LOL, ok so now I can tell you :) My nieces put on a surprise party for my sister (their Mother) this evening. She does visit on occasion and I didn't want to let the cat out of the bag. The party was held at my Mom's house and started about 7. They went for dinner and then just 'stopped' by. She ran into the house and didn't even notice there were folks in the backyard. When she came out she was shocked. Tears in her eyes, 'you got me.' Tears in my eyes as I watched her reaction, her smiles. Family and a few close friends were there. Nothing huge, just a little gathering to celebrate life, to celebrate her! There were strict instructions of 'no gifts!' I didn't listen, I gave her mine on Tuesday when I took her her shake. :::giggle::: I got around that one didn't I? Well, everyone did because no one listened! LOL :::sticking tongue out at her husband:::
The day was hot and sticky but threats of rain loomed. Right as we were gathering at my parents the wind picked up and dark black clouds filled the sky. They were moving rather fast and we all just whispered 'blow over.' It did and the night was perfect. It cooled down and it was just perfect for sitting outside with great company. The, snacks, and drinks rounded out the evening. Taco dip, cold veggie pizza, bread dip, and your normal cheese/crackers and chips. Beer, pop, ice tea, and frozen Margaritas. Yummy and refreshing!!!

Because of the shadows on the patio most of the pictures are a bit dark. The ones that did come out I was asked not to post. LOL Like my sister sticking her tongue out at me. There is a bit of a story.......
my niece bought the cake and dropped it at my parents earlier in the day. She found the perfect cake, the perfect size in the freezer section of the store. She was looking there because she wanted ice cream, it appeared to be an ice cream cake. So off it went into my Mom's freezer. They brought it out with candle lit. We sang and laughed. Then laughed harder as they cut the cake. It was not ice cream at all! Apparently someone at the store had it, then decided on something else so they put it in the freezer case with the others. I hate that!! How many times have you shopped only to find meat on a shelf in the bread aisle? GRRRR The laughter got louder when folks had their lips and tongue turn blue from the decorations on the frosting. Hers, was a vibrant blue that almost glowed in the dim night. Won't she be proud when she sees that in her in box. LOL Happy Birthday Seester I love you!
From my parents yard I was able to get shots of the evening sky. The sun casting a glow through the clouds. These do not do the live version justice, but I thought I'd share anyway. I hope everyone had a great Saturday! I did, and now I'm off to bed.
So happy you had such a grand "surprise" birthday party for your sister. Making memories is always so great. I celebrated my wedding anniversary yesterday--without my mate, gone for five years now. But had a beautiful email from my niece REMEMBERING: recalling the wedding day 34 years ago, and the 25th Wedding Anniversary family cruise (for 40) which was my anniversary gift from my husband. Aw, but those memories help so much over the rough times! Thanks for sharing. Love, LaVern
Thank you for this wonderful entry Donna...I was there celebrating with you too.
That was a lovely surprise you all gave your darling sister. Blue Reminds me of the sweetie (candy) my grandson bought from a trick shop whilst he was staying with us on holiday recently. What an 'Uuuugly' lookin' tongue he stuck out after sucking that!!
Wonderful to visit in my minds eye afterwards ..memories. (Sigh)
Have a lovely weekend.
Jeanie xx
What a great family you have Donna ....I am glad your sister was surprised about her birthday party ..sounds like you all will have some laughs to think about for weeks to come.
I am so pleased your sister had a lovely birthday surprise ,what a lovely family you have Jan xx
What a fantastic suprise D.
Would have loved to haves een the't you just love the guys that do that ...not!!!!
Have a great Sunday
hugs Jayne
How fun for your sister and your family. I think it's wonderful. My family is so far apart, it has been years since we've all been together at one time. Linda (Friday's Child)
Oh that sounded like a wonderful evening! Linda
i'm so glad you had a good celebration and how awesome to do that for your sister!!!! I'd love to see her pic with her tongue out too. lol
You skies were lovely, D! Our humidity here has been totally oppressive but broke finally last night. We had a wonderful family dinner out last night (surprise, surprise) also. Everyone behaved for Hope you have a good Sunday! (Love those scrappy safety pins.) Love ya, Chris
Family and close friends,,,,and good food..Sounds like a wonderful time..And it's always nice to be able to pull off a surprise like that...Glad the weather didn't ruin the day...
Sounds like sooo much fun!
LOL about the cake...but sorry it wasn't what was wanted. {{}}
Have a blessed day.
Really great idea! Glad your sister had a great surprise party. Hugs, Maria
My last surprise party was when I was 21........ I can hardley remember it now :-(
Gaz x
Aww that brought tears to my eyes just about ;) That was soo beyond sweet. Family is the best there always together to celebrate good times, be there for the tough and there when u always need some1. That was wonderful idea u all threw her a surprise bday party. I love that! I bet she really had a nice time :) Great entry hun. Sounded like a perfect day ;) Good food and drinks too yumm. Off to see more entries, ttys. Have a good day hun!
Lots of love, Leslie
aww we tried to throw my mother a surprise party but she is such a grinch we didnt plan it she knew something was up.
I love surprise parties! :o)
Such a great party, the cake story made me laugh because I've done the same thing! Frozen cake is not an easy thing to eat!--Sheria
(((((((((((((((((HUGSTOYOU))))))))))))))))))))))Happy Birthday Sister,I am glad She had a good time.
That margarita looks WONDERFUL!
I think I'm salivating over here!
Sooooo glad the evening went well and everybody had a good time. I can't help it, D, I'm giggling about the frozen cake. LOL That is aggravating though!!! I recommened Cold Stone Creamery cakes...they're OUT OF THIS WORLD.
So glad the party was a success and the rain held off. The shots of the clouds are wonderful. Looks like there is a fire some in the distance.
Sounded like a lovely party. I know your sister was pleased. I wish the photos had come out so you could have shared some....hope you have a great week. Hugs and love,
Happy Birthday D's Sister! So glad you were all able to get together and enjoy an evening -- stress free.
Cold Veggie Pizza...OMG I know exactly what you are talking are not helping my diet any woman!
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