Ok, so I couldn't think of a unique title for this entry. Are any of them unique really? What can I say? Work was long, and I'm still reeling with excitement from the game tonight. I had several ideas for my entry this evening, but damn I can't get my thoughts down now. I tried a few times and each time I start writing I am not happy with any of the words or results. No matter what I say or how I say it, it appears to be drama and I'm so tired of it I'm just letting it go. Folks are going to believe what they want anyway.
A week ago today the snow started to fall and by early morning on Friday the 13th we had the mass destruction. I've heard there are still folks without power, but that is because of issues with the wiring on the house and the homeowner has to have it fixed before the electric company will do any more. Argghhh can you imagine that? I can't!!!
Still bits and pieces of the storm left in areas but no matter where you go you see workers trying to clear the debris. No doubt they want it gone before the next snow fall. Because of this debris, some neighborhoods are actually canceling Halloween. To dangerous for the kids to be walking around and crossing streets with walls of tree limbs near the roads. I guess I understand, but I do hope the towns will come up with something else for the kids. It's a huge deal here.
Tomorrow at work should prove to be interesting. We will be having a little celebration. Of course calling it a Halloween party is not politically correct so they've come up with some other title. GGggrrrrr Why bother? We all know what it is. Doughnuts and cider, a pumpkin carving contest, and dress up. No, I've decided not to dress up this year. I really don't have the energy. I do have all intentions of taking the camera. Maybe I can get some to pose and agree and to be put up on the net. LOL I already have one person more then willing!! He is coming in as a hula dancer, grass skirt and all. This should be good! LOL
Just a few more tags to snag. A bit of this and a bit of that. I was going to do more Halloween but I wanted to watch the game. If you're looking feel free to go into the archives, I've done a ton if you missed them.
Thanks again for all the sweet comments and well wishes. I appreciate the comments about how strong I am, and what a warrior I've been, but really it is my son who deserves the credit here. He was my rock through it all and didn't even realize. He grew up so fast in that time, and that face greeting me each morning and evening made me fight as hard as I could. His hugs always refreshed my soul and gave me the strength for another day.
I'm going to try and get some sleep. Last night was a bit better, but not what I like or need.

dear Donna
I love yur graphics tonight! astounding! The girl with the bird and the woman with the wings
very lovely!
I am very happy that you have power btw!cool!
Great graphics as ever ,where would we be if we didnt have our kids to strive for ,.,.,Jan xx
i cant wait to see the dude in the hula skirt. I hope your city doesnt get any more terrible snow....i cant imagine STILL being without power after all this time! Enjoy your Friday.....love,lisa
So, you are having a Fall Party at work huh? What's wrong with calling it Halloween? Makes me so angry that people call it the "Devils Holiday", but that's another gripe for another time. I used to love dressing up for Halloween when I worked full time. Of course I was the ONLY one that did so it was a bit awkward! LOL! So sweet what you said about your son. It just goes to show that the love a mother has for her son never stops. :)
Hugs and love,
beautiful graphics. thanks for sharing.
congrats on your nomination.
Mabye the city can do what ours did when I was a kid. Have Halloween in a big place like a arena or convention center.
That would be nice for the kids.
Well done again to your boys! I hope you enjoy the party at work and hope we get to see some pics! I hope the mess outside gets cleared up soon. Have a great weekend! Jeannette xx
I like it. I Love it. Donna I love the graphic at the top of this entry! I just sat and stared at it and it seemed to have such a quality, an indescribable ideal to it, somethng about the "set it free" and "let them know" and peace. It is really beautiful Donna. I like that it just conveys a beautiful sensation but beyond that it communicates to the spirit everything good and safe and loving. Is that sounding too overcome? I love that graphic. In fact I haven't read the text yet.
thanks for the feeling
Beautiful snags......wow! The one at the beginning of the entry made me think of Nelisha over at http://journals.aol.com/tsalagiprincess1/JumpingOffTheDeepEnd/ .
I always love your snags! You've got talent!
Hey babes,
I can't WAIT for the fancy dress pics...lol!!
About what you said about you and Steven...you've BOTH been warriors...it makes me quite emotional actually!!
You two are awesome!!!
Giz a hug.......*HUGS*
Love ya babes...hope we get to chat soon!!
Lv Ste
I snagged the NA one. TY!
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