Day was a little off the wall. Started out slow and chilly. I was lazy and really didn't feel like getting my arse moving. I sipped coffee, read the news on the net, and played with a few graphics after going through mail. Like my Saturday morning should be, not like last weekend! Before I knew it was after noon and I hadn't even gotten dressed. Now that IS lazy!! LOL
So I decided I better get moving before the whole day was gone. I started going through the mountain of laundry that had accumulated while I was without power. Holy shit! I didn't realize I had so many clothes. Why when I look on normal days can I find nothing to wear????? After I got the first load going I ran to the store to pick up a few things. When I stepped outside it looked slightly foggy, then my nose tingled and I realized it was smoke. The neighborhood was full of a light smoke and the air was filled with the scent of burning wood and leaves. It actually smelled good. Like I was back camping on a chilly day. I tugged my fleece around me a little tighter as I got a full blown shiver. The events of last weekend flooded back, and the sadness of all the lost trees was realized once again as neighbors burned some of their debris. How unfair to have the sweet memory of a fire be turned into a memory of such devastation!
When I got to the store it was the oddest thing. A week later and the shelves were still showing signs of the mad dash of stocking up. I didn't go to a super store or anything, but I'd have thought canned goods, soup mixes, and toilet paper would have been restocked. It was not my lucky day! Thank goodness my sister boys are back home and I have a couple rows of TP to get us through. Please, no smart ass comments about all the leaves outside! I grabbed a few things and went on my way.
I'm still a bit behind on journals, but I am trying to get things caught up. If I've not commented it doesn't necessarily mean I wasn't there, but I had missed so much while without power it was impossible to comment on each entry on each journal. I'd never get through them all!!
Sharing a few Fall graphics before Fall is gone. Some were done before the storm, some this week. The boy fishing is actually a picture Betty had taken and posted in her journal a bit ago. She gave me permission to snag. Stop by and check out her work, it is awesome!!
I'm a bit tired now and thinking I'll call it a night. Just want to shout out to the boys on another great game. Can we all just say in unison... 8-0 Baby!!! Thank you! :)
G'night folks! Hope everyone is having a great weekend so far.

Love the graphics..I have been lazy today as well! Hugs,TerryAnn
OMG, the graphics are just gorgeous!!!!!!! Do you EVER sleep woman?!?! LOL!
Hugs and love,
The graphics are so good Donna! It doesn't hurt to have a lazy day every so often! Glad you're getting back to normal, getting laundry done etc. Have a good Sunday. Jeannette xx
wo w these are some of my favorite fall ones you have made. do you know that picture in my joural of the fire and leaves burning one thing has bothered me about it. It has a fire but the smoke is still. IF and I mean IF you get time. Could you make the smoke roll??????? ONLY if you get time. yes its sad that the smell of the leaves on a crisp day made you think of the devastation and that is where the burning came from. yes we are a bit spoiled to our FAVORITE clothes arent we????? LOL well about the TP we have used paper towels nad kleenex on times camping when the camp store at end season was also out lol
Beautiful snags! Thanks for sharing! I know what you mean about being behind on journal alerts. I have a bunch of alerts from the 17th on up to today still! I couldn't possibly comment on everyone's journal- I'd be on this computer for a LONG time if I did that! (But I do read EACH entry!)
You are entitled to an easy day, after the stress of the last week ,that would take some getting over ,super graphics as ever ,arent you clever ?,.,.,Jan xx
Donna....thank you for snagging my photo :) Beautiful!!!
love all the the leaves falling.
You are so think we'd say use the leaves......of course thats the first thing anyone thinks of. lol
oh they are just beautiful, snagged some. thank you. have a great day today, and get some rest. (((((((hugs))))))))
guess the people that bring the goods to the stores haven't gotten around to stocking the trucks yet. so sorry.
love your graphics -- as aways.
Wonderful graphics! Thank you! Hugs, Maria
Love love loveee the graphics..Thank you bunches!
It's cold as hell today here in kentucky....
Hope you have a wonderful sunday....
Congratulations, D, on the nominations! I have that cow and the moon tube. Just too cute what you did with it. Love it! HUGS Chris
hi Donna! lot os love and hugs today!
The Falling leaves on the little toddler was sooooo wonderful....Mountains of laundry? have five kids..every week feels like a dr.phil the smells you described outside...I cant wait for my dream of a cabin and all those smells....thanks for sharing...-Raven
Hi Donna~You and Betty make a great team! Beautiful! I love the way the water moves and reflects around the fisherman. Blessings, Sassy ;-) PS. It sure does seem like Fall is trying to make a quick exit!
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