Hope everyone had a great day today. Mine was great, and I got all the laundry done! LOL Tried a different effect with the water. The ripples are a bit big for the picture, but thought I'd offer it as a snag anyway.

There was some confusion on what I was actually offering up on a earlier post and I wanted to try and fix it.. some what anyway. I did do a new side bar, but what I was actually offering as a tag was the full graphic. It's time consuming to personalize sidebars with more then a name. So I decided to do a smaller version as a snag as is. If you'd like it feel free.
Just a request on links. I got an email earlier from someone who was trying to get to my old tag journal, D's Designs. They thought it was open because they have been seeing the link in other journals. Can I ask a favor? Can you update it? I appreciate the 'pimping' but that journal is still closed and all tag requests are being done here. Thanks folks I so appreciate it!
Great tags ...you know I snagged both of these Donna!!!
Have a great Sunday
mm let me check and see if i updated my graphic journal with your old link.
you have such talent...thank you for the snag and the sidebar. Both are lovely.
Love ya
The ripples aren't too big. It lends a close up perspective to the picture. This picture depicts the kind of day I am looking out on across our garden pond on this rainy Sunday.
So...one for me please Donna with Jeanie on it please?
Thank you....xxxx
I just love them especially the rain one and I have snagged them both.
Love the animated tags D.......beautiful work
Have a great Sunday
hugs Jayne
Loved the snags...thanks so much for sharing them...have a beautiful Sunday...hugs,
Great job on the tags as usual. I like the fall tags.
Love the Fall Rain. You are very talented. Also, would you please come do my laundry since you got yours done...lol. Joyce
(((((((((((((((HUGSTOYOU))))))))))))))))Beatoful snags,thanks for sharing and have a nice day.
I snagged the sidebar...too cute...
Thanks Donna....have a good day
Hey hun, *hugs* Ty soo much for the snags as always ;) Sorry for my rambling comment the last entry, haa. U almost missed my request haa, lol. I will put my request first next time, lol. Oh and i knew u werent offering the sidebar i knew it was just the tag. I worded it all wrong when i was requesting, sorry for the confusion, lol. I was sort of out of it yesterday :) I loved the snags so ty again ;) U are such a a sweety for doing this often for us all. I hope ru having a great day and its nicer, cooler weather where u are. Its warm here blahh. No fall like weather here haa, lol. ttys Donna :) xoxo, Leslie
Is the top one a photo you took? It's lovely! Actually, I sort of think the big ripples look neat. That green witchy one below cracks me up. I feel that way sometimes. Love ya, Chris
I snagged these tags! I LOVE them.
I truly LOVE all your work.
You are so sweet to offer them to us.
Thank you so much =)
I hope ya have a great day!
Donna, the water one is beautiful !!!!!!!! Hugs Lisa
I like the rain and the ripples. Great job!
very pretty. i love the rain one. TY (((((((hugs)))))))
Oh Donna...real real nice...espec. love that rain one...seems perfecto to me!
Hiya...I was watching the rain yesterday fall on a pond in the neighborhood. And noticed that the rain dropping into the water closest to me made ripples appear larger than the ones farther away...this graphic is pretty accurate.
I tried to snag the Fall sidebar...it just doesn't want to paste for me. Occasionally I run into this problem. Was there a deadline on it... Am I too late?? Is it a "blonde thang??
The first one looks perfect to me Donna! I'm not sure if I have your graphics journal on my sidebar but I'll check and remove it. I trhought everybody knew you'd closed it down! Have a good day! Jeannette xx
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