So, Superman he is not! I could go on and on about the game today but bottom line is we lost 15-14 in the last second of the game. A team, who going into the season had a million question marks on defense, showed absolutely no offense. One touch down scored on a run back, and total yards was 184. GRRRRRRRR They should have won that game, but alas the old Bills showed up. Please say a prayer for Kevin Everett. He was injured in the game and was taken off the field on a stretcher and in an ambulance. Latest news is he is having surgery for a spinal injury. Most players will give a sign as they are being lifted into the ambulance. A raised arm, something. He did not move.
Tho, I added JP to the above graphic. (no doubt I will be called a fake. LOL) I am not blaming this entirely on him. Something does have to give. Our defense will not hold teams to 15 points often, and we need to be able to score more. End of story. He leads the team and that didn't happen today. Whether it be the line, the running backs, the receivers, or him. For all the money spent in the off season on that line in needs to be better. The entire offense needs to be better!
It was not a blow out, but I did play around a bit on the computer. Go figure!?!?! I will be adding a couple tag requests a bit later. Sorry for the alerts :) I only did one graphic for 9/11. I did not forget. I will never forget. You can link up to entries here or here from last year that have some snags. Sorry, my heart couldn't do it. I get so damn sad when I think of it.

Hope everyone had a great weekend and a fabulous Sunday.
Sorry your team lost .....not sure if this was football or hockey though
Great tag of 9/11 ...snagged it of course.
Hi Donna, just wanted to say hello. I just got home from my trip to Arizona and I'm trying to catch up on emails and alerts. Love the 9/11 graphic you did. Hope everythings going good on your end. Ttyl.
- Jess
Donna, thank you for visiting my journal earlier, beautiful 9 -11 tag, I snagged it, thank you, Hugs Lisa
im so glad the eagles lost to my team.
D, you did a great job editing JP on Superman. HAHAHAHA too funny! Sorry the Bills lost, it was a close one. Heard about Everett on TV. Sounds like it is pretty bad and could end his career. Might not walk again? That is so sad. Sending prayers his way.
Would you rather be a Chiefs' fan? At least the season is underway....FINALLY.
i like your 9/11 tag...sorry to hear about your team losing!
love ya,lj
Sorry the bills lost it Donna. It sounded a close run thing too.
I love your little bit of fun tag too.
I have saved your beautiful tag to place on my journal in Rememberance.
I hope you let us know how Kevin is faring soon. Prayers will be said this side of the pond for his well being. I hope it isn't serious.
Jeanie xxx
sorry about your team. i hope kevin will be ok. i been thinking about 9/11 the past few days. I'll never forget them who lost their lives on that day. may they rest in peace. (((((((hugs))))))))
Hey hun, *hugs* Glad u had a pretty good evening last night ;) Hope u have a good day and week ahead dear! I liked the above graphic pretty cool how u did the superman effect with it. Sorry about ur team hun. As i said before im not into football, lol. But geez i hope that one guy will be ok that doesnt sound good at all :( Ty soo much
for the 9/11 graphics. It made me sad to read this, look at the new graphic u made. It teared me up its beautiful Donna. I get torn up thinking about it as well. 6 yrs ago ... :( I also snagged some form last yrs entry. Ty dear :) Anyway hun i love the new tags u have on request. But I am taking a break this time, lol. Sometimes i get too many and i realize it and think what am i going to do with all these tags, lol. I love them though cant help it ;) Well take care hun. If u havent yet come by my j, theres intresting news on here about my little one :)
ttys, hugs xoxo, Leslie
I snagged. Thank you, Donna.
I was pregnant with Parker when this happened.
Probably the most tragic event of my life so far.
Hope I never have to live through something so tragic, destructive to human life, and impossible to understand again.
I have somehow realised it's the football season in America!
Gaz ;-)
(((((((((((((((HUGSTOYOU))))))))))))))))Just saying HI and I lvoe superman to.
Sad doesn't cover the day or the memories ...
I snagged the 9/11 graphic...thanks so much!
Your graphic was wonderful Jan xx
Redskins won here....hubby was sooooooooo excited. Prayers are going up for Kevin...worry so much about the players getting hurt during these games. Loved all your tags...911 is awesome! Hugs and love,
Sorry to hear about the player taken off......hope everything is ok with him.
Beautiful graphic........ I watched the list of names being read yesterday commemorating 9/11.......... it was just so so sad, i shed a few tears for those poor innocent people who at the end of the day were just doing their jobs.
God Bless them all
hugs Jayne
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