Sunday, January 22, 2006

You never know.........


..... who is going to sneak up on you and what your reaction will be.  I was looking forward to 2 good football games today and they weren't good at all!  Sure if your team won it was 'good,' but the games themselves were horrible.  Two blow outs! 
These guys play a life time for this opportunity, so I do not buy 'they didn't want it bad enough.'  There is more to it than that.  Not prepared, not able to make the correct adjustments, out coached maybe, but not that they didn't want it bad enough. 
We all react to situations and when something sneaks up on us we react differently.  Today Denver and Carolina appeared to cover their eyes, put their heads down, and grimace in pain.  Congrats goes out to the 'Stillers' and Seahawks for an invite to the big dance.


Anonymous said...

Just read on Linda's journal it's Seattle and Pittsburgh for the Super Bowl this year. I know nothing about football so mayt the best team win! Jeannette.

Anonymous said...

Donna, I'm with you. I was so looking forward to two great games, but from the outcome of both, guess we can really look ahead to a "Super" game. I ended up making fudge, amazing how chocolate consoles you.  Cheri in CO

Anonymous said...

Well, my hubby is one happy camper, his Steelers won.  He had his Terrible Towel out and everything and now refused to shave until after the Superbowl.  Geez!!  Grown men, what are ya' gonna do!?  Hey, that's Dasterdly isn't it?!  The one with that snickering laugh?  I remember him!  LOL!
Hugs and love,

Anonymous said...
