Thursday, September 21, 2006

True Colors

Well... I was going to let my entry last night be the end of the topic for me, but I can't.  I promised myself long ago I'd always be true to me.  I did not resign from the Vivi committee because my feelings got hurt.  And contrary to popular belief it wasn't because of NJ.  Paaaleaase folks you are giving him way to much credit!  If he had that power, I highly doubt he would be playing with it here.  He'd be out making a fortune someplace.  So enough.  I am not afraid of him, nor did he bully me into this.  Nor did anyone else.  Give me some credit for having a little thicker skin then that.   


I resigned because of the ugliness I've seen in people, lots of people.  I'm not talking about things towards me.  Again, I'm a whole lot stronger then you give me credit for.   It was what I saw going on towards each other.  Towards you.  I wanted no part of that.  I'm not trying to take things away from the Vivi's or Jackie and the committee.  I give them props for putting so much into it.  Hell I was in the mix last year, I was a newbie and had a blast.  I heard things when it was over, but never in a million years did I actually believe it.  Well, I sure as hell believe it now.  I've seen it, had blinders on, went about my merry way.  But ya know, being on the committee meant something and getting emails and IMs telling me how this said journal doesn't deserve to be on the list only to see eeewws and aaaahs posted by the same person on the said journal turned my stomach.  Emails and IMs telling me they deserved to on the list and I needed to do something.  Helllooooo????   Folks are turning on folks left and right and it's being passed over as though it isn't happening.  Or maybe it isn't even being seen.  I don't know which.  I saw it!  I know it's not everyone, and I am in no way saying the committee is condoning it.  It's a huge undertaking and virtually impossible to keep wraps on everyone and everything.  Hell look around, everyone see the state of the world?  There is no way a handful of people could control J-Land.


I am not taking sides, because really there isn't any sides to take.  If you want to partake, do so, have fun.  If you don't, don't.  Simple really.  And if you do partake don't think for one minute the recognition you receive is going to change the world.  It isn't going to cure cancer, stop the wars, so why turn on people you say are your friends?  I can't speak for anyone else or know what is happening with them and I won't pretend to.  I've seen some mixed reactions out there.  I've seen journal entries where as others had the same things or similar things happen to them.  Why?  What purpose does it serve?


I've made some great friends here, but I've also seen some true colors.  I am not a martyr nor am I saying if the Vivi's go on it's wrong.  It got ugly and I didn't like it.  I want to hold my head high and know in the morning I was true to me.  So please, just step back, breath, and look around.  Let the Vivi's be what they are suppose to be. Stop the nonsense of turning on each other and making this cut throat.  Have fun or don't, it's up to you.  But paleeease stop pointing fingers and making this into a mess!


Feel free to leave a comment, or don't.  It's completely up to you, but please don't email me with more questions, or more whys, or am I sure I wasn't bullied.  I know to some it doesn't always appear that I have something between my ears, but I do.  This was my decision, made by me, for me.  No one else.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Very well put! I've commented here and at sugars concerning the vivis and I won't anywhere else. That only adds fuel to the fire. What will be... will be. If they go on, of course I'll vote. If not, oh well. Hang in there sweetie ;o) I know how strong you are and I agree with you 200%!
(((Love & Hugs)))

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I hear ya and I do not blame ya for the way you feel.
You know...maybe they ought to make it a rule that during VIVI's that ANY E-MAILS OR IMS sent to the committee will be posted in full with names of the sender on the VIVI page! LOL Probably would stop alot of back stabbing!
My goodness......don't people know this is all in fun and not serious stuff????

Anonymous said...

I can't say that I blame you there. I guess that I have been under a rock, I had no idea that this was going on!! But you were right to do what you did.... Tawnya

Anonymous said...

hugs Donna! be well and Have a great weekend

Anonymous said...

Very well said. And you have plenty between your ears. your a very smart person. and have a wonderful weekend. (((((((hugs)))))))

Anonymous said...

Well said long as you're true to you, that's all that counts here!

I could write a long comment here, but you know how I feel on the matter anyways.

Lv Stevie

Anonymous said...

Hi Donna,
Love Pegasus as I love all the graphics you post on here for us. And I know they ARE for us because you are a very giving, unselfish person.
That's what journalling is all about, NOT to be a contest, urging people to kiss butt, or try to be someone they're not.
I'm very proud of the way you have handled the situation and am just so sorry it had to come to that for you and lots of other people .
I dont make friends very easily, let alone divulge my private life to anyone. I thought I could by writing my journal, obviously not.
I shall continue to write my journal here because I enjoy it and it's a release for me but I shall keep myself to myself for a while.
Thank you so much for all you do D and indeed to everyone who makes time to add a little fun to life on here.
x x x

Anonymous said...

{{{{Hugs}}}}again you've handle yourself with grace & style.


Anonymous said...

Well done Donna, very well written.  Be true to yourself and then you can be false to no man.  It is a shame it all came to this but I am afraid I suspected it would.  People are very two-faced as I have found out personally but then they are not worth bothering about really.  I hope the Vivi's go ahead because they bring pleasure to a lot of people, if they do not, well that's life and we move on.  Can I snag Pegasus please? Hubby used to work for Mobil and that was their symbol maybe still is. Would love to have this one.

Anonymous said...

I think I can appreciate that since right after the Vivi Journal was started someone that always visited my journal sent me this email:  How come you get so many more comments than I do when my journal is so much better than yours?       LOL
Awards do funny things to people   ~~Mary

Anonymous said...

i need a pretty tag someday made for me that says something like "we have one life to live, dont waste it" and put it in my about me section.
I have not written ONE word about the VIVI's and dont plan to. Why?


You are awesome and true and i know that. In 2006, i gained a real friend in you and that means something to me.
Hugs, lj

Anonymous said...

I wasn't here last this is new to me. I was sooo surprised at the cut throat type mentality of a few. I shouldn't be, knowing how the world is! :(
No one thought you weren't a strong woman, we all love you & respect what ever decision you make.
Hope all can get past this crap & move on.
Hugs, Sug

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

What a shame all of this turned into such a mess.  Life is too short, in my opinion, for such nonsense.  There are so many other things that are really important, ya know?

Take Care,

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Yesterday I was disappointed in people. Today, Donna, I'm just smiling beatifically at the silliness of some people. I suppose I can afford to do that, as I'm keeping my distance - you were in it right at the forefront, taking all the flak. But as I said yesterday, you've got to keep true to yourself. If you're not happy to do something, you stop doing it. And making such a decision shows you've got the brains. x

Anonymous said...

I remember last years Vivi's. I wasn't nominated, but I had fun with the "No Vivi gang". I remember making a rap about it (LOL). Everyone cannot be nominated, but it doesn't mean that people can't participate. Last time eveyone had a chance to nominate the journals that they liked, and thats what I did. You were one of them. I had fun doing that!

I think that the reasons that you listed were the reasons that AOL didn't get involved with it.

Do your thing and Keep Blogging.


Anonymous said...

Donna, keep the faith. This whole episode reminds me of some of the things that happened when I was in the C program. My response was to ignore the problems and do my job.
People really can get out of control of their emotions and ambitions. It is a shame.
Take care and keep up your great graphics.

Anonymous said...

I appreciate you stepping forward to say it wasn't me. I wish the rest would do so also.  It would be the right thing to do.


Anonymous said...

Well said Donna. Your strength of nature and brains comes through on this entry, along with all the others I've read of yours over the last 10 months or so. Being true to yourself is the only way to be, good for you.
Hugs my friend, have a great weekend :-)
Love Debbie ~xxxxxxxxx~

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Donna this is incredibly well stated.  Last year I got a dose of the things you have seen this year so you can understand my distance from the situation.  It is as if we've traded shoes for a moment because you and I have the same perspective on what has happened and what could, with luck and a best case scenario, happen to resolve the tension and stress.

I think it is part of human nature to become competitive when reward is at stake.  We can just fall into the mess especially when we see friends involved.  It can just take on a life of its own.  Managing something like a competition, pageant, award program or things of that nature are so difficult because there are just naturally egos and emotions involved.  I think you are right to do what is right for you.  In the end we are the only one we have to take care of us after all.

I commend your courage and your willingness to express your feelings on this.

Good on you Donna


Anonymous said...

I hear the drama is going away about the VIVI's. I was surprised people were writing you about being on the list. Heck, I nominated myself,lol..and my ego has no problem with that.  I think I would have told them that.  I dont think the drama will ever go away. I understand the human mind, just a gift but envy, passion and ego is a perfect place to be fueled with awards. I do believe tests of the heart are good and what comes out of it, including drama, is ones eye-opener.

I hope that you would consider doing this next year. This stuff happens. - Raven

Anonymous said...

D, I respect you for doing what you had to do.  I still love you and consider you my friend.  Now, I have to laugh at Carlene's comment...boy she is a straight shooter, hunh?  That would put an end to ugly e-mails and IM's.  When "fun" gets painful, it's to end it.  Hugs  Chris