Monday, September 17, 2007

~ What Were They Thinking? ~

whatwheretheythinking.gif picture by 55hockeyfan

LMAO!!!  Ok, right off the bat I am NOT taking credit for the graphic, only the animation.  So what was the NHL and the Sabres organization thinking?  They didn't call me to animate the graphic?!?!  WTH??  ::evil grin::  So...... I grabbed it and animated it myself. 


It's official!!  The Ice Bowl, or the 'Winter Classic' as they are calling it will be held in Buffalo on January 1, 2008.  They will set up the ice rink inside the Ralph (the football stadium).  The Pittsburgh Penguins will come to town to take on my boys.  I am stoked!!  Tickets are bit steeper then I thought they would be, but damn straight I will be on the horn at 10 am to get mine!  I wouldn't miss this for the world.  This is the sample of what it will look like. 


sampleofralph.jpg picture by 55hockeyfan


Of course the lower bowl seats will not be available.  At least the first few rows, as you won't be able to see over the boards and follow the puck.  I am hoping we can get seats on the higher side of that first available section.  I know the Ralph, and on a windy day you DO NOT want to be up in the upper deck.  Rain is a definite no no, but I will be fine in the cold :)  For this anyway.  OMG, did I say I'm stoked?  Wait 'til tomorrow when I have my tickets. 


The evening absolutely got away from me.  I had a gazillion pieces of mail.  I decided to dump several graphic groups I'm in.  I just can't keep up with the mail, and with the evil eyes lurking to see what I use that I'm not supposed to I just don't have time to research each one.  I've been deleting more then I've been saving, yet the time it takes to go through mail just got out of hand. It's just not worth the frustration. 


Work day was good.  Ok, it was great!  I had a meeting with the VP after several previous ones and the results are awesome!  It's confidential so I can't share here, but let me say I am a very happy camper.  After 15 years with the company I was reminded again why I stay.  :)


Damn, where did the day go???????????   I hope everyone had a wonderful day and I wish you all a great Tuesday.  Sleep well my friends.....   I know I will.





Anonymous said...

Donna, beautiful tag, have a good Tuesday !!!!!!!! Hugs Lisa

Anonymous said...

Donn't ya just love when days like this happen? Only wish the days we have to pay our bills would do the same - wooshhhh! Love the graphic.  I am so looking forward to your reads now that HOCKEY season is just around the corner! Take care and my thoughts are towards you and your sister being able to enjoy your Tomorrow!

Anonymous said...

I want to come up with something (simple) that you could animate....maybe something Halloweenish and Pear Dude-ish...any ideas?


Anonymous said...

have a good tuesday:)


Anonymous said...

Congrats on your unknown happy camper thingy!!  :)  Happy Tuesday!  Linda

Anonymous said...

I hope you get the tickets you want!  Linda

Anonymous said...

I would be scared to death to sit way up high.
I,too,am thinking of dropping some graphics groups(course I just get-don't make the tags) But my mailbox is always almost full and I hate deleting before I see them-I started just saving on AOL file named Tags and hope to visit it someday and check out what the devils in there,LOL
Glad you did good at work(BONUS MAYBE??)
Have another good gay (gettin your tickets....)

Anonymous said...

I know you are THRILLED....that is how I felt when I got great White Sox tickets.....LOVE iT


Anonymous said...

Very clever animation Jan xx

Anonymous said...

sigh, damn shame that whacks are out there trying to get you in trouble over make magic happen, screw THEM.
I am happy for you and this upcoming game you are buying tickets for....will you go alone or take someone? I know i will enjoy reading about it. Congrats on whatever happened between you and the VP!
LOVE, lisa

Anonymous said...

Love the graphic!  Yes, didn't they know you would be necessary to them?!  Trust me I slept like the dead last night!

Anonymous said...

Great graphic Donna ....I hope you get some good tickets!!



Anonymous said...

love the hockey graphic and your right they should have called you to animate it great effect love v
PS> have fun at the game

Anonymous said...

Donna, *hugs* I cant say enough hun its a joy to read ur j each and every am. Your j is one of the first i look at after i send off my little one to school ;) Anyway i love how you animated the graphic there. Its looks amazing ;) More amazing the ice bowl that u are going to
get tickets to go too. It looks incredible. I am crossing fingers u get the good seats u want and the tickets. Im sure u will. Wow i really admire u thoguh braving out the cold to see ur boys. Dang, lol. i tried to watch a football game before in chilly temps i coudlnt handle it more then an hr, lmao. Im a wimpy fl girl i guess too used to the sun haa. I dont blame u at all either for leaving the tag groups. I love all
the ones i was in. sadly i had to cut a couple too. The email was more then i could handle and i really dont need a million graphics. Takes too much space on my comp. However i will always go by ur j for some. Im still in two other tags groups but there low volume email so that helps. Thats great that things went well with talking to ur vp. Im so happy after yrs with the fake job u have, haa its going so well. Good for u dear :) take care hun. Have a good day :) Love, Leslie

Anonymous said...

i was in a graphics group before trying to learn some psp and it is so hard to go through and keep on top of.
hope you get your tickets!!!

Anonymous said...

Love the added animation to the graphic.  Great job!
Looks like a great place to have a hockey game...very nice.  You will have a wonderful time.
Hope your Tuesday evening is the best.

Anonymous said...

Wonderful graphic Donna.  I am looking forward to this game as much as you.  That looks an awesome stadium.  Good luck with getting a seat where you want it.
Your happiness today is bursting out of every word you write.  Can't wait to hear  more about your meeting with the VP when you are able to share it.  
Sleep well too.

Jeanie xxx

Anonymous said...

BRING IT ON! LOL did you have to play us? maybe you can change the wittle globe players to black n gold.  I absolutely love your energy that comes from HOCKEY!

Anonymous said...

That looks like it could be mighty cold.  i don't know how anyone can sit outdoors in Buffalo in the dead of winter.  Good luck, this California girl needs it a lot warmer lol.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I'm stoked for you!!!! LOL

Anonymous said...

    Pity they didn't think of animating that globe. Hope you get the tickets you want. Good luck.

Anonymous said...

love the animation. and i hope you get real good tickets too. congrats on being so happy with your job. sorry it's taken me so long to comment, but with all that's happened so far this week, i feel like a chicken running around with no head, lol. ((((((((hugs))))))))

Anonymous said...

((((((((((((((((HUGSTOYOU))))))))))))))))))I love the looks of the staidum and I love the anaimtion,looks great.I am sorry you had to leave alot of your graffic groups.but,I am happy about your job.Have a nice weekend.

Anonymous said...

Didn't ask you to animate it? Shame on them!! I'm glad your meeting with the VP went well for you. I hope the rest of the week is going just as well. Know what you mean by all the mail to answer, I can't cope either and I know you must have a hell of a lot more than me! Jeannette xx  

Anonymous said...

Awesome stadium