What can I say, I just love these little characters. I mentioned awhile back I joined Stickerchick's (also known as mypsptubes). That is in addition to CILM. As you already know, both are artist guilds where you have to purchase a license in order to use the work of the artists. You all, no doubt, remember the fiasco regarding not having that license. Anyway, I stopped by stickerchick's because I wanted some Garv tubes, which I've used recently, but there were a few others I could not resist. These included. To me they are just too cute. I did a tag request with one too, I'll post that later, but both of these are snaggable as is if you're interested :)
Thank you all for the nice comments about my friendship entry. I also appreciate the emails of concern when I didn't do an entry yesterday. I'm fine, just got busy doing a few other things and then it was late and I didn't feel like posting. I know some folks can't handle sickness, and I know I should probably cut some slack, but some of these friendships didn't gradually fall off, they ended. No where to be seen or heard. No replies to anything, calls, emails, text messages. Will I bother again? Probably not. It's been months and not a word. Can you say 'see ya'? Yes, I will respond if they contact me but I don't see the friendship/relationship ever being the same. Sad.
This week hasn't been too bad but I am so glad it's almost over! I was suppose to have my last dentist appointment on Wednesday and I was so excited about it. Unfortunately they canceled. My dentist had a family emergency and they aren't resetting anything until the beginning of Sept. I am so disappointed, but I do hope all is ok with her family. Obviously it is something major for a 3 week break.
Saturday I have a fun day planned. Growing up there was a bar within walking distance of my house. Back then you only had to be 18 to get in, and I remember several times attempting to do so before I was of age. Because of my large family and my older siblings they all knew I wasn't 'legal' and they'd never let me in. Drove me nuts! Such fun bands played and all my friends were able to pass with the fake ID they had. Yeap, bad, bad, bad!!! On my 18th birthday we made a special trip so I could get the proper picture ID to get in. I wanted so bad to see the band playing and was excited that I was finally legit. So we go to sheriffs office to get the ID. Stand in line for hours and walk out as happy as a lamb. About 10 in the evening we go to the bar. I'm all prepared with my ID. I get to the bouncer at the door, and guess what. They don't ask for it! GRRRRRRRRR They already knew. DAMN IT! What a waste of time. Well for years it was a staple in my night life. On certain nights we 'had' to go because of the band playing. It was the in thing. The bar has been closed for years. Saturday at a grove nearby they are having a reunion party from 1-9. A couple of the regular bands will be playing. They must be old now! LOL Anyway, it should be a blast. Sisters and brother will be going too. Generations of people who once hung out. Can't wait! Hope the weather is nice.
Do you all know JLand is coming up on it's 4 year anniversary? No big plans or events have been planned, but Guido over at Northern Trip is promoting a chat on Sunday. In years past it has been fun and it's nice to get together with folks on a 'real time' basis. Check out his entry for details and try to stop in... even for a bit.
Thanks again for all the nice comments and emails. Hope everyone is doing great.

Aw those are cute. 4 years eh? Hard to believe!
yeah I noticed that no awards or things had been passed out> I think everone shoudl get one for the four years and then those who had thier jouranl the same one get one for the fourth year. nothing past that just everyone get one. sounds like a neat thing the bar and the band reuion. I got into a bar once my cousin got me in who was in college ....... it was fun I was so excited. she helped me dress for the night. it was exciting to me. I was still in high school
Those lil half pints are cute! And I hope you have a great time on Saturday. I wish my old neighborhood would get together and do something like that. Would be a blast. Have fun! love, Shelly
That sounds so nice to go back to that bar! :o) I know you'll have fun! :o) I love the little half pints.....too cute! :o)
the half pint tags are cute.
I really like this. Can I just save it as a picture on my computer?
hehehehe these are cute D. I do remember the fiasco, "you as an artist need to know who is registered with these guilds, you need to know better. You need to follow the rules. You need to do as I say not as I do." HAHAHA what a joker and fool! You rose to the top. Saturday sounds like a ball. I hope you have a great time!
Omg, we had a bar like that too... it was 2 towns over, what fun it would be to have that kind of reunion!!! Enjoy! You ALL deserve it!
be well,
It sounds like you are up for a brilliant time, i hope you have loads of fun with your family
love and hugs
I love these lil' toons too. Sorry the dentist appt. is postponed, my mom has been going through all the dental appointments too has had 2 a week for two weeks in a row so far. She hates it but needs to get all the work done before Sept. My stepdad is retiring and SHE won't be covered any longer. Well have fun this weekend, ttyl!
- Jessica Lynn
Have a brilliant time with your family! I can see what a great night its going to be. I am away to my grandaughters Baptism this weekend so will not be around for the Chat on Sunday.
Your tags are lovley....soo cute!
The get together at the Grove sounds great ,hope you meet lots of old friends ..love Jan xx
The tags are adorable. I saved both. Sounds like you are going to have a wonderful, fun...weekend. I do hope you enjoy!
Hugs and love,
i wish someone would make a 4 yr tag for us and Guido. But MY how it has changed since i showed up 4 yrs ago.
i cant wait to hear about your reunion with the bar buddies....that sounds like so much fun!!
Love ya always, lisa jo
You'll just be a part of gatherings and reunions all over this place in the coming days! I'm looking forward to hearing about some friends you haven't seen in years. Those are much better than high school reunions because it's all about "friends only"! Enjoy tomorrow and come back and share :)
I love your story! Sounds like good memories! Hope the reunion is a ton of fun!
Such cute pictures! Saturday sounds like a really fun day planned. Hope you have a fabulous time! Linda
I checked out Stickerchick's .... awesome page!!!
Such cute lil caricatures. Can't wait to see what you will do with all this new graphics.
Have a nice weekend. Hugs, Maria
Your reunion will be so much fun... let us know about it! bea
(((((((((((((((((HUGSTOYOU))))))))))))))))))Have a fun time.Love your graffics.
LOL.......Wouldn't that just happen when you are all legal...........lol.... S*d's Law
hugs Jayne
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