.....cuz I know ya'll love the sparkles and glitter! LMAO Angel over at Angels Artistic Expressions had some tags up and I had to ask about the 'blings' she was using. The doll wasted no time in sending them back to me along with directions.
So I am up way too late playing with them. Will have to try a few more to get the movement and the graphics better.. but for now if I see another blink or another sparkle I think I will go into convulsions..... if I get a bit batty with them, blame her! LOL Actually, you can pretty much blame her for all my graphics. She was a saint helping me get started a year ago. Thanks Angel!! Do you offer the 12 step program too?

dear donna i have never commented on a journal before,i am from the uk and i read 4 lovely journals.yours is the only usa one i read.all your pics and stories are brilliant.i just can,t believe these nasty people.keep it up you must be doing something right to get up there noses.jealousy is soooo uncool! thank you for sharing pics and stories.love joanne x
I couldn't believe that first comment! I hope you just ignore and block this saddo! I love the graphics, those little cats on the porch and the fairy in the first one, brilliant work! Jeannette xx http://journals.aol.co.uk/jlocorriere05/Welcometomytravels
Absolutely lovely ,Have snagged both ,as for the person who wrote the venom ,DELETE its your lovely journal you dont need that ,.,.,.,Jan xx
what a real charmer trademachinedog is eh? J-Land is better of without this type of person. Ignore it Donna or name and shame. As for Stevie, he wants no part of the awards anyway and that is HIS choice. Thanks for letting us snag these graphics and you have a good weekend and ignore the stupid remarks.
love both...as usual. :) i'm gonna snag em and thanks! :)
I love the blue Donna, very pretty! Linda
My group just sent the tut to do blings and lots and lots of blings so sometime this weekend...I am gonna try my hand and play around with them..if the children will allow me the computer time!! Love the tags!!! Have a great weekend...TerryAnn
WHAT THE HELL'S???! What was THAT first message about?? Omg, D, you ok hun?
Take no notice......email me, k?
Lv Ste
....and yes Trademachine, I would like to point out that I backed out of the Vivi's long before Donna did, and no, NJ didn't put me up to it either. IT WAS MY CHOICE!
Christ, what is the big deal?!
(@Donna>Lv Ste)
LOL...go ahead blame me :o) It's quite alright. I don't think there is a twelve step program but I can write one! hehe ;o)~
These tags are simply AWESOME!! You did a great job as always! I love them. I snagged them both,hope you don't mind.
and I know I probably shouldn't say anything at all... but against my better judgement I must say THIS to everyone......Donna is a very strong and amazing woman. Not to mention a very, very good friend of mine. Everyone is telling D to ignore so WHY would any of you even comment on that 1st comment? All it is doing is adding fuel to that arseholes fire! Practice what your preachin people! Donna could delete it if she chooses to. OR she can leave it there for everyone to see what an ignorance looks like in true form, lol! So please all...just don't comment on anything else that these jealous immature people have to say. Donna can handle it. If you want to support her, pray. God will handle what donna can't ;o)It's time to let the fire burn now.
(((Love ya D!!)))
Hey D.... that first one is so coool!!
both are gorgeous...that midnight fairy and the BLUE are just amazing.
Love, lisa
both are gorgeous...that midnight fairy and the BLUE are just amazing.
Love, lisa
grabbed them both!
Darn, I missed the comment. Oh well, coming here for the graphics was enough.
I do have a journal but censored from leaving a link. Please feel free to email me for the link. Please be over 18yo. And preferably male. And Cute.
LOL...D, I didn't know you didn't have "blings." I just started using them. They are so addicting. I'm so tempted to put them in everything. ROFL...I'm afraid JLander's will start having seizures from lookingat them. Did you know you can colorize them? I have the download and tut for that also. HUGS Chris
So beautiful!!!! Thanks sharing!!!! Hugs, Maria
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