I've been pretty indecisive today. I got a ton of graphics to work on and couldn't decide which to touch first, then as I made them, I had no idea which to post. No worries, you will eventually see them all. This evening I have even been having trouble deciding to write about.
I read an entry in Bea's journal earlier this evening about a turning point, and I've been thinking about that off and on since I was there. So many things happen in our lives, and a great deal depends on the choices we make. Sometimes for a reason, sometimes it's what we might call fate. Either way with each action we take, there is a reaction, an event, a result. The end result is what we make it, positive or negative.
As I getting ready to leave a comment, I thought of so many things that have happened in my life. The good, the bad, and the ugly. I thought about my son and how he enriched my life. Taught me to remember the little things. Enjoy the small pleasures that happen throughout the day. How to giggle, how to belly laugh at something truly silly. He taught me how to be a Mom. There is no book, no lesson, you learn as you go and he was a magnificent teacher. Is a magnificent teacher as he still gives me lessons from time to time.
I thought about abuses and illnesses. How one can become cold and distant. How the smaller things in life become priceless and the big things are just things. The meaning of a hug, a tear, a laugh. A good friendship gone sour, a love that has changed. New friendships, new loves. So many turning points that mold us into what we are, who we are.
I sat back and closed my eyes for a split second and the most precious face came to mind. A new friend, who has touched me beyond my imagination. Fate had stepped in and led me in a direction that has changed me. Not that I was truly bad or truly good. I was me, but not always feeling free to express myself. I still have a difficult time going into personal things here, I'm just not ready to pull all the layers off. Yet, I do find myself removing layer after layer. Those laughs, hugs, tears have come back into my life tenfold. Innocence, trust, and love with no expectations, allowing me to be me. No worries of a cold shoulder, a shudder, or a snicker. A true friendship that builds each day on a solid foundation. I guess I forgot there were still folks out there like that. How lucky I am to have one come into my life. Someone that is willingly take your hand and lead you to a safe place or let you take their hand and do the same. A bond that grows stronger each day and removes some darkness from your life. It is surely a turning point in the most positive way! How do you ever thank someone for that?
You go with your heart, your gut, your instincts. You take a risk to live life and be happy. What a bonus to find that your choice was a success and something so beautiful has taken hold.
WoW! Did I just get a little deep or what? For not knowing what to say I said a lot without saying anything. LOL It's true though, I've found a new friend who I trust with every ounce of my being and it isn't often that happens for me, or for anyone really. There is no instinct like that of the heart!
'night all, hope everyone had a great Saturday!

I totally agree, I found that kind of friendship with Andy years ago. Most people only get that kind of friend once in a lifetime, someone you can truly be yourself with without fear of criticism, someone you can trust implicitly to never hurt you. A lovely thought provoking entry! Jeannette xx
I do so agree Donna that sort of friendship is a treasure ,to be cherished and nurtured ,.,.,Jan xx
D, great entry! I think I may have to do something like this today so I snagged your second tag. So pretty and love the saying. Thanks! I instinctively know who I can trust not to every repeat a word I say. I can count those people on a couple of fingers. I'm glad you found this friend and things are going so well. HUGS Chris
It good to finda friend like that if you can find one. people seem to busy now days to be a friend
Awwww, what a great entry!! It got me thinking of how life works in general, and how scary it can be!!
Do you believe in the butterfly effect? - A butterfly can flap its wings in one place, eventually causing a tornado thousands of miles away.....That's how I see life in general.
You never know what's gonna happen, and even the smallest of things can lead into something you never even dreamed of!!
This is a CRAP example, but look at me with 'Star Trek'.
Here I have this show that means so much to me - feels like a family friend - always gets me through the good and bad, been with me for 14 years, yet, it all started when I found a random tape sitting in Mum's cupboard when I was 9 years old.
Was I SUPPOSED to find that tape?? I THINK SO!
I know that's a rubbish example, but you know what I mean. ONE slight thing you do one day can have reprecussions, both good and bad, for years afterwards. That's why everything I do is so important to me, 'cos you just never know!!
Your friend always,
Lv Stevie
i think it is WONDERFUL that you have found someone that has made you feel as you do. What a gift! I know how that can feel. I love it when you get this way because 1) you are happy and 2) i get the most amazing graphics from you. lol I love any tags with words and yours are priceless.
Enjoy your happiness Donna.
love,lisa jo
I think what happens in moments such as this, is we are overcome with a feeling that we can't quite put a name to, but one that is overwhelmingly warm and comforting. And, being unable to quite describe it, we get our "deep" entries. You did a good job sharing what was going on in your world with this entry.
Hope that feeling lasts a while!
Donna this was a great entry and it`s so tru about going with your instinct when you get a feeling like you`ve had. Considering you had nothing to say you mad a great statement. loved it! bella xx
We all need a friendship like that in our lives...cherish it for it is rare that we find that....so glad you did! Beautiful graphics...
We all need a true friend, one we can trust enough to share with - so pleased you have a friend like that! - you have such a way of expression through words that the reader (myself), gets to engrossed in what you are saying! I was leaning on elbows, cheeks cupped in my hands and nodding my head to every piece what I could relate too LOL ! So enjoyable to read Donna. Have a good week! Millie
You are very lucky,indeed to have such a friend come into your life and share your ups and downs.True friendship these days is rare.Your graphics are A+ as usual,course I snagged!!
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