I've noticed for the past few days/weeks that the leaves are slowly changing color, mixed in with the various shades of green you could see reds, oranges, and yellows. Fall has always been my favorite season. The crisp air, sunshine always so bright when it is out, and the bitter sweet smell of the fallen leaves. It also saddens me a bit, as I know summer is over and the cold winds of winter are not far off.
Today as I walked out the door to leave for work it was a beautiful day in front of me. The sky was a bright pale blue with specks of white clouds. The sun was bright as it peeked over the houses across the street, its rays sparkling off anything that would catch them. Then, there in my front yard I noticed the most unbelievable display of color. The small tree next to my driveway had pretty much turned completely yellow. A speck of red and orange but mostly yellow. And as the sun rays reflected off it, you'd swear it was a blaze. It glowed! The wind was making the flame like leaves twinkle in the air.
Driving into work the clouds over downtown were just as beautiful! The weren't big rolling clouds but rather short, stout, and long. They looked more like waves crashing into the shore. The blue sky as a back drop served as the ocean. The sun shining into them caused the shades of gray to look more purple and the white had an yellowish blue tint. As the strong winds blew them, and the sun reflected on them, you could almost see a rolling surf. I had my windows opened a crack to enjoy the fresh air. Between the gentle roar of the traffic and the rustling leaves on the trees lining the highway I could hear the surf. If I could have closed my eyes, it would have felt like I was on the beach just one more time.
On that highway closing my eyes would not be a good idea! Hmmm.. well... while driving.. it wouldn't be a good idea to close your eyes! Aaahhh.. but alas there is usually some woman driving down the road with at least one eye closed as makeup is being applied. LOL
Behind me the scene was very different. The dark black clouds were rolling quickly as they piled on top of each other. No blue was coming through and it was hard to believe the sun was shining so bright in front of me only to disappear a few miles away. I could see a haze lower then the clouds and it was definitely raining. From the looks of it the raining was coming down in buckets. A flash here and there, then nothing but darkness. Quiet darkness is all I could see behind me.
Ironically I end my day the same way. Not with the vibrant colors of early morning, but with the same contrast. White and black. No in between. It either is or isn't. No discussion, no faint colors, just black or white. Holding others back because you don't believe. Life really shouldn't be so definitive, it really isn't. It's about loving, forgiving, expanding companionship, allowing folks to grow. It's about trust, believing, understanding. I choose to live my life in color, take a risk or two, give things a chance, you?

"I choose to live my life in color, take a risk or two, give things a chance, you?"
I agree. I can't NOT do things without taking a chance, a risk. Sometimes life seems like it's in black and white. It's nice to sit back once in a while and observe everything around you. Notice the beauty in the world and the changing of the seasons. To snag a line from Tim McGraw...."Live like you were dying." You never know what tomorrow may bring. Amen to that!
A very heartwarming entry, I could see the picture you painted with your words, nature and its changing colours has always intrigued me, the seasons each of them have their own beauty and mystery and today you painted in words a perfect day with changes, just as they occur in our lives. Living in colour and seizing every opportunity for living life at it fullest is always better than the alternative. Thank you for a beautiful picture of today.
That was an inspirational entry ,yes look at the colours ,but look at the clever graphics to illustrate it all too ,.,.,.,Jan xx
Fall is my favorite time of the year living in NH :).
I agree, how many people live their lives in negativity? Such a waste, we only get this one chance of living, let's make the most of it! I love your graphics for this entry! Jeannette xx
Hey, I always drive down the hghway with my eyes closed LOL, that way I don't have to see what a crap shoot the town I was born and raised turned into.
TIme to relocate? YES!
I love the way you express yourself. ME? IT's a bleh, whine, rant, rave entry over.
you are in the same reflective mood i have been in. You are so cool and one reason is because you have a knack for taking the time to see what so many others do not. You live in your head.....you are intelligent and i LOVE reading about your views and what you see.
I think the sky has been so beautiful lately.
HUGS, lisa jo
I'm not supposed to be closing my eyes while driving down the highway? Damn, at 41, someone finally tells me ;']~Mary
I was driving down the road one day and like you said the sun was shining ahead of me but a storm cloud was sort of following me and I could see the shadow of it in my rear view mirror, the darkness ever getting closer and catching up to me. That was just the other day! Funny you should write that about your experience. BIg hugs, Shelly
Bless ya!!
Ya know, as a kid and early teen, I used to think that when it was summer here, it was winter there in USA, and vice versa.
I used to be so jealous of you all when it was Winter here...soaking up in that sun while we were freezing our scrots off. It's such a satisfying pleasure to know that I was wrong..LOL!!
Lv ya,
My computer crashed Sunday. I am trying to catch up!!!! I love fall too, now that I am in Michigan I love it even more with the colors of leaves and such. My fave thing is going to the cider mill.... Tawnya
My computer crashed Sunday. I am trying to catch up!!!! I love fall too, now that I am in Michigan I love it even more with the colors of leaves and such. My fave thing is going to the cider mill.... Tawnya
Most of the trees haven't started to change yet here. I hope we have a nice display this year.
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