Friday, August 31, 2007

~ Tag Request - Over the Moon ~

  DsDesignsOvertheMoondonna.gif picture by 55hockeyfan

Expires 9-2-07


If you'd like your name on this please leave a comment.  Please make sure your email is open to receive mail from me this will save a lot of frustration and aggravation.  Remember, limit 2.

I know sometimes the version of AOL you may be using does not give you the save as .gif option, but you can type it in after the file name and save as 'all file'.  AIM users or those not using AOL software do not have this option as far as I can tell.  If you need me to send differently so the graphic and animation stays intact, tell me.  Some already know to make a note to attach instead.  I will gladly work with you so the graphic stays as intended.  Let me help you, please.  I will not yell, I will not get mad.  I'd much rather attach the graphic then have you display it incorrectly. AOL has been compressing the larger graphics, but once you save as a .gif it will be fine and much clearer then the preview in mail.

Thank you!

PS Because of the sometimes 'glitch' with AOL alerts, if you do not receive your tag in a week please contact me via email

Thursday, August 30, 2007

~ In your own Backyard ~

DsDesignsInyourownbackyard.jpg picture by 55hockeyfan

It's late and I'm pretty tired.  It was a very busy day at work today, but when all was said and done I did accomplish all I needed to.  Doesn't change the fact that I'm as happy as a pig in shit that I'm leaving early tomorrow and it's a holiday weekend.   No major plans.  A cook out here, a cook out there.  Will be fun yet relaxing.  Hopefully it won't rain!!


These pictures are from my sisters backyard the night of 'bugs' party.  Including the moon.  It was low and bright after the eclipse earlier in the day.  Such beauty right before our eyes.  How often we just pass it by.  I've noticed myself taking more and more pictures of things we just take for granted.  It's a good thing right?  LOL 


Hope everyone is doing good.  Let me be the first to say TGIF!!!  LOL  I'm off to bed, I will catch up more over the weekend.  Be safe and happy.





                    DsDesignsCourage.jpg picture by 55hockeyfan

Tags: , ,

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

~ Tag Request - Sexy ~

DsDesignsSexydonna.gif picture by 55hockeyfan

Expires 9-1-07


Another piece of Barbara Jensen's work. I find it so classy with a hint of seduction.  LOL hint?  Ok, you know what I mean :)


If you'd like your name on this please leave a comment.  Please make sure your email is open to receive mail from me this will save a lot of frustration and aggravation.  Remember, limit 2.

I know sometimes the version of AOL you may be using does not give you the save as .gif option, but you can type it in after the file name and save as 'all file'.  AIM users or those not using AOL software do not have this option as far as I can tell.  If you need me to send differently so the graphic and animation stays intact, tell me.  Some already know to make a note to attach instead.  I will gladly work with you so the graphic stays as intended.  Let me help you, please.  I will not yell, I will not get mad.  I'd much rather attach the graphic then have you display it incorrectly. AOL has been compressing the larger graphics, but once you save as a .gif it will be fine and much clearer then the preview in mail.

Thank you!

PS Because of the sometimes 'glitch' with AOL alerts, if you do not receive your tag in a week please contact me via email

~ Thank You Uncle Steve ~

I mentioned in my entry last night that my son was not able to get to 'Bugs' party.  He did agree about giving her the Webkinz toy so it was there even though he wasn't.  She loved it!  When she opened the card and she realized it was from him she looked around to see where he was.  A bit disappointed he wasn't there she still was excited about the gift.  A very short video of her thanking him and telling him she loved him.  It's a bit hard to hear with all the background noise of the party but if you listen.............


Arghhhhhhhh off to work I go.  Is it Friday yet?  LOL  Hope you all have a great day!





Tuesday, August 28, 2007

~ Birthday Diva ~

DsDesignsBugsBDay8-28-07.jpg picture by 55hockeyfan

Yeap, 'bug' had a birthday.  Well, her birthday is actually tomorrow, but her party was tonight.   Since there is outside working being done at her house she had it at Grandma's.  After a dinner at Chuck E Cheese they went to grandma's and we all congregated there for cake and ice cream.   The weather was absolutely gorgeous and sitting on the deck out back was perfect.  Our little 'diva' made out like a bandit and loved every last thing she got.  Believe it or not, no toys.  Or very few.  All clothes and she loved it!  She ewww'd and aaaaah'd and held her clothes up to herself so we could all imagine what they'd look like on.  Some she actually put on.   It was joy to see her so happy and glowing, though she always is in my eyes.  She loved the toy Steve got her, and since wasn't able to make it she did a little video for him.  I'm too tired to post it now.  Happy Birthday Bug!!  I love you


It was a long day.  Getting up early and going non-stop.  I never got that nap at work.  LOL  Fake job or not I just couldn't pull it off today.  Right now my eyes are sore and scratchy.  My muscles are screaming for bed.  So, that is where I'm going.  I hope everyone had a good day.  I will get tags out tomorrow. 


Once again, love you bug.  Happy Birthday!




~ Very Early Morning ~

DsDesignsMoon8-28-071.gif picture by 55hockeyfan

So call me nuts.  I set my alarm so I could get up and get pictures of the lunar eclipse.  When the alarm went off, I hit snooze.  A natural reaction in my morning haze.  It didn't last long as I remembered why I had it set so early.  In the darkness I fumbled to find my light and get dressed.  I threw on shorts and a shirt and headed outside.  Even in the darkness I could see the clouds and fog rolling in.  I made my away along the side of the house to the backyard.  I had to stand at a certain angle so the trees didn't block my view.  It amazed me how low the moon looked.  Hoping I could get a few shots before it fell below the tree line or before the clouds completely covered the view.  For a second I thought about hopping in my car and driving to the corner where the view might have been better, that lasted one second!  LOL  Besides there would have been too many lights.  As you can see I was able to get a couple before the view was gone.  Not too bad... but they could have been better had it been clearer out...

:::sigh:::  I'll be ready for a nap on that couch about noon!  LOL


Have a great day all




Monday, August 27, 2007

~ Tag Offer - Girls Just Want......... ~ SAC

DsDesignsGirlJustWanttoHaveBarbara.gif picture by 55hockeyfan

Expires 8-30-07


I've seen Barbara Jensen's work around and absolutely love it!!  I had to join in the fun and use some of her work.  I got my license and tubes today and had to get to work.  Let me tell you, she is awesome!  She personally wrote to welcome me aboard.  She checked out some of my work and even sent me a tag she made (I used it at the end of the entry).  How cool is that?  I love the idea of her getting into PSP.  Sure, she probably does it for all but damn I just thought it was so cool that she takes the time to thank folks and make them feel welcome.  Thanks Barbara!  I invited her back, so I used her name on the sample :)


If you'd like your name on this please leave a comment.  Please make sure your email is open to receive mail from me this will save a lot of frustration and aggravation.  Remember, limit 2.

I know sometimes the version of AOL you may be using does not give you the save as .gif option, but you can type it in after the file name and save as 'all file'.  AIM users or those not using AOL software do not have this option as far as I can tell.  If you need me to send differently so the graphic and animation stays intact, tell me.  Some already know to make a note to attach instead.  I will gladly work with you so the graphic stays as intended.  Let me help you, please.  I will not yell, I will not get mad.  I'd much rather attach the graphic then have you display it incorrectly. AOL has been compressing the larger graphics, but once you save as a .gif it will be fine and much clearer then the preview in mail.

Thank you!

PS Because of the sometimes 'glitch' with AOL alerts, if you do not receive your tag in a week please contact me via email

                  InspireTagDonnabybarbarajensen.jpg picture by 55hockeyfan

Sunday, August 26, 2007

~ Sunset ~

DsDesignsSunsetattheBurg.gif picture by 55hockeyfan

Isn't it absolutely beautiful?  Last night at the party my nephews girlfriend, Steph, was showing pictures from their stay up on the St. Lawrence River.  His family owns a camp right on the river and lots of time has been spent there through the years.  The sunsets have always been absolutely beautiful!  As a matter of fact I posted a picture looking across the river at sunset in my very first entry.  Somewhere along the lines I also posted one of my son and nephew in a row boat at sunset, a silhouette such as this.  Thanks for sending them to me Steph!!!  I can never get enough of that view :)


Today was spent doing a lot of thinking and wondering........ then I got an email from Dan :::waving::: thanks hon.  His mail was very sweet and then congratulated me on the number of 'hits' my journal had.  He was stating I was nearing the 40,000 mark.  Well since that mail I've gone over.  WOW!!  I know it's not completely accurate because many many times AOL reset itself.  When I put up site meter I went with what was on AOL at that point.  AOL also counts yourself as a hit each time you visit, do an entry, edit, whatever, so that number was never accurate.  Site meter gives me the option of not counting myself.  Anyway, Dan, your wonderful words did help and I so appreciate them.  Thank you!  I want to thank all my visitors, whether you comment or not, I so appreciate you stopping by.  I appreciate each and everyone of you that ask for a tag.  Thank you for understanding me, my quirks, my silliness, my sense of humor.  In good times and bad you've been there.  Your faith in me and support can be surpassed by no other.  Those of you who emailed me today regarding the nonsense, thank you.  I so appreciate the words of support and your genuine belief in me.  It's so nice to know that even though some do believe the bull shit, there are so many more that don't.  Makes it worth while, and it does restore some of the fun and the faith I have in folks realizing the truth. 


Still pondering and thinking, but all the wonderful words made my day that much better.  Hope everyone had a great weekend, and thanks again for making my Sunday end better then it started.




~ Tag Request - Bloom ~

DsDesignsBloomdonna.gif picture by 55hockeyfan

Expires 8-29-07


Just had some fun with the blooming effect (pun intended).  Not sure it's perfect, but............


If you'd like your name on this please leave a comment.  Please make sure your email is open to receive mail from me this will save a lot of frustration and aggravation.  Remember, limit 2.

I know sometimes the version of AOL you may be using does not give you the save as .gif option, but you can type it in after the file name and save as 'all file'.  AIM users or those not using AOL software do not have this option as far as I can tell.  If you need me to send differently so the graphic and animation stays intact, tell me.  Some already know to make a note to attach instead.  I will gladly work with you so the graphic stays as intended.  Let me help you, please.  I will not yell, I will not get mad.  I'd much rather attach the graphic then have you display it incorrectly. AOL has been compressing the larger graphics, but once you save as a .gif it will be fine and much clearer then the preview in mail.

Thank you!

PS Because of the sometimes 'glitch' with AOL alerts, if you do not receive your tag in a week please contact me via email

~ In Need ~

         DsDesignsGetWellSoon.gif picture by 55hockeyfan

Good morning folks!  I come to you today to ask for your support and prayers.  Jeannette over at Jeannette's Jottings is in need of some support.  You may or may not know she is fighting breast cancer.  To top of a dreaded year she has been having her precious grandson Daniel is in the hospital.


I hope she won't mind that I share a portion of mail we shared this morning.  She wondered what they had done to deserve such a year... my response to her,  'Jeannette my dear friend you have done nothing.  Not one thing.  Your heart is as pure as the first fallen snow.  The love you have shines like a beautiful sunrise on the shores of the ocean weaving with the waves as it spreads throughout.  I can't explain why certain people are 'picked' for things of this nature.  I wish I could.  Even more, I wish I could wave a magic wand and have my friends and family be safe from all worry, pain, and illness.'


If you could find a moment in your busy day to send a prayer and good thought it would be so appreciated.  Better yet, stop by her journal and let her know.  Thank you my friends. 


Daniel, get well soon and hurry home to your family!




Saturday, August 25, 2007

~ Saturday SHHHhhh ~

DsDesignseveningsky.jpg picture by 55hockeyfan


LOL, ok so now I can tell you :)  My nieces put on a surprise party for my sister (their Mother) this evening.  She does visit on occasion and I didn't want to let the cat out of the bag.  The party was held at my Mom's house and started about 7.  They went for dinner and then just 'stopped' by.  She ran into the house and didn't even notice there were folks in the backyard.  When she came out she was shocked.  Tears in her eyes, 'you got me.'  Tears in my eyes as I watched her reaction, her smiles.  Family and a few close friends were there.  Nothing huge, just a little gathering to celebrate life, to celebrate her!   There were strict instructions of 'no gifts!'  I didn't listen, I gave her mine on Tuesday when I took her her shake.  :::giggle:::  I got around that one didn't I?  Well, everyone did because no one listened!  LOL  :::sticking tongue out at her husband:::


The day was hot and sticky but threats of rain loomed.  Right as we were gathering at my parents the wind picked up and dark black clouds filled the sky.  They were moving rather fast and we all just whispered 'blow over.'  It did and the night was perfect.  It cooled down and it was just perfect for sitting outside with great company.  The, snacks, and drinks rounded out the evening.  Taco dip, cold veggie pizza, bread dip, and your normal cheese/crackers and chips.  Beer, pop, ice tea, and frozen Margaritas.  Yummy and refreshing!!!


                             DsDesignsRefreshing.jpg picture by 55hockeyfan


Because of the shadows on the patio most of the pictures are a bit dark.  The ones that did come out I was asked not to post.  LOL  Like my sister sticking her tongue out at me.  There is a bit of a story.......

my niece bought the cake and dropped it at my parents earlier in the day.  She found the perfect cake, the perfect size in the freezer section of the store.  She was looking there because she wanted ice cream, it appeared to be an ice cream cake.  So off it went into my Mom's freezer.  They brought it out with candle lit.  We sang and laughed.  Then laughed harder as they cut the cake.  It was not ice cream at all!  Apparently someone at the store had it, then decided on something else so they put it in the freezer case with the others.  I hate that!!  How many times have you shopped only to find meat on a shelf in the bread aisle?  GRRRR  The laughter got louder when folks had their lips and tongue turn blue from the decorations on the frosting.  Hers, was a vibrant blue that almost glowed in the dim night.   Won't she be proud when she sees that in her in box.  LOL  Happy Birthday Seester I love you! 


From my parents yard I was able to get shots of the evening sky.  The sun casting a glow through the clouds.  These do not do the live version justice, but I thought I'd share anyway.  I hope everyone had a great Saturday!  I did, and now I'm off to bed. 




~ Tag Offer - New Beginnings ~

DsDesignsNewBeginningsdonna.gif picture by 55hockeyfan

Expires 8-28-07


Another piece of Rachael Tallamy's magnificent work.  I couldn't resist this one either :)


If you'd like your name on this please leave a comment.  Please make sure your email is open to receive mail from me this will save a lot of frustration and aggravation.  Remember, limit 2.

I know sometimes the version of AOL you may be using does not give you the save as .gif option, but you can type it in after the file name and save as 'all file'.  AIM users or those not using AOL software do not have this option as far as I can tell.  If you need me to send differently so the graphic and animation stays intact, tell me.  Some already know to make a note to attach instead.  I will gladly work with you so the graphic stays as intended.  Let me help you, please.  I will not yell, I will not get mad.  I'd much rather attach the graphic then have you display it incorrectly. 

Thank you!

PS Because of the sometimes 'glitch' with AOL alerts, if you do not receive your tag in a week please contact me via email

~ Saturday in the Park ~

DsDesignsSaturdayinthePark.jpg picture by 55hockeyfan

Good Day!  We never got the rain last night, or the storm.  Not at my house anyway.  I am sure with the way things blew in someone nearby got it.   I went to bed with my head at the opposite end of my bed right below the window.  A steady breeze came in but nothing like the burst earlier.  It was pleasant and definitely helped me sleep with all that humidity.  Michigan had some wild weather last night, even had tornado's.  Bizarre weather every place!!!!  Hope everyone is safe.


Today I got up and did some reading while sipping away on my coffee.  MMMMmm  my sister was up before I, so the smell of it brewing was a nice gentle coax to get out of bed.  I did some running earlier to get the fixings for a taco dip.  My family loves it!!  More on the reasons behind that later... SHHHHHHhhhh


I was hoping to get my errands and laundry done so I could go float in my parents pool before the rain, but not sure I'm going to make it.  I took my camera with me in hopes of getting the geese.  As you see, I was successful in this run.  No where near as many, but I bet they will arrive throughout the day.  Even with the rain we've been getting you can see how parched the grass is.  It's so dry and hard that when it rains it settles in puddles then runs off or evaporates.  No time to seep into the ground. 


                  DsDesignsRoseRainBeauty.gif picture by 55hockeyfan


While waiting to change loads I put it together in a scrap.  I also did the peach/orange rose as a snag.  I added the rain as I thought it was a nice touch.  I originally had it on white, but the black makes it pop.  I may have to play with it again and make it bloom.  Some may not remember that graphic from way back when, but it's time to do another, yes?  LOL


Taco Dip...  for those interested


8 oz pckg of Philly cream cheese

1lb container of sour cream

pack of taco seasoning (any will do)


shredded cheese

thick and chunky salsa (any will do)


any other goodies (peppers, black olives, etc)


Soften cream cheese and mix with package of taco seasoning and sour cream.  Spread along bottom of dish.  Put in fridge to get it firm again.  Don't get the cream cheese to a liquid state just soft so you can mix.  Layer salsa, other goodies of your choosing, lettuce and cheese on top. 


If you are making it ahead of time wait to do lettuce and cheese.  The lettuce will make it runny.  In today's batch I will also be adding ground beef seasoned with another pack of taco seasoning.  Play with it... it will be hit I promise!  I also by the scoop chips... get more bang for the buck.  LOL


Well, off to finish that dish up and get moving........  stay away rain!  LOL  Hope everyone is having agreat Saturday




Friday, August 24, 2007

~ A Few Snags ~

        DsDesignsRaindropsarelike.gif picture by 55hockeyfan


Well I sat here going through my folders of snags and grabbed a few to put up.  As I sat concentrating and double checking that I hadn't already posted.  The shears on the front window blew in like Fred was off on the couch snoring and sucking them in and blowing them back out.  The wind chimes sounded more like heavy metal music then the subtle ting.   BOOM!   Rattle,  CRASH!  Everything on the little shelf over my kitchen sink and in front of the window went flying.  Dish soap all over.  GRRRRRR  then of course bubbles as I tried to clean it up.  As quick as the wind came in it was gone.  It was pretty hot and humid here today and wonder if this wind is a storm brewing close by.  It will probably cool it off, but if I have to close windows because of rain I will suffocate.  I swear I will!!!  No, I don't have A/C :(  Wish I did, it would help with the good 'ole sinuses.   EEEEEEEEEEkkk weatherman said the rain and thunder is on it's way.  GREAT!!  With the strength of the wind that blew in I don't think I will be calling these raindrops fairy whispers.  LOL


Ok ok here are the snags...  hope everyone had a great Friday!  Tomorrow is a big day :::giggle::: more later.  I'm off to bed... sleep well everyone.





                          DsDesignsSeaside.gif picture by 55hockeyfan


DsDesignsLookingbackatfall.gif picture by 55hockeyfan


                        DsDesignsBookofMoonlight.gif picture by 55hockeyfan



~ Forgive Me ~

               DsDesignsSorryFrog.gif picture by 55hockeyfan

My lame attempt at humor and lapse in judgement offended a few and I'm sorry.  I was trying to lighten up the mood regarding trolls and have some fun.  I was in no way threatening to run anyone over with my car or suggesting someone else do that if they were bothered by someone.  I'm so sorry if that was the impression given.  Forgive me?





Off to watch the 3rd preseason game of the Bills.  Can I just they suck!  LOL  Preseason and all.  :::shiver:::

John's Weekend Assignment

Weekend Assignment #180: Build a Bumper Sticker

Weekend Assignment #180: Go to this bumper sticker generator, and create a bumper sticker. Then post it in your journal. The generator page gives you a number of options to play with, so you should be able to have fun with it. Naturally, keep it reasonably clean; I have to link to it, after all.

Extra Credit:
How many bumper stickers does your car have in real life?


Ok, so with all that has been happening I just couldn't resist.  I know some are sick of hearing the nonsense going on in JLand, it's run rampant.  It is not just me being bothered but so many others.  So with that said.. my new bumper sticker.  


As for real bumper stickers.  I have none.  I have a couple of magnets.  Breast Cancer, AIDS, and of course my beloved hockey.  I have Sabre logo clingies in my window.  Nothing that is permanent. 


bumpersticker.jpg picture by 55hockeyfan


PS Please know I'd NEVER hurt anyone intentionally.  This is a joke only, brought on by continuous harassment and jabs at me and others here in JLand.  

~ Tag Offer - Love is Like...... ~

DsDesignsLoveisLikedonna.gif picture by 55hockeyfan

Expires 8-27-07


I find Rachael Tallamy's work magnificent.  I couldn't resist.


If you'd like your name on this please leave a comment.  Please make sure your email is open to receive mail from me this will save a lot of frustration and aggravation.  Remember, limit 2.

I know sometimes the version of AOL you may be using does not give you the save as .gif option, but you can type it in after the file name and save as 'all file'.  AIM users or those not using AOL software do not have this option as far as I can tell.  If you need me to send differently so the graphic and animation stays intact, tell me.  Some already know to make a note to attach instead.  I will gladly work with you so the graphic stays as intended.  Let me help you, please.  I will not yell, I will not get mad.  I'd much rather attach the graphic then have you display it incorrectly. 

Thank you!

PS Because of the sometimes 'glitch' with AOL alerts, if you do not receive your tag in a week please contact me via email

Thursday, August 23, 2007

~ Tag Offer - Biker Babe ~ SAC

             DsDesignsBikerBabedonna.gif picture by 55hockeyfan

Expires 8-26-07


If you'd like your name on this please leave a comment.  Please make sure your email is open to receive mail from me this will save a lot of frustration and aggravation.  Remember, limit 2.

I know sometimes the version of AOL you may be using does not give you the save as .gif option, but you can type it in after the file name and save as 'all file'.  AIM users or those not using AOL software do not have this option as far as I can tell.  If you need me to send differently so the graphic and animation stays intact, tell me.  Some already know to make a note to attach instead.  I will gladly work with you so the graphic stays as intended.  Let me help you, please.  I will not yell, I will not get mad.  I'd much rather attach the graphic then have you display it incorrectly. 

Thank you!

PS Because of the sometimes 'glitch' with AOL alerts, if you do not receive your tag in a week please contact me via email

~ Beetle Juice.. Beetle Juice... Beetle Juice ~

DsDesignsBeetleJuice8-23-07.jpg picture by 55hockeyfan

Not sure how many of you have had issues with Japanese Beetles this summer, but locally they are all over.  Driving around town you'll see the traps hanging in yards.  You may have seen them and not realized what they were.  My parents backyard was infested big time and they were killing the plants.  The put the bags/traps up and within hours they were full.  It was disgusting!!!  I've noticed plant life around that looked pretty gross.  At first it appeared to be lack of water, but upon inspection the leaves were eaten away. 


I was walking by the neighbors yard and noticed their grape vine on the fence was brown.  I walked over to look and was completely grossed out.  So what better way to show you what I saw then to get a picture.  LOL  Ok, I tried to pretty it up a bit.........   But you will notice the bunch of them on a leaf, or what is left of it.  Isn't that nasty?  I know it's part of nature and things come in waves.   A few years back it was lady bugs.  I just think it's sad that so much plant life is being killed.   There are bags up, but apparently it can't keep up with the number of beetles.


I got a couple mails over the past few days.  Guilty by association they tell me.  Apparently they are blocked from leaving comments in a journal because they come here and request my tags or leave comments.   Our journals, our prerogative as to who we allow to comment.  Completely understood.  This, though, does not surprise me one bit.  The whole fiasco of my troll began because I would not remove a comment from someone I barely knew but was disliked.  So sad that someone wants to dictate who you befriend or visit in JLand.  Like I said then, I don't want to play 4th grade games 'if you like me you won't be their friend' Whatever!  We can make our own choices, and if someone choose to block so be it.  If someone wants to allow, so be it.  It's the freaking Internet.  Funny thing though, apparently there have been comments left by an unknown name.  Really?  Imagine that since so many are blocked....  'You can't even leave your own srcreen name but hide behind another because you have neither backbone nor morals. You're as phony as a three dollar bill and everyone knows it.'   Now that is a concept.  Block them and then say they have no back bone, no morals, and are fake.  Or would that be me being accused?  Wouldn't be the first time.  Holy Shit!!!  Get over yourself, I have no interest.  Like a zit on the ass of a donkey, though painful at times, frustrating, and annoying.  I don't care that you are here or what you are doing.  Well, not exactly I wish I could chant some saying three times and have you go away and leave me out of your pitiful life.   Trust me, I tried to deal with this one on one, but email and comments have been blocked for almost a year.  Are they still?  I have no freaking clue..... see above.  I have no interest.  So take your whiny paranoid self off the pedestal.  I have no interest in your life, your journal, or you.  You have issues and trolls?  Look in the mirror because it sure the hell isn't me or anyone doing it for me.  Maybe those nice emails you send out?  Or because you block folks for childish reasons with no explanation?  Here's your sign!


Ok sorry about that, I'm back .............. Hope everyone is doing well on this Thursday.  I am, and I am looking forward to the weekend.  :::giggle:::  Can't say anything yet but I will soon.





beetle Juice, beetle juice, beetle juice  :::sigh::: oh how I wish that worked. 

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

~ Last Alert, Promise ~

Now this is animation!!!   It's not mine of course, :::sigh::: If only I could... or had the time........  it's awesome!!!!



~ Tag Request - Autumn Fae ~

         DsDesignsAutumnFaeDonna.gif picture by 55hockeyfan

Expires 8-25-07


I know it's a bit early, but with the chilly temps we've had here I couldn't resist.  The Black Eyed Susan's misted into the background are from the front of my house. I snapped the shot as I was coming back in from my errands.  I was thinking of the tag while running around and thought that would be a nice touch.  Good Gaawwwd it's an addiction!  LOL


If you'd like your name on this please leave a comment.  Please make sure your email is open to receive mail from me this will save a lot of frustration and aggravation.  Remember, limit 2.

I know sometimes the version of AOL you may be using does not give you the save as .gif option, but you can type it in after the file name and save as 'all file'.  AIM users or those not using AOL software do not have this option as far as I can tell.  If you need me to send differently so the graphic and animation stays intact, tell me.  Some already know to make a note to attach instead.  I will gladly work with you so the graphic stays as intended.  Let me help you, please.  I will not yell, I will not get mad.  I'd much rather attach the graphic then have you display it incorrectly. 

Thank you!

PS Because of the sometimes 'glitch' with AOL alerts, if you do not receive your tag in a week please contact me via email

~ Hump Day ~

DsDesignsSenecaCreekHorse8-22-07.jpg picture by 55hockeyfan

:::smiling:::  Hi folks!  I hope this finds you well.  I did get by to some of the alerts earlier and will try to get to more in a bit.  I had a few errands to run after dinner so I had to stop, sorry if I haven't been by yet.  I will :) 


I took my camera while running errands.  Yesterday while I was coming home from my sisters I passed a small park that had more geese then you could imagine.  I was going to be passing the park again so I thought I'd have the camera in case.  No such luck there, but I did pass a house that had horses out so I stopped.  I thought this one was a beauty.  As I stood at the side of the road he came right to the fence.  I didn't want to get to close, but I did get some nice shots.  No doubt you'll see the others down the road. 


I had to stop at a store this evening.   I viewed the worst temper tantrum I've ever seen.  I've seen many, believe me.  This was a young girl, maybe 8 or 9.  Old enough to know better.  She was screaming at her Mom and throwing things.  'I want that one!'  Mom replied with, 'no you just got 5 for your birthday you don't need another'  This went on and on.  The child even called her Mother a bitch.  Mom had such restraint not to smack her right there.  I was not at the best angle, but as I walked down the aisle I could see what she was screaming about.  I'd never heard of them before.  I must be sheltered!  LOL  Well, probably because my son is 21.  She was wanting a Webkinz.  Anyone out there familiar?  Apparently they are a bit of a knock off of the beanie baby but they come with a secret code.  You get the code and go to their web site where you can care for your virtual pet.  Play kids games, and get virtual cash.  Oh brother I see this turning into a mess.  :::giggle::: and I am going to start it.  Bug's birthday is next week and I think I am going to buy her the pink poodle as part of her gift.  It was adorable.  I'm so bad, eh?


The day was pretty uneventful.  Work, work, and more work.  Errands, errands, and more errands.  I did get caught up on tags, and again I do apologize for the delay in getting 'oh happy day' back to you.  I just had no idea I'd be so tired last night.  Tired I was.  I turned my TV on as I always do.  LOL  yeap it acts as a night light.  Funny thing, I need that sound to fall asleep.  Anyway, fall asleep I did.  Immediately!  I don't even know what was on.  I slept right through to this morning and then woke up with a headache.  A throbbing headache that just did not quit.  So no, Bill, I did not feel great and it had nothing to do with the Chili!!!   LOL  I had a department meeting at work and we were working on creating queries in our database.  I needed my glasses to see the white board, but can't read close up with them on.  So it was a hoot putting them on and taking them off.  My tummy didn't find it funny though.  At one point I actually felt ill.  Between the headache and change in focusing I wanted to die.  No worries it was gone by the end of the meeting. 


Gonna post a new tag request and then I'm off to read some journals before I get to bed.  Hope everyone had a great day!




Tuesday, August 21, 2007

~ Crash ~

                    DsDesignsAwwwPuppy.gif picture by 55hockeyfan

I saw this little puppy and all I could say was, 'aaawww'... so I did it.  LOL  Feel free to grab it if you like :) 


Today was a long day.  I had a full day at work.  You know that fake job I have.   It was an 'on' Tuesday so I was stopping at my sisters with her shake.  Her Birthday is Friday so I had a little something extra for her as well.  When we first found out she was sick I bought her a Willow Tree Angel, the Guardian Angel.  For her birthday I picked up the Healing Angel.  I absolutely love them and she has a collection started.  She loves Angels and Fairies so they are perfect. 


She did well today and we sat and yacked over her shake.  Her husband had made chili last night.  He used fresh tomatoes from the garden and cooked it down all night and all day.  He insisted I stay.  So I did.  It was out of this world and really hit the spot since it was chilly and rainy all day. 


I did a few errands and came home and looking at the clock I understand completely why I feel like I am going to crash.  I'm off to bed.  Yes Bill, early :)  I didn't get to many journals as my eyes ache and I can't concentrate.  I will get around tomorrow.  I know I owe some tags and I will get to them tomorrow too.  Promise! 


Hope everyone had a great day.




Monday, August 20, 2007

~ Tag Offer - Oh Happy Day ~

     DsDesignsOhHappyDaydonna.gif picture by 55hockeyfan

Expires 8-24-07


Staying with the silly theme :)


If you'd like your name on this please leave a comment.  Please make sure your email is open to receive mail from me this will save a lot of frustration and aggravation.  Remember, limit 2.

I know sometimes the version of AOL you may be using does not give you the save as .gif option, but you can type it in after the file name and save as 'all file'.  AIM users or those not using AOL software do not have this option as far as I can tell.  If you need me to send differently so the graphic and animation stays intact, tell me.  Some already know to make a note to attach instead.  I will gladly work with you so the graphic stays as intended.  Let me help you, please.  I will not yell, I will not get mad.  I'd much rather attach the graphic then have you display it incorrectly. 

Thank you!

PS Because of the sometimes 'glitch' with AOL alerts, if you do not receive your tag in a week please contact me via email

~ Friends Forever ~

                    DsDesignsFriendsForever2.gif picture by 55hockeyfan

You guys amaze me!  I got home from work this evening and was brought to tears.  The support, sentiments, good thoughts, comments and emails touched my heart.  Thank you!  ::in my best Elvis voice:: thank you very much.  Ok, corny .....   I saw the topic for the artsy essay contest and I just started writing.  I think I went a bit off topic, but I wrote what came to mind, what was in my heart, in my soul and it felt good.   I was messing with this graphic and it got sillier as I went along, but I wanted to give you something.  Make you smile, and feel warm inside like you've all done for me.  Hope it works ::grin::  Snag it if you like.


It is August 20th, right?  Not Sept?  Oct?  OMG!!!  What happened to summer?  It rained today.  Nothing heavy, but big fat drops that splattered when they hit.  Normally a summer rain is nice.  It doesn't bother me when the temps are warm.  It's a cleansing feeling.  Not today.  It was cold!  Instead of seeing folks in summer outfits underneath brightly colored umbrellas you saw slickers.  Deep greens, browns, reds.  Hoods up as they huddled under the umbrella to stay dry.  BRRR  Looking at the leaves I could see color.  Nothing vibrant, but they are changing from the bright greens I've become accustomed to.  Fall is my favorite season.  I love the smell, crisp and clean nature is all I can come up with to describe it.  The leaves a little crispy as they blow across the lands.  You can almost smell the apples, the cider, the farm land as it's being harvested.  The bright blue sky with white fluffy clouds.  Sounds wonderful, doesn't it?  I thought so, but not yet.  Not in August!!   The closer it gets the closer hockey season is :::giggle::: 20 some days until the first preseason game.  That makes me happy... but I want a few more hot sunny days.


So Michael Vick took the plea.  He will be in court next week for sentencing.  His actions totally disgusted me.  I was appalled that anyone would think dog fighting would be ok.  When the story started to break months ago others were interviewed.  I was totally amazed at the reaction.  So many thought it to be no big deal.  WHAT!?!?  Good gawd what is wrong with that picture?   There is talk of fines, jail time, and his career being over.  Why am I not so confident?  Why do I think that even if he does go to jail there will be some NFL team that will pick him and sign him to some lucrative contract?  I am pretty sure everyone is disgusted by the act, what I am curious about is what do you think will happen.  Fine?  How much jail time, if any?  Will he play football again?  Not what you want to happen, but in reality what do you think will happen? 


Ok, I'm sitting here in my fuzzy bath robe, heavy slippers, and shivering.  I think I will be off to bed.  Climb under the covers and pull my quilt up around my chin.  LOL  Hope everyone had a great day and I hope your Tuesday is magical.


Squeeze  :::grin:::


Sunday, August 19, 2007

~ Artsy Essay is Back ~

  DsDesignsSqueezewhatyoucanDonnaD.gif picture by 55hockeyfan

The theme for this month is:


I knew Judith was back with the 'Artsy Essay' because I saw Sam's entry over at Dockline's  last month.  The topic for that was good, but the timing was off.  I knew I couldn't partake.  This month when I saw the subject my head & heart went into a whirlwind.  Not because I thought I could win, my writing is not good... not even close to the others who partake, but because it made me think about the events of this summer and how I tried to squeeze every last bit of life out of the sunshine this summer brought.  Or was it just squeeze every bit of life?  I haven't decided.  This might get a bit deep for some, and family you may want to click that little red x up on the right.  I do love you!   LOL Ok so you all might want to click on the red x.  This probably won't even be close to staying on the topic.  Here goes...........


Most of you know my sister was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer back in March.  Cancer is not new to my family, not even close.  This is not about sympathy but about how I reacted.  How I squeezed....... or how I am squeezing.


Summer months go by so fast.  The sun rises in the East, sets in the West and everything in between seems to be fun and carefree.  Taking everything for granted.  This year I woke early to catch the sun coming up over the houses across the street.  I wanted to see the faint glow turn into bright red, yellow, andoranges.  The rays dancing off the roof tops, the leaves moving with the gentle breeze as their glossy coating was illuminated.  Birds chirping, the smell of the dew as it evaporated into the air.  Warmth making its way through the curtains.  Life is so short.


Work has been work.  I wished those days away, but not without noticing the smell of various colognes, voices and laughs.  The bitter smell of ink as the printers and copiers had their cartridges changed.  The sounds and tones of different phones ringing, people being paged.  Foods being cooked in the microwave.  Something I use to be able to block out.  Not now.  It all seems so important.  Life is so short.


Rainy days did not go by without being noticed.  I squeezed the sunshine and beauty out of each drop and sound.  The patter as drops fell upon the garden and grass to serve as a drink.  The glistening of those drops even though there was no sun.  The smell of earth, nature, ozone.  Fresh and clean.  Large and small drops alike as they rolled off the petals of each flower, each leaf, each blade of grass.  Even if it spoiled plans for the day, life is too short not to notice the sunshine hidden within.  I squeezed it out.  In my car, in my house, or at the lake.  Grabbing each moment and holding it dear. 


Spending time with loved ones, friends, and family.  Making as many plans as possible.  Sharing the day on the deck with a cold drink, rain or shine.  Swimming and playing games.  Boating in the calmness of the lake, long walks, short walks.  Big meals or a quick bite.  Hugs and kisses.  Saying I love you.  Sightseeing in the area even if I've seen things a million times before.  Always something new, different, alive.  Grabbing as many pictures as possible to keep the events forever alive.  Some of you may have seen a bit of this transition in the collages I've done.


Tuesday's are dear to me.  Rain or shine I squeeze what I can out of the day.  Standing in line to buy that milkshake.  The smell of vanilla as it is poured into the mixer.  The smell of sugars, dough, and sweet fillings of the doughnuts.  The rumble of the mixer as it stirs the ice cream into a thick frosty drink.  The coldness on my hand as I take it out to the car.  Most of all, the smile on my sisters face when I show up at her house with it.  Her eyes dance and twinkle even though the day was rough.  I would like to think that she lights up for me showing up as much as for the milkshake after a day of chemo.  Either way.  I light up.  I feel her warmth, her strength, her courage.  She, by God, is squeezing how can I not?


So, you see, it really isn't about sunshine or summer.  It's about squeezing.  Squeezing every second, minute, hour of every day.  Late at night as the sun sets.  The sky fills with yellow, blue, purple, and red.  The crickets sing lullabies.  Quietness falls as gently as the dew.  The moon begins to shine and you realized you squeezed all you can out of the day and it's time for sleep so you can start squeezing again tomorrow.  Life is so short.




~ Tag Offer - Yes, Pick the Flowers ~

              DsDesignsYesPicktheFlowersdonna.gif picture by 55hockeyfan

Expires 8-23-07


I had to offer this now, after the wonderful JLand chat.  LMAO!!!!  Thanks again Guido!  Keep Northern Trip in your sights, he will be posting the log of the chat. 


If you'd like your name on this please leave a comment.  Please make sure your email is open to receive mail from me this will save a lot of frustration and aggravation.  Remember, limit 2.

I know sometimes the version of AOL you may be using does not give you the save as .gif option, but you can type it in after the file name and save as 'all file'.  AIM users or those not using AOL software do not have this option as far as I can tell.  If you need me to send differently so the graphic and animation stays intact, tell me.  Some already know to make a note to attach instead.  I will gladly work with you so the graphic stays as intended.  Let me help you, please.  I will not yell, I will not get mad.  I'd much rather attach the graphic then have you display it incorrectly. 

Thank you!

PS Because of the sometimes 'glitch' with AOL alerts, if you do not receive your tag in a week please contact me via email

~ Color ~

Saw this over at Jude's, My Way and just had to........... not that I believe it.. but had to laugh... and I do like the color purple......

What color are you?



You Are a Purple Crayon
Your world is colored in dreamy, divine, and classy colors.
You hold yourself to a sky high standard, and you are always graceful.
People envy, idolize, and copy you without realizing it. You are an icon for those who know you.
And while it is hard to be a perfectionist, rest assured it's paying off!

Your color wheel opposite is yellow. While yellow people may be wise, they lack the manners and class needed to impress you.

~ Tag Request - Memories ~

         DsDesignsMemoriesDonna.gif picture by 55hockeyfan

Expires 8-21-07


My original plan was to use this for the entry on the reunion, but decided to offer it as a tag.  As you can see name space is pretty limited.  I will do my best to fit your name.  *hugs*


If you'd like your name on this please leave a comment.  Please make sure your email is open to receive mail from me this will save a lot of frustration and aggravation.  Remember, limit 2.

I know sometimes the version of AOL you may be using does not give you the save as .gif option, but you can type it in after the file name and save as 'all file'.  AIM users or those not using AOL software do not have this option as far as I can tell.  If you need me to send differently so the graphic and animation stays intact, tell me.  Some already know to make a note to attach instead.  I will gladly work with you so the graphic stays as intended.  Let me help you, please.  I will not yell, I will not get mad.  I'd much rather attach the graphic then have you display it incorrectly. 

Thank you!

PS Because of the sometimes 'glitch' with AOL alerts, if you do not receive your tag in a week please contact me via email

~ Bring on the Day ~

        DsDesignsBringontheDay.gif picture by 55hockeyfan

Ok, so it's after 3 in the afternoon, probably not the best title for an entry now, eh?  LOL  I'm just moving a bit slow today.  No, I'm not hung over, but I am a bit tired.  Hmmm, ok, real tired! 


Yesterday was the bomb!  I had such a blast.  We decided to save on parking space so my sister and her husband picked me up.  I walked out to the car and my sister said no one would recognize me.  I looked at her a bit funny as I really haven't changed a ton.  Or so I'm told.  Only difference was I straightened my hair.  She laughed and said, 'no I meant you don't have your camera.'   Ahhh didn't matter much as those folks don't know of my new addiction.  We laughed.  I just didn't feel like having it hang around my neck all day.  Besides, I wasn't even sure who would be there.  Without knowing, I didn't want to be bothered. 


We pulled into the parking lot and having one car was definite score.  The parking lot was jam packed!  We were amazed, and giggled ever so slightly with anticipation.  We headed to the gate, the whole while hearing the music of the band in the distance.  I'll fess up.  It was loud and really wasn't that far off, how could you not hear it!  And guess what.  I knew the songs playing!  LOL  I knew all the words, knew the beat, and definitely didn't feel old for a change.  That quickly changed.  We paid to get in and scoped the place out.  Damn, I don't remember so many out of shape grey haired men hanging out at the bar.  Oh wait, that was almost 30 years ago.  OUCH!  I am old!!


We headed over to an empty picnic table and got comfy.  Along the way we saw familiar faces.  Not always remembering the names, but the faces we knew.  It didn't take long before I found folks I knew.  It was great to talk of the good 'ole days.  Get caught up on how life had unfolded for each of us.  Laughing and tears.  Exchanging phone numbers so we could keep in touch.


I was a bit disappointed that there wasn't more folks from my 'generation' of hanging at the bar.  Don't get me wrong, I had a blast and knew a lot of people, just not who I expected.  So many of my older brother and sister's friends were there.  At one point, as I talked to my sisters in walked the hottest guy ever.  LMAO  When I was younger he played baseball with my brother and that crew.  Back then I was in love.  I'd go to the games just to see him.  My heart would flutter, the palm of my hands would sweat.  He was always pleasant and always talked, but I was so and so's little sister.  A baby in comparison.   Some things never change!  :::giggle:::  He looked no different.  A few crows feet around the eyes, but he didn't look to age at all.  How could that be?  DAMNIT!  (there's one for you Russ... LOL  Running into someone after 30 years and finding they haven't aged a bit but everyone else did)  I looked at my sisters and said, 'he is still a hottie tottie!'   They agreed.  Damnit!  He's married  and I'm still so and so's little sister :)~


The bands were great.  After all these years they hadn't lost a beat.  I had to put my glasses on so I could see them up on stage.  I wanted to see if they were still the same guys.  Yeap they were.  Some had come in from out of town just for the occasion.  They played so many of the songs they use to play.  Made us all forget we have aches and pains, we need glasses to see, and we have children the same age we were when we first met.  Talk about memories!  Good memories.  Fun memories.  One's you don't ever want to lose.  The day was long, but so much fun.  I hope they do it again without waiting another 30 years. 


I was going to do an entry when I got home, but I just didn't have the energy or pazzaz.  Like I said, I'm old.  LOL  I do hope everyone had a great Saturday.   Oh and don't forget the JLand chat is in about 45 minutes.  Hope to see you there.  Guido has a link for the chat room................. 




Friday, August 17, 2007

~ Tag Offer - A Rustle in the Wind ~

             DsDesignsArustleinthewinddonna.gif picture by 55hockeyfan

Expires 8-21-07


If you'd like your name on this please leave a comment.  Please make sure your email is open to receive mail from me this will save a lot of frustration and aggravation.  Remember, limit 2.

I know sometimes the version of AOL you may be using does not give you the save as .gif option, but you can type it in after the file name and save as 'all file'.  AIM users or those not using AOL software do not have this option as far as I can tell.  If you need me to send differently so the graphic and animation stays intact, tell me.  Some already know to make a note to attach instead.  I will gladly work with you so the graphic stays as intended.  Let me help you, please.  I will not yell, I will not get mad.  I'd much rather attach the graphic then have you display it incorrectly. 

Thank you!

PS Because of the sometimes 'glitch' with AOL alerts, if you do not receive your tag in a week please contact me via email

~ Evenin' & Tag Clarification ~

DsDesignsEveninCats.gif picture by 55hockeyfan

Evenin'   Hope everyone had a great week and Friday proved to be a fabulous day!  I'm just glad the week is over.   I mentioned in my entry yesterday that Guido is getting things in order and promoting a chat on Sunday as a 4 year anniversary event.  In years past there was a little more hoopla, but he didn't want the event to go by unnoticed.  I'm sure there are lots out there that want to do something for the milestone.  Joe over at Magic Smoke had taken care of the graphic in years past but things have changed a bit and I hadn't heard anything about it.  Everyone was looking for a graphic.  Though Guido is giving me credit for the 4 year graphic, I didn't do the tag and don't deserve it.  Someone else did the work, I just took last years and changed it from 3 to 4.  I appreciate all the kind words, but the credit is not mine.  Since the anniversary is actually the 21st, Joe may still get one out so stay tuned...........


                                          aol-journals-4-year-badge-154x168.gif picture by 55hockeyfan


I had worked on one of my own and even though I know most will want the AOL one, I thought I'd put it out here anyway.   I kept it pretty simple but feel free to snag :)


                                        DsDesigns4years.jpg picture by 55hockeyfan





Thursday, August 16, 2007

~ Tag Offer - Colorful Garden ~

          DsDesignsColorfulGardendonna.gif picture by 55hockeyfan

Expires 8-20-07


More Half Pint fun.  Couldn't resist this with the digital scrap book kit I had.  :::giggle::: half pints are just too fun to play with.  Watch for more down the road........


If you'd like your name on this please leave a comment.  Please make sure your email is open to receive mail from me this will save a lot of frustration and aggravation.  Remember, limit 2.

I know sometimes the version of AOL you may be using does not give you the save as .gif option, but you can type it in after the file name and save as 'all file'.  AIM users or those not using AOL software do not have this option as far as I can tell.  If you need me to send differently so the graphic and animation stays intact,tell me.  Some already know to make a note to attach instead.  I will gladly work with you so the graphic stays as intended.  Let me help you, please.  I will not yell, I will not get mad.  I'd much rather attach the graphic then have you display it incorrectly. 

Thank you!

PS Because of the sometimes 'glitch' with AOL alerts, if you do not receive your tag in a week please contact me via email