Can I just say once again it is good to be back, and of course thank you for all the warm wishes! Today was a good day. Getting up to the normal sounds of my alarm blaring, the lights coming on when I hit the switch, the computer booting up, the sounds of the electric coffee pot, and the hum of the fridge were absolutely wonderful! Ok, so I didn't like the sound of the alarm as it meant I had to go to work, but having it go off when it was supposed to was good. Work wasn't even half bad. Ok, fessing up again. I left a bit early. I had to do some things that weren't done over the weekend and I was running out of clean clothes. Going commando at work is not my style, so whites most definitely had to be done!
There are still a good 100,000 folks without power, but they are working on it. So many crews from out of state have come to assist. If you know any of these folks please give them a hug for me!! Their help is so appreciated words can't even describe. I've seen trucks from Ohio, PA, MA, and even Montreal Canada. It's so odd looking around now. The temperatures have been in the mid 50's to the low 60's since Friday so all the snow is gone and has been. Again, it was not the snow, though it came earlier then ever, it was the effect of having all that wet snow on the trees and them falling over that led to this disaster.
I've heard different estimates on how much debris has to be removed. One report was 300 million tons of branches, limbs, and trees. How much is that? How does one even compute that? Then I heard 10,000 football fields might be able to handle it. WTF!? 10,000? I can't even get an image of that!!! The image I do have is all the crap laying on the side of streets. Then there is the cost. OMG!!! Some homeowners are being told they have to pay for things that were disconnected from the house, as well as bringing things up to codebased on the towns rules, costing as much as $3000 or more. It's so sad too, we boast about the community and how neighbors always come to the aide of each other. Offering a helping hand, an extension cord to the generator, food, whatever. Today however we saw an ugly side. The politicians fighting! It's become a turf war between the city, the county, and the towns. It's a freaking joke! Disgusting actually!!
Oh, and FEMA. Now, what a waste that whole thing is. We've all heard the horror stories from New Orleans, but being part of the process now I am sick to my stomach. The bureaucratic red tape and forms that have to be filled out is nonsense. The representative that was here had no clue where he was, if the city was in the county, or what actually would be covered. News reporters were able to get some answers simply by looking in the book, yet this guy hemmed and hawed and never even answered. How much do you suppose he gets paid yearly? In my eyes, way to f'in much!! I know the idea of FEMA is good, but it's been 7 days and folks still have no answers, no forms to fill out, and have to wait. Wait? For what? Are they freakin blind?? So believe it when you hear folks in the hurricane region had to wait for months. How can that be? And some aren't even grants, but rather low interest loans. Sorry, but this country goes out of it's way to help areas all over and yet they can't help the citizens that pay taxes, that live here? WTF!!! :::heavy sigh:: Enough on the rant...... for now.
I played with a photo today. Just curious what you all think. I am showing the original, then I edited it taking out the wires and signs, then I did one with snow falling. I can see some imperfections, but all in all thought it was ok. Thoughts? It's pretty obvious which is which.. LOL
I'm off to bed, hope everyone is doing well.

Glad to know you're safe & back home, & all is well. I put an entry in for 2 days to let evryone know you were out of comission due to storm, but once I saw you made it back online I deleted that entry.
Blessings & hugs,
i'm just happy your safe and electric is back on.(((((hugs)))))))))
Isn't it funny how quiet the house is when there is no power. You don't realize it. The little noises that tell us the house is "alive."
What is with our country being so incompetent on the emergency services? It's shameful!
So glad you are safe and sound. Amazing what you can do with the picture!
It's bad that they make it so hard for you to get aid when you need it. I just hope everything starts getting back to normal and those people still without power get it restored ASAP. We tend to forget how much we rely on it till it goes! The graphics are great, I love snow graphics but don't like the real stuff falling anywhere near me! Jeannette xx
Its just so good to have you back on line, and playing around with your pictures fascinating seeing the differences,,.,.,.,Jan xx
well I think it looks great your photo you did thta is awesome not taht you want a reminder of this. We had no fema in alaska when we had the BIG flood where we lived at the air port for a very long time. we had no warning of the flood eitherthe ice melted nad the dam broke then as we were cleaning up well we had two big earthquakes. this was back in the 60's and you know what............. I think it was better without goverment invovlved. people helped people people gave and donated and helped each ohter out . a person used his boat to take us to our home which was sovered in ater and the garage door was upand th water was like a foot from the top opening my dolly floated out that i wanted. we later took stuff out and let it sun dry and reused it. we had community dinners where we all shared our food and guess what we did nto live close back then in fairbanks first street was a gravel road and we had land all around us with trees so there was some distance. well anyway I just think sometimes government has made us lazy and dependant. we seem to have more poverty than ever in history. and seems like some "SOME" have followed the greedy mentality of the POLITICIANs you talk of. Its sad so very sad to see this. I rememer our snow here in ky in late 90's every day people helping people like you shared at yours. I kind of wish we had another 3 day shut down lol
Snow yikes!!! Our turn will be here shortly.
Awesome job with th esnow pictures! I am glad you are back again.
Hugs, Maria
Commando at Work. Now there would have been a Vivi Category. Just glad you are ok. ~Mary
I'm so glad your back and safe now. I can relate as we have been without electric for as long as 10 days after hurricanes.
I am glad that things are up and running for you..been there and done that...when it happened to me...I had just bought a 1/2 side of beef...thank the Lord it was covered by insurance and they covered everything in the fridge too...motel and all! Hugs,TerryAnn
Wicked pics...You wouldn't even know all those 'lines' were there before!!
Nice to see you didn't get blown away by the snow, cos I was all ready with my 'Super Ste' costume..LMAO!!
Lv Ste
Beautiful work as usual. It is so hard to think of you under all that snow, while I'm sitting here in NC with my flip flops on! Glad your power was restored and all is well.
Love what you did with the photo, D, but what a mess that pretty stuff causes. The damage is really hard to fathom. Glad you're up and running again. HUGS Chris
AMAZING what you did with that pic. I mean it, AMAZING.
XO lj
FEMA is a joke, we hate them here in Fla...some people on Orleans are still waiting on getting a trailer to live in!
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