Friday, December 30, 2005

Is it feeling drab?


Ok, maybe this is a better graphic to describe my mood.  After writing a rather lengthy email to a friend I miss a great deal I think I realized what my issue has been. I've felt a bit blah the last couple of days and I may have mistaken it for not being satisfied with direction my journal was going.  I think I was redirecting.  

I feel like a lost puppy waiting at the door for a loved one to come home.  With each sound I feel my breath get heavier, and I have to look.  Only it's not them, it's someone else arriving.  It's not that oooh sooo lonely ache, but it is an ache nonetheless.  You miss the company and the conversation.  Others are around to help and do for a time, but you still have a longing...........  

I never thought I'd say this, but I also miss the craziness at my house.  My son is about completely moved out and isn't staying here at all.  He has stopped by briefly each day and picked up a bit more to take out and slowly but surely all signs of him will be missing.  Not in my heart, but in my home.   

I did some grocery shopping today and found myself using two carts.  One for me and one for him.  LOL Pretty sad but I spent more on his house then mine.  I had planned on doing that all along, just to get some of the basics in the house and get him started.  Being Mom, I got a bit carried away.  He was stopping here after work so I left the bags in my trunk for him to gather when he got here.  After he transferred them from one car to another he came in and the look on his face was so appreciative.  Made it all worth while, and I know there is food in his house.  

So there you have it.  The after holiday blues, missing someone I care about a great deal, having my son move out, and having my vacation be almost over has obviously taken my mood and put it in the crapper!  Hopefully soon I can jump up and wag my tail!  Maybe today?  Now?  LOL


Anonymous said...

Oh, it was SO difficult when my son graduated from high school and went to France for a month.  HE WAS REALLY A LONG WAY FROM HOME!!!  AND . . .  he would be returning for a month and then would be loading up to go away to college ~ halfway across the country.  That was one of the most difficult times in my life . . .  what an adjustment.

Plus, we look forward to the time off work and the holidays and aren't in a hurry to face those gray winter months with very few (if any) days off.

I think it's a great idea to plan to take Valentine's Day off work, if at all possible.  That way, there's a day off to look forward to in six weeks.  I do relate to what you are feeling . . . . I highly recommend a three day weekend in February to cheer you up a little.  ;-)  Cyndy

Anonymous said...

It sound like you are in a transition in your life.  You will get thru this and go on.  Cute puppy!  Linda

Anonymous said...

We need to talk :)

Anonymous said...

I think we all feel a bit down after the Christmas rush, partly due to exhaustion!! Also with your son moving out you're bound to have an empty feeling. I bet he was so happy that you'd got him some shopping in, kids don't alweays think of getting the basics in when they first leave home, nice he has his mum to do it!! I love your dalmation, very cute! Have a wonderful new year. Jeannette.

Anonymous said...

Yes, it is a quite time after Christmas and I know it's double quite for you with your son moving out. Hope you soon become adjusted. That was a nice thing for you to do buying him some groceries. That is something I would do. Hope you have a Happy Year ahead of you and keep making all those cute graphics for us to enjoy. Helen

Anonymous said...

Boy..... do I hear ya!
My daughter's gone, my son, soon &
my younger one is at his father's till Monday. I've been sick all week, wish I had an additional week off.
I hate being by myself, I miss the craziness too.
I think it's time to find a man, if there was one...; )
PS love your animations.....but you must be sick & tired of me telling you that!!!!
; )

Anonymous said...

After the Christmas high, I think we are all abit low,and then comes the new year and we begin to take stock of our lives anew ,it worse for you with your son ,trying his wings ,but it has to be ,and thats tough ,but you will be fine ,your strong and loved (and your clever !!)          Jan xx

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

The transition is so difficult, but eventually you will find that you enjoy this stage of life too.  You are such a special person, special 'new' things will evolve.  Pennie

Anonymous said...

I understand completely what you are going through, but it will pass and you will learn to love the new and wonderful things that are ahead in your future.

Peace & Blessings,

Anonymous said...

Awww this entry brought tears to my eyes.  Sniff, sniff.  Not because I have children moving out yet, but because I KNOW I am going to feel the very same way when my kids are gone and the house is quiet.  I may complain about it being nuts in my house, but I thrive on the craziness and would miss it if it were gone.  At least you you were able to get the satisfaction of stocking your son's cabinets and fridge.  I will be the same exact way!
Hugs and love and HAPPY NEW YEAR!

Anonymous said...

hi! Ya I can see myself doing that too! I ahte it when my daughter leaves!
hugs! natalie

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

How did I miss this entry...............
The puppy is so cute, ya just want to hug him.
I am sorry you were feeling blue.
You have had alot happen all at once.
I hope that the coming year brings nothing but happiness for you....