Tuesday, January 17, 2006



Thanks to everyone for the wonderful comments and great support.  I know no one can give me direction, but it was so nice to read all the opinions, thoughts, and words of encouragement.  In my short time in J-Land I've come to appreciate the closeness here more each day.  I see the love and support on all the journals I visit and I am amazed at the caring that flows.  It's a wonderful place, whether there are ads or not.  No, I don't like the ads, but I do like the places I go and that is the reason I'm there.  AOL putting the ads up is not going to change my feelings or interest in what others have to say.  

I've been trying to find a place soothing and tranquil to just think things through.  I've made no decisions and the mail is just sitting in my inbox.  It is a relationship that spanned along time with a lot of different levels and feelings involved.  It is not as easy as just replying or not and I've decided to just let things sink in and whirl around and then go with my gut feeling.   

Obviously when I say find a place, I don't necessarily mean a physical place.  I am looking for a mental place as well.  Around my house it is never tranquil!  People in and out, TV on, phone ringing, you name it and it happens.  I need to find a place deep within me that leaves me comfortable with the decisions I make.  Things will never go back to the way they were.  I've moved so far forward and grown so much in the years that have passed.  I like the person I am and can't see myself just ignoring the note.  With that said, I can't find the words that fit what I want to say.  So wait it out is the choice for now.  I will keep you posted, but don't expect some hot love story to come out of all this, that decision was made years ago.  I've come to terms with it and moved on, I won't go back.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I respect and agree with your decsion


Anonymous said...

The whole idea of life is to move forward, I have been given opportunites to go back to things/people many times and have always chosen to move forward but to stay in touch as we all need friends; I am sure you will decide whatever is best for you and that decision will be respected & hopefully understood. Take care and don't wear yourself out thinking because you need to go by instinct and nothing else! Luv Joan

Anonymous said...

It'd be all too easy to reply too soon. Best to think it over for a while and not live to regret thinking 'wish I hadn't said that'. You'll know when it's the right time to reply. Jeannette.

Anonymous said...

Yea ,dont rush into anything ,the answer will come with time ,..........Jan xx

Anonymous said...

I like your graphic, it is soothing.  Sometimes for me thinking things thru before making a decision is always the best way.  Linda

Anonymous said...

Sounds as if you know what is the best thing for you.  Strange how some people can not seem to think of other people and their feelings.  Kind of makes it hard to forgive.  Lord knows there is not such thing as forget.  I wish you luck on the choice you will make.  Have a soothing day and rest of the week.  Your j-land friend TerryAnn.

Anonymous said...

Decisions.  Not easy at any age.  Sitting on the note, waiting out your immediate feelings is a good choice.  For anyone.  

Anonymous said...

Good decision! It is always the best thing to go with your gut feeling. I am sure things will turn out the way it will satisfy you.
Best wishes, Maria

Anonymous said...

What you said in this entry is probably the exact way I would feel and choose to handle this if it were me. Taking your time is good. More time to think means you`ll see it clearly and remember, you owe this person nothing, so don`t write til you are ready! Oh well, just my opinion. You sound like a strong woman...you`ll do the right thing.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

One thing we learn with age that we sorely lacked when we were younger is the concept of waiting it out and thinking things over before making a major decision.  This is a good thing though.  Find that peace within yourself FIRST and then and only then make the decisions your heart and soul tell you to make.
Hugs and love,
Lisa who also loves the support and love that everyone in J-land shows me each and every day.

Anonymous said...

Probably a good thing not to go back - I hope you manage to reach a decision you feel comfortable with :-)

Anonymous said...

Unique and beautiful graphic! Sassy ;-)

Anonymous said...

Beautiful graphic!  So peaceful and tranquil.  I snagged it.  LOL to your hot love story but seriously I know you will come to terms with this and answer accordingly.  Really, who wants to give up a three ring circus?  That's just a day in the life of most of us.  Hugs to you!  Chris