Sunday, August 26, 2007

~ Tag Request - Bloom ~

DsDesignsBloomdonna.gif picture by 55hockeyfan

Expires 8-29-07


Just had some fun with the blooming effect (pun intended).  Not sure it's perfect, but............


If you'd like your name on this please leave a comment.  Please make sure your email is open to receive mail from me this will save a lot of frustration and aggravation.  Remember, limit 2.

I know sometimes the version of AOL you may be using does not give you the save as .gif option, but you can type it in after the file name and save as 'all file'.  AIM users or those not using AOL software do not have this option as far as I can tell.  If you need me to send differently so the graphic and animation stays intact, tell me.  Some already know to make a note to attach instead.  I will gladly work with you so the graphic stays as intended.  Let me help you, please.  I will not yell, I will not get mad.  I'd much rather attach the graphic then have you display it incorrectly. AOL has been compressing the larger graphics, but once you save as a .gif it will be fine and much clearer then the preview in mail.

Thank you!

PS Because of the sometimes 'glitch' with AOL alerts, if you do not receive your tag in a week please contact me via email


Anonymous said...

Please tag me


Thanks so much !!

Anonymous said...

One with: Marsha .
Please and thanks :)

Anonymous said...

It is beautiful! I think it is a perfect creation! May I please have one with Maria & one with Stacey. Thanks bunches! Hugs, Maria

Anonymous said...

I just love that blooming effect!  That's the first time I've seen one like that before.  Great job!  

I'd love this with Bridgett and Janya, please, Donna.  


Anonymous said...

Mammaw and Dawn please and tysm

Anonymous said...

Thank you for doing such nice work for us.  I'd like mine with Penny.

Anonymous said...

I think you did a great job on the rose!  I'm not a rose person at all but it's definitely BLOOMIN'!  Awesome!

Anonymous said...

looks perfect to did a great job with the bloomin' thing!!  :)

Anonymous said...

Donna, you outdid yourself with this one. Great job.
A little slower on the blooming process would be better for these old eyes. Now go to bed you need the sleep, Bill

Anonymous said...

May I have my name on this please~Melissa

Anonymous said...

Sorry you are feeling poorly.  I hope you will be well soon.
I do not have authority to give medical advice nor in the position to,  Everyone is different and you must follow doctor's orders.   I can only tell you what I have learned from another.  One cannot FIGHT their body, for the more you deny and push yourself the worse it may become.  Accept the limits that it imposes and be thankful for the little you can do.  It is when you surrender and accept that one can do only so much, that you can “pace” yourself in all you do.  To bring yourself to an accepting place and begin again.
She used to loathe the word “pace”; a hard worker and one that worked straight through on something until it was complete or was at a comfortable stopping point.  There was nothing in between.  When injured it turned her word topsy turvy and she definitely fought it all the way.    It wasn’t until she surrendered and accepted what she could and couldn’t do that she was able to feel better and work up from there at steady pace.  She may never be the same as before, but she has come along way and always strives for more.
So keep the faith with a smile.  Take Care and God Bless You.  Nice Work.

Anonymous said...

I would love one please of Bloom with
on it
thanks so much in advance

Anonymous said...

Beautiful Donna

May I please have this with the following name


Thank you kindly

Anonymous said...

Yellow roses for friendship, yes please Donna ~ Jeannette

Anonymous said...

Oh Donna this is one of my favorites hands down!!! Can I have it tagged with "Christy" Thank you!!

Anonymous said...

Please one with Joyce...this is beautiful.  Thank you Donna..hugs,

Anonymous said...

Very pretty.  The color is stunning.

Anonymous said...

I LOVE the tag ~ so very pretty!  Could I get one please?

Lois B

Thanks so very much!

Anonymous said...

May I please have this with
Connie ??
Thanks so very much :-)

Anonymous said...

Beautiful! May i have this with

TY Hun

Anonymous said...

This is soo beyond beautiful. Ur work always amazes me hun :)
May i please have one with Leslie and the other Melissa?
Ty soo much darling ;) ttys, *hugs & love, Leslie

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Lovely ,lovely ,please may I ? ....Love Jan xx

Anonymous said...

very nice.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful!  Me please!

be well,

Anonymous said...

I'm loving this blooming rose.  You did a greta job!   Please tag with sunyruby, Diamond55 and Jewbabyy
Thank you for offering. Please email to

Anonymous said...

Me please. Ty (((((((((Hugs))))))))))

Anonymous said...

Hello Donna. Sorry I havent been around much. School started back up and my son has been in and out of the hospital. It is and isn't serious, depending on which dr you want to listen to. But anyways. I know that it is late on the 29th and if this already expired it's ok, but if not I would love one with my name on it, Amanda! Thank you so much for your time.