Friday, August 24, 2007

~ Forgive Me ~

               DsDesignsSorryFrog.gif picture by 55hockeyfan

My lame attempt at humor and lapse in judgement offended a few and I'm sorry.  I was trying to lighten up the mood regarding trolls and have some fun.  I was in no way threatening to run anyone over with my car or suggesting someone else do that if they were bothered by someone.  I'm so sorry if that was the impression given.  Forgive me?





Off to watch the 3rd preseason game of the Bills.  Can I just they suck!  LOL  Preseason and all.  :::shiver:::


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

You don't have to apologize to me ~ I wasn't offended at all ~ all in fun!


Keep up the good work ~ Lois B

Anonymous said...

what did i miss? Trolls? Dont say you are sorry for wanting to get rid of a troll.....they SUCK.
LOVE, lj

Anonymous said...

Donna, I think you need to develope a harder shell. You seem to worry too much about what people are saying. I would have thought being a GSTd CL for years you would have learned how to handle that type of individual. I know it did for me. Bill

Anonymous said...

I agree with Connie people need to chill out. I thought it was funny as hell hun. What happened to everyones sense of humor? Sheesh! Big Hugs luv
~ Marina

Anonymous said...

it was funny..don't worry no one took you serious ..surely not? LOL~

Anonymous said...

I thought it was rather funny

Anonymous said... was funny....I didn't think I thought you'd hit anyone..


Don't be sorry.......trolls are them as you see them.


Anonymous said...

It was hilarious Donna...
those that have a sense of humor thought
so anyways =)~  hehehehe


Anonymous said...

ohgosh, who got their panies in a bunch?  IT WAS FUNNY!


Anonymous said...

I hope the Bills can at least get to 8-8 this year. But I can still hope for a unrealistic 16-0 record right. (:Grin:)

Can't wait for some football.

Anonymous said...

Firstly, I just love your frog  it is super, I grabbed it.  My son is a die hard fan of the Buffalo Bills.  He has every jacket, shirt, hat there is that is Buffalo Bills.  He bought season tickets and he went to last week's game and this one tonight.  He calls me  he left work early to go, he is stuck at the border and it is 6:25  says is it busy on Fridays, I said u got that right, well I am missing the game. I said well go tell the guy that  at the border, lmao.  He loves the Bills win or lose.  Good luck to them this year.  

Anonymous said...

Oh for Pete's sake.... If they can't tell a joke when they see one then they DESERVE to be run over!! Don't apologize for having a little bit of fun. No one in their right minds thought you would ever run over anyone (oops... trolls and in their right mind aren't two things that go together <sheesh>). Some people just need to get a life!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Apologizing for making us laugh? You go right ahead and joke all you want. (((((((((hugs))))))))))
Love ya,

Anonymous said...

hmmm.....maybe some folks are just too sensitive??

Anonymous said...

Absolutely ridiculous that anyone would be offended.... R U kidding me?!?!


Anonymous said...

I thought it was funny & a great choice of a word, lol.
- Jessica

Anonymous said...

Is there a troll support group now??  Don't apologize, Sweetie!  YOU ROCK!!


Anonymous said...

You have to be kidding that someone was offended people not have any humor these days!!

Keep up your work Donna ..I love reading your blog!

Hugs  Mari

Anonymous said...

Surely no one could be offended Donna ! love all your entrys Jan xx

Anonymous said...

People need to lighten up, I'd say!! Have a good weekend!

Anonymous said...

What a shame some folks don't possess a sense of humour Donna.
No one in their right mind would take your suggestion seriously.

Jeanie xx

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Oh for goodness' sakes, some people just don't have a sense of humour, do they. Hope trolls are like the ones in The Hobbit, they'll petrify when exposed to direct sunlight.

Anonymous said...

I know you would never hurt someone intentionally!!  Linda

Anonymous said...

aaaawwww that's cute froggie..I know you wouldn't hurt anyone's feeling.Good day! Nancy

Anonymous said...

As I am reading bloggs top to bottom, I haven't got to your offending entry yet......... Naughty Girl!
Gaz ;-)

Anonymous said...

D, only one person was offended by your sense of humor and that is because she doesn't have one and IS the guilty party.  You have a heart of gold and not a violent bone in your body, to do an entry saying different only shows the hate and jealousy.

Anonymous said...

What is there to forgive???  Unless you are a troll you won't be offended.  IMO

Anonymous said...

Well, now I have to go read that post.... LOL!  

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

<<<<<<< Scratches head and wonders did she miss something......... lol

It seems that its ok for people to offend you............ but not for you to have a laugh and a joke about simple things like a sticker......... FGS guys .....lighten up.

What ever happened to free speech.............i thought it was your journal
<<<<< Gets off soapbox   :oP

hugs Jayne