I saw this graphic and I had to animate it. I was reminded of the numerous times I've tried to get a shot of my son and he made faces, popped me the bird, put pillows over his face, or even threw the pillows at me. Surely others have experienced this type of behavior from kids, or others. It can be comical at times but sometimes I just wish he'd let me snap a half way decent shot.
I stopped by journals to give a nod of congratulations on Vivi Nominations, but AOL was being funky. On a few, the comment section would not open, on others I found I was blocked from leaving a comment. Oh the joy of drama! Anyway, for all of those I have missed, for whatever reason, congrats and good luck!
Fall seems to have passed this area by more or less. The leaves never really got to turn the bright golden colors of years passed and a good portion of them are already on the ground. Today was extremely cold. I think the temps got to about the mid 40's but the wind chill made it feel like about 25. Brrrrrrr I wish I had a heavier coat on today. And yes, they are calling for snow south of the city. Further south then where I am, but 3-5 inches. With any luck at all we will have an Indian Summer soon!
You can tell by my previous post I am a bit excited over the start of the boys season. I know they can't win all of them, but it is exciting to see them out of the gates in such an impressive fashion. :::doing a happy dance:::
Putting some assorted snags out there for you. Maybe you'll find something you like. I will be going over to my other journal to fill requests for the sleepy kitty, so if you made one you should see it in your mailbox shortly. Then I'm off to bed. Hope everyone has a great night.

great tags once again. yes we had 34 today and flurries here in ky. I m ready bring it on after four or five winters of very little if any snow. !!!!!!!!
You mean there were some who actually blocked you? Some things never cease to amaze me. Some people really get ugly at VIVI time. But that won't stop me from participating, because we shouldn't let mean spirited people spoil it for the rest of us. If we quit participating, they will win.
Brrrrrrr! I had to pick up peanut from Cheerleading tonight. It was so COLD in the parking lot. I went to pick her up at 8:00. She giggles and says.....um...I forgot to tell you practice was until 8:30. SHEESH!! Kids!!!
Oh...I don't have a problem taking pics of peanut or the boy- they pose for the camera!
That would hurt my feelings if I was blocked. You can stop by and visit me any old time. Please do. And that top graphic I snagged it to add to my Native American collection. TY as always. I don't know why people get so sensitive about the VIVI awards.
Loved that last one especially...the colors of blue are magical...love a window...its alsywas means solitude in travel..-Raven
Sorry I am late coming by this journal,so busy at this time with lots of things.Couldn't miss out though, I am catching up on alerts still,due to my moving home .Love these graphics they are just something.snagged the window one it's just fantastic,for me especially,seeing as I look at the ocean from my window at home.Sorry to read about the blocking buisness,how childish can some adults get? Still some never grow up do they LOL!! Blow them away with the wind.Take care.Hugs
Astoriasand http://journals.aol.co.uk/astoriasand/MYSIMPLERHYMES
Good morning D.... I love them.. I snagged two of them, of course I had to get Donald Duck...
I had a neice, that when she was young, hated getting her pictures taken. Her mother was and still is a big picture person.. Well when my neice got older, she was going through all the pictures and says.... How come I am not in any of the pictures...LOL That was the very last time she ever complained about having her picture taken...LOll
Have a great day
TY D, I snagged two of them! Of course, they are all wonderful but the second and last one are my favs!! :-) Millie x
its cold here too..thanks for the pretty tags.
I had a cat that used to screw his face up when I pointed a camera at him! My kids used to a times too! Thanks for the graphics, I love the one with the lion best. It sounds cold where you are! Brrrr! Jeannette xx
I love the Donald Duck one.Chip and Dale was the only cartoon I ever liked as a kid. My gransons almost always have a tongue out at my in pics.They know I'm snap happy.LOL
When I took the dogs out this morn the flakes were coming down and of course they took their good ole' time. BRRRRRRRRRR
have a good one!!
Great job with Donald and friends, LOL! I meant it, this one is superb! Sorry you are having such a lousy fall this year and I hope you have a heavier coat in your closet. Perhaps you'll get that indian summer after all. In the mean time, button up and keep those super graphics coming!
I love all the graphics but Donald Duck describes me LOL. BTW I was on with AOL for about an hour trying to save your graphics into a gif file. I save from your entry it works.
love all the snags. thanks.
there very pretty, thank you. I hope your having a nice day. keep warm, brrrrrrrrrrrrr. (((((((hugs)))))))))))
Hello Nominee person. Just popped over to say hello.
Where do you live? The north pole! :o)
Doesnt really snow here in the south of England anymore. Bloody global warming!
It's still warm here in So Cal. I'm ready for cooler weather. I've had trouble taking pics of my son like that. He squishes up his face!! LOL!
Thanks for the tags...they're so nice.
It was really cold here in Jersey too... I was freezing at the bus-stop this morning lol!
Ooh, that graphic with the bridge is fantastic...
very pretty graphics Donna!
Dawn is upset about this stuff going on in NYC so if you get a chance please stop by my blog and Dawn's to comment
Congrats on your nominations Donna. Your animations are absolutely the best! Big hugs and GBU, Shelly
Your son sounds exactly like my hubby when it comes to getting his picture taken...it's funny but after so long it pisses ya off doesn't it...like you said it would be nice to get a few good shots every now and then...pfftttt...men...lol
My son is now in the scowling stage...no sun in his eyes or he must block with his hand..LOL..and yes he does make the silly faces too..now Carlie is another story she is a ham...Trista my oldest makes faces too! but she lets me get some good ones..lol...Love the graphics...soooo awesome! Hugs,TerryAnn
I love your graphics! I didn't know there was a way to block comments unless it's a private journal. I've had a problem trying to comment the past few days cuz it wouldn't open up unless I went to the archive section. AOL being bad like usual.
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