Cleaning up my graphic folder and I found some old & new one's I never posted. More or less I was messing around but instead of deleting them, I thought I'd just put up for snag.

I also added a new tag at my request journal. Thought I'd just pimp myself here a bit :) I can do that, right? LOL To request your name click on the graphic and leave a comment.
They are lovely ,is this the one you offered earlier ,.,SHES lovely... shush shes gonna tell us her secret ,.,.,Jan xx
love them all. snagged away.
loved them...the metro sign was cool....I have no idea how you guys do these..Its amazing how art reinvents itself..I dont have the patience or creativity but love the magic in these.....-Raven
pimp away. Gorgeous tag.
XO lisa
Hi Donna, I love it when you clear out your folders! I adore the horses graphic and that twirly ribbon one on the wizard, I could watch that for hours! Have a good week! Jeannette xx
I'd love the gal with the umbrella tag with my name on it, thanks.
(yeah....I have some OLD alerts sitting in my in box.....LOL!!)
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