Evenin' Hope everyone had a great week and Friday proved to be a fabulous day! I'm just glad the week is over. I mentioned in my entry yesterday that Guido is getting things in order and promoting a chat on Sunday as a 4 year anniversary event. In years past there was a little more hoopla, but he didn't want the event to go by unnoticed. I'm sure there are lots out there that want to do something for the milestone. Joe over at Magic Smoke had taken care of the graphic in years past but things have changed a bit and I hadn't heard anything about it. Everyone was looking for a graphic. Though Guido is giving me credit for the 4 year graphic, I didn't do the tag and don't deserve it. Someone else did the work, I just took last years and changed it from 3 to 4. I appreciate all the kind words, but the credit is not mine. Since the anniversary is actually the 21st, Joe may still get one out so stay tuned...........

I had worked on one of my own and even though I know most will want the AOL one, I thought I'd put it out here anyway. I kept it pretty simple but feel free to snag :)

I think your tag beats AOL's! I'm not at the four year mark....still can't believe I made it to 3!!
I like yours better then aols also. ((((((((Hugs))))))))
Yours is a lovely Tag. Well done!
Yep, your tag definitely wins!! Linda
I really like yours ..love Jan xx
Have added a note to that effect to entry, Donna. Like the new one better :-)
4 Years, hard to believe. Love the tags.
Being owned by 3 cats (used to be 4) I find the felines at the head of your journal most appealing. Such talent you have.
Found my way her VIA Dawn and her journal CarpeDiem.
Four years?... really? Makes me wonder how long I've been here. Have been mostly AWOL as I finished a PhD and began a new job. Nice to be back.
I prefer your 4 year tag to the other, has more personality I think.
Be well. Laugh often. Play hard.
Oh, I love those kitties =). They look like my cat! xox
i am so thankful you updated that tag. THANK YOU!
I love your four year tag the best, Donna!
Krissy :)
Hi sweety, *hugs* I hope ur having a good weekend so far :) Ty for clarifying about the tag thing. I did snag both though. Even though u only put the 4 yrs on it still nice that u did so. I cant believe its been 4 yrs of jland already. Where has time gone, lol. Unreal that many of us have been journaling that long. The best part of it all is i know for me anyway im sure for u too, i have met such wonderful ppl. Including u which im happy i am getitng to know more and more. Hopefully make lifelong friendship with as well. The sunday night chat sounds great too. I will try to be by there and look on more info about it. Ty for the heads up. Take care hun. Have a good day ttys ;)
*hugs, Leslie
What a lovely tag you have made Doona,I love the design.Thanx for the info.Have a great week/end.Take Care God Bless Kath
astoriasand http:?/journals.aol.co.uk/astoriasand/MYSIMPLERHYMES
I love yours and will be happy to snag! Hope your weekend is an enjoyable one! Take care and thank you for your talent!
I like this one, but could you make it smaller for my sidebar and send as an attachment? Thanks! Tawnya
4 years wow thats a mightly long time i forgot when i started my journal i have to go check the counter.
These are great, Donna...thank you!
My personal 4 year anniversary will be October 26. Can't believe it. Time sure flies!
Hi Donna, sorry I've not been around lately but I had a virus on my computer and couldn't get online. I love your own graphic you made, thanks I snagged it! I also love the kitty graphic up top, the kitty on the right looks like you startled him! Lol! Hope you have a good Sunday. Jeannette xx
They say the creme always rises to the top, and with you it is proven again. You didn't have to clarify, but you did. Taking credit for something not yours is just not your style. I like yours better anyway hehehehe Cute cats
You did great Donna... love the kitties too!
be well,
That was nice of you to make a graphic for us to use. Can I snag the kitties? I really like that one.
Thanks D! As always I'm a day late and a dollar short -- although the anniversary was on my mind for a week or so before ... I was also thinking of all the tough 'stuff' that went on and I'm not the least bit surprised no one wanted to take on a big celebration. But Guido, even though I couldn't be there ... thank YOU for your efforts! (and whomever helped)
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