Monday, January 30, 2006

Busy... and inspired...


Today was good at work, it flew by.  I was a bit tired this morning after my late dinner last night, but I got my second wind on the way home.  I did a few things around the house and then something inspired me to get on another tear with graphics.  Some simple, some not.  I think I did about 6 tonight.  I will be saving a few for entries down the road, can't put them all up for you before I use them ::grin::  I know you'll understand.


Anonymous said...

that's so beautiful.

Anonymous said...

You have really been just SO creative lately!! Idea's seem to just flow out of you so naturally and simply! I have been enjoying your work.

- Jessica

Anonymous said...

Of course we understand ,that is perfectly natural,Iam so sorry Iused two of yours yesterday ,to tell about my son breaking his wrist and was so anxious waiting to hear how he was doing Iforgot to credit you with them ,its a good job you have your logo on your work ....once again sorry,so rude of me ,because you brighten up my entrys ..........Jan xx

Anonymous said...

I love this one, unusual because we normally get lighthouses with blue surroundings, I like the red foliage and the sunset colours. Jeannette.

Anonymous said...

I love the shore and lighthouses...what a nice way to wake up in the moring, viewing your creative work.

Anonymous said...

You're playing around with my favorite subject again.  And once again you have delivered another beautiful lighthouse.  This looks so peacful and lovely, nice job.

Anonymous said...

Your ocean scenes are making want spring and summer -- quick!  This is beautiful.

Anonymous said...

This is very pretty. Thanks for sharing. Helen

Anonymous said...

I like the colors on this one!  Linda

Anonymous said...

The graphic is very nice..... it makes me feel so calm! Great job! Hugs, Maria

Anonymous said...

That's a lovely graphic :-)  Well done for being able to achieve so much!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

That is really beautiful.
Your talents are so very amazing.