What a day it was today! Nothing went as planned. Well, some did, but...........
My niece came in to work this morning for an interview. She is going to college full time but was looking for something that paid a little bit better then the store at the mall. Work will hire her part time so in she came. That went great and she will start in a couple of weeks. Never in my life have I seen someone so happy to get a 'fake' job. LOL
I called my brother in law a little after noon to see how my sister made out. Not good. She got sick :( He had my other sister with her and he went to work. She was off in lah lah land before he left to go in. Neither of us thought she would be up to her shake. Could ya click and light a candle for her? She needs all the good thoughts she can get today. Thanks!
About 3ish I called over there to see how she was. I was surprised she answered the phone.
'Hey how ya feeling?'
Her reply, 'ok, just tired'
Liar!!! 'ya feel like a shake?'
'oh yeah, just a small though'
I was stunned, but excited she felt up to it.
About 4 I call my dentist to get an idea of what my portion would be for my appointment tomorrow morning. This was the one that had to be rescheduled from back in middle of August. The girl says, 'did you get the message?' Well, I am at work and didn't get a message there. Rarely do I check my machine either. It generally can wait until I get home. 'Umm, no. What message' My heart is pounding and I know she is going to tell me it has to be changed again. GRRRRR I was right. I explained I feel bad for the dentist but I really didn't want to have to wait yet another month. We go 'round and 'round with days and times. I am not at all close to the office while I'm at work and a middle of the day appointment just doesn't work well. I hate having to use my PTO time! I get put on hold and after a few minutes. 'Can you come now?' So it's a bit after 4 and I make arrangements with work. 'Yeap, I'll be there in about 30 minutes' Out the door I go.
I call my sister from the car, feeling horrible. I want her to have that shake but it just isn't going to work. Dammit! There's one for you Russ. Then I call my brother in law, 'please bring her a shake' He is stunned she is up to one, but he promised he would. 'Just a small one' I hang up the phone and feel like a schmuck and very selfish. Maybe I should have just said no to the dentist. I should have taken her the shake myself. I just wanted........... selfish bitch I am!!! I will make it up to her.......... some how. I meant to call her when I got home and time got away from me. Never happened and now it's way to late. I will check in tomorrow.
Good news of the day? Besides my niece? :::giggle::: about 10 days until my boys start training camp. I am stoked!! Also there will be an announcement later this week with details about the 'ice bowl.' Yeap, it is confirmed. The Buffalo Sabres will play the Pittsburgh Penguins on Jan 1, outside! They will be using Ralph Wilson Stadium (where the Buffalo Bills play) I can't wait! That is one game I will not miss! Lets hope it doesn't rain......... No smart ass remarks from the peanut gallery... it isn't always bitter cold here :)~

I had some fall graphics that I had done, but it was way to early to post them........... today.. well probably still to soon but here ya go. Feel free to snag as is. Not the fanciest or the best, but what can I say. Was messing around and this is what I ended up with.
Hope everyone had a good day.

I don't think it's being selfish at all, getting in to see a dentist for work is just as awful as seeing any specialist. they all expect that we should work around their schedule....like we have nothing better to do!
((((((((((((((HUGSTOYOU))))))))))))))))))Your SIster will understand,dont be hard on yourself.Have a good night.
Just wanted you to know I lit a candle for your sister ....you can bring your sister a shake tomorrow .....snagged the tags too!
Will light a candle. {{}}
Onyour top tag, how do you make the frame as part of the pic?
Have a good Wed.
Gosh, D...I'm sure your sister understood. Maybe you can take her an extra large one tomorrow to make up for it. :)
The tags are GREAT! Fall is my favorite season by far.
Everyone of them are worth their weight in gold (snagged a few) - Is gold Fake now days? Sorry you were not the one to bring the yummy treat to your sister, I'm sure she enjoyed! Our (my family included) will continue with thoughts and prayers for her! Congratulation to your neice for securing the position - What shall we do - two "Fake" jobs in one family - Oh My! Hope your tomorrow is a happy one!
Cute fall graphics. :)
I am sure your sis got her shake...but don't you feel bad...you had to go to the dentist or it would have been put off again!
love ya,
You are anything but selfish babe. Don't beat yourself. Going to the dentist is important i of all people know that. I love fall I'm loving the rain scenes and that once upon a time one stole my heart. love you sweet dreams!!!
Don't beat yourself up. You are NOT selfish!! So get that thought out of your head NOW!
Great graphics! Thanks.
Nobody can mess with your mood, conscience, belief systems like a family member! You'll make it up to her. FALL IS ALMOST HERE! (dancing)
You are not selfish Donna. Far from it.
I've been across to light a candle for your darling sister and asked for her pain to be taken away.
At least she felt like a small milk shake when you asked her. That sounded hopeful.
Dental appointments, unfortunately, have to be kept. I for one would have relished not having to go, but that's because I am terrified of them.
I hope your sister feels better soon.
Stop feeling guilty!
Your tramcar tag is fabulous! I just love it.
Jeanie xx
I dont think you are selfish at all ,well done your neice getting the job .......Hmm working her into the fantasy now are you ?lol ...love Jan xx
You are not selfish and I am glad your sister was feeling a bit better.
If you don't take care of yourself, you can't take care of others. Plain and simple. Your sister understood, I'm sure.
Hope the dentist went well.... LOL ... you didn't say.
Love the fall graphics. I am SO VERY ready for fall.
I loved the fall snags, and snagged all of them. : )
I'm sorry your day of sister vs dentist turned out as it did. Your sister understood, and she'll "forgive" you for rushing to that appointment. She'll also thank you for calling to make sure she got her shake...albeit delivered from her husband, instead of you. ; ) Hey, life gives "points" for not "completely forgetting" things.
From your postings...it's easy to see you're very close to your family. You have a special love for your sister, and are her biggest cheerleader[ in this battle she is waging]. I'm sure "Sis" didn't think of you as a "selfish b*tch", and she wouldn't won't you considering yourself as one.
God bless you, and your family. Hope you're feeling better about things...and can't wait to find out how you "make it up to her". I'm sure it'll be something wonderful. : )
Love the fall tags and since it's rather chilly here in Germany they're PERFECT! Last night I was actually hoping someone would start putting out some fall graphics!! :) So..Thanks!! Glad your sister was feeling up to that small shake. I don't think it's selfish to go to the dentist...she still got her shake and you needed to get in, and I think we all can understand what a hassle that can be to work around conflicting schedules.
I lit a candle and said a prayer for your sis. You are not selfish. Remember you can't take care of someone if you haven't taken care of yourself first.
I always have your sister in my prayers. I know she understands about your dentist and the shake..do not fret! I know you are so excited about those hockey players! About as excited as i am about the new TV season about to start.
Does anyone care about the North American Union? You'll all be Mexicans before you know it.
Hi dear, *hugs* I loved the grpahics, not the best yeah right ;) there beautiful as always. Unlike some1 elses work that is just thrown together or whatever she does, lol. OK im being bad now i'll stop, lol. Anyhow 1st of all thats great ur niece got the great fake job haa, lol. u are too funny woman. For real though thats awesome. Partime work is good esp if its better money then working at the mall. Good for her. Hun dont beat up urself so much about ru sister. I will definetly light a candle for her though btw. Im sorry she wasnt well again :( At least u checked with ur bro in law to bring it to her. If u were so bad and selfish u wouldnt have arranged that. Cut urself slack hun. U had probs with this dentist for so long u have to get in. i really suggest u change dentists lol if u could. This person never seems to be around. lol jk I guess thats how it is sometimes. I hope ur sis got her shake ok and ur appt goes well. Im sorry dear though u didnt get to take it to her. But like i said dont beat urself up about it. Take care doll. Have a good day and ttys :) *hugs, xoo, Leslie
I am thinking of your sis.
Gaz xxx
Glad Russ got the shake to your sis...that was nice. Hope all went well at the dentist for you. Very happy your guys are in training now...Hockey, is on it's way!!! Have a great week...and I love the tags...very nice.
I am clicking and lighting a candle now...just so you know I didn't forget...hugs and prayers...
I totally snagged the little girl graphic, hope it's okay...is adorable! Thanks ... Going to light a candle for your sis...she knows you will make it up to her Donna....I can't blame ya for not wanting to wait another month....afterall she knows your heart was there with her....even though you couldn't be.
I hope your sister is feeling better ~ candle lit for her.
Take care,
I love Fall graphics. I lit a candle for your sister. May God hold her in the palm of His hands. She will remain in my prayers. Hugs, Val xox'
I can say a prayer or two or three for you and your sister. Still, don't feel selfish. What good are you to her if you are crabby because you let your teeth go? Taking care of yourself is the best thing you can do for your whole family.
Candle lit D.........Please don't feel selfish, you do the best that you can and i am sure she would understand.
Have a great weekend
hugs Jayne
D, don't feel bad. I know she understood. So long as she got her shake and is doing better that is what counts. Hope your dentist appointment went well. Fall graphics are wonderful!
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