I called my son from work this morning and he sounded so much better then last night. As he filled me in last evening, I could hear the shake in his voice. (I didn't have time to give details in my morning entry so I do apologize) He wanted to tell me the news of the 72 hour wait, didn't want me to hear it on the news. He wasn't sure which direction to go in, and I could tell he was a bit stressed about the idea of no income for the next few weeks/months if a settlement wasn't reached. He did say he will be eligible for unemployment after 49 days. Argh! That's a long wait! Poor kid, at 20 that is a huge thing to deal with. In our conversation this morning we discussed some options and I think he was more relaxed and accepting of the situation. We've been through hard times before and together we will get through this one. I can't pay all his bills, but we will work things out. Let's just hope if they do strike, it isn't lengthy.
Lunch today was awesome!! Jimmy called me as he pulled up in front of my office. To make things easier, I just went out and met him. He was standing beside the car as I came out the door and immediately walked to meet me. He gave me such a bear hug and picked up off the ground. I laughed and told him to put me down before he hurt himself. We stood and hugged for a second more and I could feel the stress immediately leave my body. Just like old times he made everything better. We went to a little sandwich shop around the corner. It had rained in the morning, but by lunch time it had stopped and since the place had a little awning over tables outside we decided to sit there so not to be crowded inside. It was a perfect fall day. The ground around us still showed signs of the earlier rain and the leaves that had fallen had a shine about them with distinctive water droplets still laying on them. The little bit of sun that was shining caught the water drops and glistened like diamonds. Every so often you'd feel the wind blow and several leaves would dance by as the tumbled to the comfort of the soft wet grass. We've talked on the phone several times over the past year but it had been so long since we actually seen each other. He aged well. The slight wrinkles around his eyes and lips added distinction to his face as he smiled. He still has the sparkle I remember from the first time I met him. The belly laugh and the calmness in his voice, so soothing. We talked about everything and on several occasions it seemed like neither of us took a breath but instead rambled endlessly. After a long while we both laughed as we realized we'd hardly touched our food. To busy talking. It hardly seemed like an hour, but it was time for lunch to end. I wrapped the remainder of my sandwich in a napkin and figured I would eat it when I got back to work. Lunch hour and eat? Not on your life!! When we got back in front of my building I leaned over to give him a hug and a kiss. Before I knew it I had a tear drop rolling down my cheek. He wiped it away and we promised we wouldn't let so much time pass between our next visit. I half laughed and half cried as I knew life gets in the way so often. I do hope we can keep that promise, he is like my rock. I know I can call him anytime and he'd drop everything if I needed him, he's done it in the past, as I have for him. I just miss our face to face encounters on a casual basis.
Well I have a few emails to go through and then I am calling it a night. It's been a long day. Hope you all have a great one!

love the tag below..and sending your son hopes that everything settles soon.
It's nice to have friends like that... They make you feel so good inside.... Tawnya
dear Donna,
What a beautiful entry!
I love your graphic!
the colors are wonderful!
I'm so sorry about your sons' predicament adn I hope it gets resolved soon!
I'm glad you had sucha wonderful reunion wiht your friend! cheers!
What a lovely way to spend your lunch hour ..I hope things work out for your Steve ,.,.,Jan xx
Hi D. Been so busy with renovating and Steve's birthday surprise, never got round to reading your last couple of journal entries.
All sounds really romantic between you and your young man. Hope it develops into something even more special.
Keep me posted. ( Being nosey now )
Give my love to Steven and tell him I'm thinking of him.
We came through the miner's strike of 84-85. It lasted a full year,never forget it. My kids were only 5 and 1 year old,so it was really hard. People rallied together and kept us fed and donated toys to my boys for Christmas. In a funny way, it was a brilliant year because it showed us how many people cared about us and the warmth and generosity of people, some complete strangers,will stay in our hearts forever.
Hope things go well for him at work.
Love ya
x x x
Hoping everything goes okay with your sons job.
Oh Donna...the dinner date was just sweet!!!!
Are you sure there is no "sparks"...cause just reading
about it...made me get butterflies in the ol' tummy...hehehe
Glad you had a great lunch hour....friends are the best!
Good to hear your date went well, Donna, right pleased for ya.
Sounds like a wonderful date! Enjoyed reading about it!
wht cant this man be more than a friend?!! He sounds amazing!!!
Love the falling leaves!!
Awww, the strike sucks!! I hope they don't!!
Sorry I haven't been around much hun..you know why..hehe!
Lv Ste
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