Mother Nature was sneaky today. She tip toed in so no one would hear her, and then she started howling, and huffing and puffing. It was pretty early when I got up. I swore I heard the blade of a snowplow scraping the cement. I rolled out of bed and growled, but when I got up and looked, there was no snow. I decided to stay up and get through some mail. I was sitting here for a good 15 minutes before I knew Mother Nature was knocking on my door. Or should I say window? I could hear bits of leaves and twigs hitting my picture window. It was then the power went out. Oh, you know I said 'shit', and very loudly. It came right back on, only to go off again. I decided to just shut down and go back to bed. Before I could get under the covers the power was on, but hell I was already there. When I woke back up I heard there was a few areas without power. Again! OMG!!! I'd freak out, I'd go right over the edge no doubt! ::wiggling index finger:: Here's Johnny!!!! Everyone is up and running now, and I don't think there are any loose limbs hanging anymore. No doubt the howling today knocked the rest down. Lets hope so!!!
Today was the start of move back out day. My son has been staying here until they can get into their new place on the 1st. The landlord seems like a sweetheart as he let them start moving in today. His buddy came over about 10ish to grab him and off they could go. Now they were both out last night, celebrating Halloween no doubt, and looked a little green around the gills. They came near me while I was on the computer and I swear they are trying to kill me. They both had cologne on and left my corner smelling like a whore house. My eyes watered, my throat burned, my nose tickled with a sting and caused me to sneeze several times. They were going to move, why bother? I know they were trying to be sneaky and cover the smell of booze. Why not just brush your teeth? Ok ok, they do, but geeeeze don't kill me. I need to inform my son there isn't that much insurance money.
Speaking of sneaky. AOL has been pulling some stunts. Now I know I don't pay for my service, but I am still going to complain. LOL They have sold the right to send spam mail to their users. Each day I have more and more. Steak coupons, free credit reports, Victoria Secret. You name it! I guess I should be happy I am not getting enlarge your penis mail!! There have even been numerous mails that have been from 'unknown sender' and the subject line is blank, with nothing inside. Trust me I opened a few to see what it was. Now why the hell would you send an empty email? You can't even seen the ISP so you have no idea who or where it came from. Gawwd these folks know all the tricks, eh? But what a waste of money if they are paying to send it. New meaning to shooting blanks for sure! I don't even bother reporting to AOL, I don't need their canned response. Sneaky little hacks, all the techy mumbo jumbo and their ad doesn't even come through. Suppose the next will be viruses being sent that way, if they aren't already. GGGGGGGGrrrrr
Sneaky snags too. :) Yes the background picture is the same for both the boy and girl. I wanted to do both because I know it's unfair to stick with just the girls. Believe me though, it's rare I get or find a boy graphic. The puppy and the leaves, well, I think I did it before. I couldn't find it so I must have burned it to CD already. I don't remember what I did, but the picture looked familiar. Ok, sneaky! Then the puppies and snow. Had to start you know, it won't be long before the white stuff............ shhhhhhhh DON'T say it!!! If you look at those puppies don't worry, your eyes aren't going bad. I do have them breathing. My sister looked and rubbed her eyes, she thought the picture was a bit warped. Nope, I'm the warped one, putting snowing pictures up already.
Well, it's before 11 and I have my entry up. Imagine that!?! Must be on a roll today. Maybe, just maybe I can sneak off to bed before midnight. Hope everyone had a great weekend, and I wish you all a great Monday and start to the week.

After what you went thru....I'd have freaked out if the power was out again. Glad you're ok. Cute graphics!
hope u have a great week
Dear Donna
I ahve gone abolutely nuts over that beautiful snow dog picture! I mean that one is great! the kids are adorable too!
I hope that Mother Nature will treat you very well Sweetie!:):)
My favorite hre is the two puppies and the duck in the snow!
awwwwwwwwww you have to be feeling some sadnes over your son. yes I hate themore spam than before. I wish I had some snow. I love your puppy graphics. I thought I saved some boys once I ll look and find. I played with arffers pic today but nada came ou t decent IM a failure at PSP lol
Loved reading this entry,Snow oh dear something I always say looks nicer on Postcards.I love boy graphics for some reason,maybe as I have three boys and miss them being small.They are so cute.Aol have been unkind to me this weekend.What is it with them,I have no idea being only a novice and knowone around to help.Family living many miles away.They get right to me at times AOL one big PAIN!!!.
Sorry about all the junk you are getting.Take care graphics fabulous once again.
Donna I hope you don't lose your electricity again ~ that would be to much ~ and I agree Mother Nature is sneaky she crept by the other night and left some frost behind ~ I snagged the two little dogs ~ they are all lovely ~ Ally
Great entry ,loved the way you describe Mother nature ,all of the graphics are so clever as always ,is it possible you are getting better ,You will miss Steve ,lol at the cologne ,remember when my son was at home ,to follow him to the bath room ,you wouldnt need to spray yourself ,just use his fallout ,.,.,love Jan xx
I can't bear the smell of all that cologne! It makes me sneeze and cough! I'm glad Steve has a good landlord who'll let him move his stuff in. I have the front part of that first graphic with the wolves but you've put a different background in, very clever! I love seeing those puppies breathing. Funny but the siggy tag with the cat breathing you sent me stopped breathing last night! Couldn't get it to start again for ages, was going to call the vet! Lol! I'm so glad your power didn't get cut off again! Jeannette xx
Forgot to say that I get lots of those blank emails fron Unknown Sender too! Jeannette xx
Oh how cute! Hey -- why'd you go and tell on AOL? Now they'll make sure the body of the e-mail comes through. LOL!!!!
they are just adorable. i snagged them. thank you very much. hope you have an awesome day. ((((((((hugs)))))))))
Got the breathing doggies. TY!
I am a newby, and wow, I am so impressed. Your designs are beautiful, and I would love to know how to add a few to my journal. I created my journal to keep friends updated on my best friends health crisis with Multiple Myeloma. I would love to add some of your designs to brighten the dark and sometimes hopeful entries. I havent a clue as to how to do it, but please let me say thank you, for sharing your designs. It lifted my spirits.Thank you so much, Faith
great tags. love the doggies!
my mail is getting messed up also. stuff going into spam that shouldn't be and spam getting into my box. lots of stuff is messing up. but it's free.
Hmm, whole lotta sneakin' going on round your way. And most of it seems as though you could have done without. But at least in some instances, you can win: ie. tell stinky son to move on, and Mother Nature to knock it off.
AOL, I'm afraid that's hopeless.
You know I snagged em all/LOL
I have gotten a few e-mails from senders I don't know,but none fron advertisers.Knock on wood!!
Well Faith, I tried to email you directions but you are unknown by AOL ::shrugging shoulders:: Don't know what I can do to help, sorry.
Beautiful, as usual....{{{smile}}}
The cologne story reminded me of when my son was a teenager. There is always a female behind the reason guys overdo the cologne thing besides the fact that they had been drinking. I'm glad he's got his place. These are so good! I snagged the wolf graphic of course.
kids are funny trying to get away with stuff that we used to do mine are still young but I feel sorry for them I think I know every trick in the book love your graphics if you ever come up with one with 3 boys keep me in mind thanks Vicky
GOWGEOUS pics as usual..thanks for sharing babes!
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