Ok, so Guido, the doll that he is, tagged me to do this. Ummmm... thanks Guido!!! :)~ Straighten that halo now. He says to pick 6 weird things about me and then tag 6 more. Now I've seen it with 3 and I've seen it with 5. ARGH!! So I suppose someplace in there is good. Only problem I have is, I am so damn slow it looks like everyone did it already..... so who the hell do I pick? I had my thoughts, my ideas, but I didn't want to put anyone on the spot, so instead I triple dog dare you to do it, post it in your journal and come back and leave a link!
1. I eat pizza with a knife and fork. It all started a few years back when I was out with friends for a beer, pizza and wings. We sat shooting the shit when the pizza was brought to the table. Not even paying attention we all grabbed a slice. I was the first to bite in. Slap!! Off came the cheese with some sauce and landed on my chin. OUCH!! It was f'n hot and I had a burn mark for days!! Try explaining that!
2. I twirl my hair when I'm thinking. I don't mean just twirl a little, I mean go mad with it, usually having it end up in knots. I've never had to cut the knots out, but I've come close.
3. I usually can out talk and out stat guys on hockey. I have more folks come to me for information on what's going on. You think I'm nosey? LOL
4. I have a routine I have to stick with. I have to do things in a certain way. Get out of shower, get dressed, brush teeth, put on make up, hair gel and scrunch, rinse with Listerine. Talk to me and I'm liable to put Listerine in my hair. Ummm yes I did that before.. GGrrrrr I hate when that happens!
5. I never comb or brush my hair. LOL I let my fingers do the walking.
6. I really don't watch TV yet I have to have it on when I go to bed. Not only do I not watch it but I have the timer on for all 120 minutes, even though I fall asleep within the first 15-30. Afraid of the dark maybe?
Your turn!

i like your answers. I twirl my hair too.
This was fun to read!
I just did this entry today....it was fun...lol..funny what all you can find out about a person..hehehehehee, Hugs,TerryAnn
love your weird things D! Big hugs, Shelly
That is so funny! lol! Ilmao!(can't stop laughing!)and then you put that funny graphic in! stop!lol
You're mental..lol...just like me..;-)
Lv Ste
Oh you are so witty lol ,.,.,Jan xx
I understand about the pizza, I took the skin off the roof of my mouth with one! I've not done this yet, may do it some time! Glad to know you're no weirder than us! Jeannette xx
Putting Listerine in your hair is one thing, Donna. Glad you didn't put the shampoo in your mouth LMAO. Thanks for rising to the challenge
You are so funny ~ Ally
Donna's afwaid of the dawk hahahaha ha ha ha! I keep it on til hubby comes to bed, muted. With all the people that have passed away in my house/family, ain't no way I'm sleeping in the black!
I think we are alot alike, except for the hockey stats...although I do know more about hockey than my old man. When we met 13 years ago I had to tell him what a hat trick was, OMG how dumb!
PS...the graphic reminds me of the move " The Sandlot"!
Man, I had to fix 100 typos..must drink coffee stat!
lol..so..this is you huh? lol...my husband has the loud volume on when he's sleeping...and I'd turn it down--he'd jump up and wake up LOL!
#4...I need to start a routine myself :-)
I enjoyed your answers here,
Gem :-)
I can't stand tv as much as I used to. Sometimes the noise thumps against my skull. I want it quiet. I need to think and to write. I like knowing these six things about you. Listerine in your hair if you get distracted was cute.
Well, I am glad Guido twisted your arm and made you do it. Some fascinating weird stuff here. ;o) - Barbara
I think yours is the most interesting list I've read so far!
Cute graphics, so guido tagged you first...LOL
I like eating pizza with a fork, specailly now that I have nails!
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