Yeap, I went down to the arena today to get my t-shirt with the new logo. All jerseys were gone, so it appears it is not a complete failure. I am still not sure about the logo, but I will live. I love the colors, I love my boys, and I don't really care what's on the jersey but the talent that is in them!! The place was a mob scene. The open practice was at 10:30 so I thought if I waited until early afternoon I'd be good. Well, I was, but I was very surprised at how many folks were still there at 1. News footage showed a good many seats full. Now I just can't wait for the season to start! First preseason game is Monday. Wuuuuu Huuuuu
While browsing the store and deciding on what I wanted I ran into an old friend. A very old friend. I stood looking for the self clings for my car windows and I felt a breath on the back of my neck. It was kind of spooky that someone would get that close to me there and I was afraid to turn around. I did finally hear a voice, and it was hauntingly familiar. I turned with a snap as that was a voice I didn't hear in public as much as I heard in private. Very private! Meaning he had a completely different tone in certain instances. We looked each other in the eye and without missing a beat we started talking. We haven't seen each other in a good 15 years and we dated much earlier then that. I use to think he was the one, and back then he was. For a couple years. I grew up and he didn't. It was sad, my heart broke but I knew it was for the best and it was something I had to do. I needed to move forward with my life. The care free party go lucky had to end and I had to become an adult, he wasn't ready. He looked good, and changed a bit, but not enough for me not to know it was him. I'm surprised he knew it was me. Said my hair gave it away in a flash. LOL The wild wind blown look that I hate.. he always liked. I remember when I cut it all off he was pissed! We chatted a bit and kissed each other on the cheek and went on our merry way. It was nice to see him but we made no attempt to keep in touch. It's for the best.
After I left the arena I went to the marina and snapped some shots. I thought I'd put a little collage together of the city. Nothing is great, and the sky was a bit overcast, but I was able to get some half way decent shots of the skyline, of the boats on the water, the lighthouse. I even included the new logo from the front of my shirt. No doubt I will be playing with the photos by themselves at a later date. The one below caught my eye when I was transferring from the camera. I liked the way the HSBC building reflected on the water. Those boats won't be there much longer! I tried to get a shot the other way, but my gawd there were so many boats you couldn't make out what was what. Oh well, this one works :)
Ohhhhhhhh and don't forget!! Our very own Guido has been organizing another chat for J-Landers. The link is in his sidebar as well as here.
He has the start time as 8 PM for those across the pond, that will make it 3 EST. Try and stop in to say hello. The celebration chat was a hoot. You never know what might happen. ROFLMAO got me started on items to put in Ste's package. Say it with me now.... underooooooooooooos LOL

Happy to read you got your T/shirt,seems the jerseys were popular being sold out!!I have met a few old friends in this way,since I moved to the coast.all on holiday here,it is a lovely feeling to meet after so many yrs.The collage is wonderful.The HSBC one love it!!!!!Especially the boats this one reminds me of my hometown harbour.Not into chat, so I am afraid I am too nervous for that one.I wish !! Not to worry maybe one day.Take care.
Would like to see you in a picture ,wearing your new T/shirt,good luck to the Sabres this season ,nice to meet up with your old flame and realise you did the right thing ending the relationship ,.,.,.,Jan xx
WOW, old love walked up to you and you spoke? What a moment.....sounds like you handled it know i never handle it well when it keeps happening to me. I am glad you went and saw "your boys". LOVE LOVE the pics.
XO lisa
How lovely your old flame recognised you after 15 years ~ glad though you both went your merry ways with no regrets ~ Love the picture ~ Ally
Well, well. Blast from the past, eh. BTW thanks for the heads-up :)
Glad you got your shirt.....can wait to see the pictures.....and old flame huh???? Any chance of sparking up another romance???? I guess not : (
Take care, Liz
cool beans Donna! hugs,natalie
Glad you at least got the tee shirt!!
Cool picture...very pretty!!!
love ya,
Woah.....I hate running into ex's...(depending on why we split)!
Bet it nice to reminisce though right? Is that how you spell reminicse??!
Lv Stevie
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