Evenin everyone!!! I'm trying something a bit different with my entries. We'll see how it goes. I've gotten a few emails and comments about the number of entries I've been doing (in a very nice way). I've also read about how many are so far behind on the alerts they get. Not saying everyone has me on alerts, but to do my part I am going to try and combine my entries. I know my 2 or 3 won't make a huge difference, but I'll try and help if I can :)
Today started out as a fairly decent day, but then the rains came. It came down pretty steady and at times side ways. The temps stayed fairly warm but we've been told that won't last long. By tomorrow evening we will have rain mixed with sleet, and a good possibility of snow come Saturday night. Yes, you heard me right, I said the 's' word! Oh the joy!! It's still October and I truly hope this is just a bad dream. ::pinching self:: Nope, it didn't change. See for yourself. ARGH!!! Now if it does actually snow, I may just have to bite the bullet and take a video. LOL Be fore warned!

NYC had another scare this afternoon. A small plane crashed into a 50 story building. Thank God it wasn't a terrorist attack, but sadly it being reported to be Cory Lidle, a pitcher for the New York Yankees, along with 3 others confirmed dead. My thoughts and prayers go out to the families.
Again, I am cleaning out so old and posting some new. The main graphic has been sitting on my hard drive for months. I am just not sure of the movement. I keep trying to get the movement but each time I do it I get a different effect.

I do have several with sayings as requested and will post some of them tomorrow. I'm off to bed. It's been a long day. Pssst... and see how cute my dad is? His comment regarding his picture cracked me up. Thanks Dad!
I'm not looking forward to winter either. Thank you I snagged a few. (((((hugs)))))
Can't believe it's going to snow! This seems early...but maybe I'm mistaken. Out here we don't get the seasons. We're just now enjoying the cooler Fall days. Thanks for sharing the graphics. They are so pretty!
your entries did not bother me at all. if you neeed to separate it into three that is fine if need one tha tis fine. I like it however I can get it. yes I read about the scare and girl send your snow to KY I lll take it anytime
you are supposed to get some snow..already?? that's not right..:-) but I am puzzled as to why it is colder earlier in our area (Myrtle beach, SC.) it is usually doesn't get this cold until at least halloween night.
Weather is pretty moody...every year huh? ~ :-)
your alerts doesn't bother me..if I can't get to it all...then no sweat on my part. I read as much as I can in one day, sometimes I hardly read any journals at all. sometimes I spend long in one journal, sometimes I breezed through. I am still thinking that one day, I'd be able to sit for 8 full hours just reading through ALL journals..but that is not possible..at least for me--there's hunderds of journals :-D
Take care,
Gem :-)
Yes we got the news of the plane crashing into the building ,how awful for all concerned ,oh no we are not ready for snow ,! love all the graphics ,.,.,Jan xx
You have my sympathy, its way too early for snow! I like the graphic of the room and my favorite of the ships here is the second one. Very nice! The plane crash was sad news, indeed. Looking at the pictures on TV of the crash site, it is a wonder that there were no more casualties.
My dad spent a few years in Africa, & Lions are his favorite. They reminded my very much of him. Thank You. ~Mary
love all your graphics -- as usual.
love the bears and the last one, looks like a geat place for a vacation.
The graphics are gorgeous Donna, I love that lion, he's a beauty! Snow? Ugh! No thanks, can't stand the stuff myself! It was sad about those poor people in the plane crash, must've been terrifying for everyone. Jeannette xx
i love the tags......cute polar bears. Write as many entries as you want, its your journal my friend!
We havent had snow in Oregon for years...just ice....Great graphics as usual
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