong, we had fun, times were good mostly, but there are things I'm not necessarily proud of. Oooh the shame... ::evil grin:: It appears he has grown up, thank gaawd, but we didn't discuss his path there. I'll admit there was a twinge... just a little one. After what we'd been through together I would have been surprised if there wasn't. Those damn eyes! LOL No worries though, it was good to walk away.
I did wake up today to see the sun trying to come out. It's been a little overcast here for days. Rain on and off, so it was a nice sight. There is actually some blue up there too! Yeah! Air smells clean and the sounds are pretty pleasant. I've been hearing motorcycles go by all morning so it's a reminder that summer isn't completely over!!
No major plans today. Will definitely be stopping in for a J-Land chat, and of course it's Sunday so football will be on. I'm a jock at heart, and no not a jockstrap! Though I've heard some think that. :)~ Ahhh ya can't please everyone, can ya? And I am way to old to even start trying at this point! Unlike hockey I am not glued to the TV while football is on, but I do pay attention to the majority of the games. I like to know who is doing what. Is TO bad mouthing Drew yet? Is Portis playing today? Is Porter? Is anyone from the Vikings in jail today? Has the Detroit coach been driving around naked again? OMG!! How can you not be at least a bit curious?! What is up with all that? Is it the money going to their head? WTF!?! 'Nuff about football. Good Luck to your team today, that is, unless you are a Miami fan. LOL
I played with another one of the pictures I took yesterday. Seeing boats on the lake was such a treat! Area folks are not ready to succumb to the inevitable either. It was pretty overcast like I said, so I played a bit and decided to change it, adding a slightly sepia tone. Not 100% sure I really like it, but it hides the grayness of the day. I've seen enough of that so it's a welcome change!!

Well, as I sat here writing this I got knocked off AOL. I saved this and tried to reconnect. I knew there were issues as it was looking for my connection method. So, for once it wasn't AOL but my Internet provider. I still have cable on my TV so I called to see what was up. They don't know, but apparently the entire area is out. Oh Goodie! Am I still excited about Time Warner taking over? Eeeek time will tell. Being fairly new here, it's not starting on the right foot with me.
Well, it's 7 hours later and I still have no Internet connection. A truck apparently took out two telephone poles and damaged cable. It is kind of scary though, several 100 square miles are effected. Mid to Western NY area, part of PA, and a portion of OH. Now I don't know much about the cables, etc, but I can't believe they have no way to re-route things so not such a huge area is effected. I'm now going through withdrawal!! I missed all of the chat :( I am so sorry and I know my mailbox is over flowing. ARGH!!! As I sit here updating this to be ready to post when I get back on I see my cable modem lights going batty. I just wish all would come on. Can I get that lucky this evening? You'll know as quick as I. LOL
Ohhh the Bills beat the Dolphins 16-6. It was ugly! But a win is a win.
I was wondering where you were during the chat. grrrr...don't you just hate when those connections get screwed up. HUGS Chris
It is so aggravating to write an entry and have it go POOF!!!! Hope everyhting is back up and running by tomorrow!
love ya,
The graphics are beautiful, I love water scenes, they are so relaxing. sorry to hear you had no internet connection, i know i hate it when that happens. hope you have a good night. (((hugs)))
Love the graphics!! TerryAnn
That was such bad luck with the internet connection going down, makes you realise how much we take it for granted. Sorry you missed the chat last night. I've never been into a chat room and doubt if I ever will! I love the graphics, wish I was waking up in the place where that first one is! It looks so idyllic. Jeannette xx
Oh Donna how annoying and you were so looking forward to the chat too ,Ididnt go either Maurice was not long in after work so it was dinner and chat at home for me ,.,.,.,Jan xx
When I read that about your old love ,the song"What might have been", was playing in my mind. Glad you have no regrets.Sometimes the right people come along at the wrong time.Sad :-(
I went to the chat for a few minutes,I really am a fish out of water there though.But I still say they ought to have it every Sunday,that way you don't have to remember a certain date,just know it's on Sundays.Oh well.
Have a good one.
Could u imagine life without the internet..?
I sure can't....haha Hi, My name is Terri and i
am addicted to AOL....hehe
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