Though it is raining out, I was referencing the graphics, not any flooding at my house. You all know how much I love to make water move and I just couldn't resist. I had to play with these and share:) I love they way they came out.
I want to, once again, thank you all for the support and nominations of my journals for the Vivi's. I haven't made the rounds completely to the other nominees, but I will. So many great picks. Just wish there was a way to have everyone be nominated and win, you are all winners!
The normal Sunday morning silence was broken a short time ago. As I sat and read about the shake up with the Philadelphia Flyers (their coach was fired and the GM resigned - which really isn't surprising), I heard the scratch of metal and the roar of motors running. When I looked out the window there were several dump trucks, claw and bucket/scoop trucks (or whatever the hell they are called! lol). There in the rain, workers are cleaning up the debris in my area. Yeah! All the limbs, trees, and branches are off my front lawn! It's still a mess with leaves that were left behind, but I can see the street and when the rain stops we can rake up the last of it. It's almost back to normal in my neck of the woods, but I hear some are still without power. I'd have long since lost mind if I had to go without power for over a week!!
Some other noise around my house is my son. Not sure if I even wrote about this, but he and his buddies decided to move someplace bigger. They will be moving in Nov 1. Turns out the month to month lease at the old place was up on the 15th and to avoid any further rent there, they all moved home temporarily. This was obviously in the works but to hell with telling me. Oh the joy!! Actually, I love it. I've missed him not being here, and though he isn't here a whole helluva lot anyway, it's nice to have him around. The other night he and his friends went to a haunted house. He told us the story and laughed all the way through it. I won't do the story justice, but behind them in line was a large, very built man. He went on to say he looked like he could have been a football player, and had a very gruff voice. He was last in the line of his buddies so this man was behind him. It wasn't far into the house that he felt these large hands grab him by the shoulders and a voice squeal. The man was so scared he was directing my son by the shoulders as to where to go and how fast. It took him several minutes to break free after asking the man to stop on several occasions. Now his buddy was last and the man grabbed him too. At one point they were in a room with sheets hanging and the chainsaw going. The man about had a heart attack, my son said. He was actually pushing his friend and using him as a shield to protect himself. By the end of the story my son was in tears. Guess it's true, the bigger they are the harder they fall! Then a bit later this morning he let out a gasp 'Mom, kill it' When I turned and looked he was laying on the couch almost in the fetal position. Blanket pulled right up to his chin as he stared at a huge hairy spider walking on the floor, closer to me mind you! I grabbed my camera thinking I could get a picture and use it as part of a Halloween graphic but he then went into 'sailor' mode and cursed up a storm for me to just kill the damn thing. As I went to get a shoe he screamed, 'hurry!' Like it was going to get to him before I could get the shoe. What did he want me to do, pick it up with my bare hands? Stomp on it in bare feet? I grab a shoe and he yells at me not to use his. ROFL!!! I'm gonna kill the spider with the bottom, not put it in your shoe. He didn't care, he wanted me to use another one, I grabbed mine. I wonder what he did when he was in a house with his buddies??? LOL Oh I have missed him!!! And yes, the bigger they are the harder they fall!
Well, I'm off to watch the Bills get throttled by the Pat's, will be back later no doubt. I hope everyone has a great Sunday!

beautiful graphics....congrats on being nominated
I really like the first one I like the flower one at the side too ,lol At your son and the spider ,nice to think you can still rescue him,.,as big as he now is ,.,.,Janxx
Beautiful graphics Donna I love the one of the rose with the reflection ~ congratualtions on the Nomination for the Vivi's ~ well deserved ~ laughed at the story about your son and the spider lol ~ Ally
OMG how i love your water graphics!
Congrats on your nomination!!!
I love Steve...he's so cool..LMAO!!
Thanks for the laugh hun,
Lv Stevie
Wonder what he would have done if he had seen the "itsy bitsy spider, crawl up the water spout, while he was in the shower". He would have probably knock himself out, trying to get out of it. LOL !!
Good luck with your team.
God Bless,
wow your son back home that will bea anjustment. but a fun one. it must be such ames up your way. your graphics are so pretty . MY MY what a baby big OLE SWEET babby though with the shoe and the spider what a story
dear you realize how awesome your graphics have been lately? That rosebud and the others with the words are unreal they are just amazing.
I am cracking up over your sons story about the big chicken man.....i can just see him screaming and wanting others to get him out of there. I hate haunted houses and things like that.
Congrats on your nominations!
I laughed at the story of the haunted house and the hairy spider! Lol! Men! Aren't they supposed to be the fearless ones?! Don't let on to our enemies, they'll be dropping cases of spiders on to the troops instead of bombs, that'd send the men off screaming! The graphics are great as always! Jeannette xx
LOL on the haunted house story! Too funny! Imagine if he'd had kids or grandkids with him?? The KIDS would have to protect HIM! LOL!
Spider story is funny. I like them. They eat other bugs that I don't like.
Have a good night...and BTW your graphics are gorgeous!
What a lovely moon Donna.
Funny stories, LOL. In this day and age, though, its really creepy to hear about a man grabbing a stranger like that guy was doing in the Haunted House. I'm surprised an altercation did not break out. Too funny about Steve and the spider. Congratualtions on the ViVi nominations, you deserve them!
Sam and your son both have a great sense of many people I know dont like my spiders but I dont mind them....yah they can bite but I think their webs are interesting so I cant be too bugged by them....when reading this I was imagining you laughing while your son is like...DONT USE MY SHOE...LMAO....such a funny moment.
As always you have so much depth behind your art...I loved the bittersweet one..
I love your water graphics... I snagged the moon one... How pretty... Congrats on your monination... I have been meaning to tell you that,..... and you will have my vote..{{{{wink wink}}}}
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