If you think I am going to say 'silence', you're mistaken. The ride to work this morning was anything but. When I walked out the door to leave for work it had just started raining. The sky was dark, but in the distance I could see a red/orange brightness. It was casting a funny cast of color all over. When I lived outside of Dallas it was the same color you'd see before the tornado warnings. I got in my car and began my drive to work. It looked more like 8 o'clock at night as opposed to 8 in the morning. The rain came harder. All of a sudden there was a clap of thunder so loud I swear my feet vibrated on the floor of my car. I was told when I was little girl that thunder meant the Angels were bowling. Well, if that is true,they were using large steel balls today and the alleys were made of glass. Within seconds the entire sky was lit by lightning. The distinctive bolts scattering across the sky stretching in all directions. With each strike there was a crackle on my radio. Not a slight crackle but a drowning sound of crackle and static that completely wiped out any sound that was there before hand. More rain, more thunder, more lightning. Each time lightning lit the sky the road was full of red brake lights. What were these people stopping for? To see the light show? It's no wonder folks didn't die on the road today. I for one love a good rain storm, but I'd rather be in my house then on the road. I was only at work a short time and the storm passed over. The rain continued but the thunder and lightning moved on. The puddles in the parking lot were full of leaves. They looked like little boats floating around, definitely not a boat I'd want to be in as within a few seconds they'd sink. It was interesting to watch them swirl around and bob back and forth as the raindrops slapped against them. I had thought about using the video on my phone to get some action shots, but I was lazy. I didn't want to open my umbrella, and I wasn't going to stand in the rain. Maybe next time.
I talked to my son earlier and it looks as though the strike will start at 1 tomorrow afternoon. He heard they weren't even talking at this point. Definitely not good! There are some 12 facilities that will take part in this strike, so that does account for a lot of folks. No doubt it will be all over the news if it happens. I heard a blurb yesterday but nothing so far today. I appreciate all the good thoughts, wishes and prayers. Please keep them coming, this could be a long one. GGGrrrr
Good news!!! My boys won the opener this evening 3-2 in a shootout. Yeee Haaaww hockey is back!!! They actually played the Carolina Hurricanes who knocked them out of the playoffs last year and then went on to win the Stanley Cup. A cruel act by the NHL to have them play the first game in Carolina as they raised their Championship Banner. I heard this morning that the 'Canes did want the Sabres on the bench during the ceremony, but they wanted them to stay in the locker room. Hmmmm... interesting because if the 'boys' decided to do that on their own no doubt all hell would break loose on 'how rude and disrespectful.' 'Tis ok, we got the 2 points tonight :) Home opener will be Friday against Montreal.
Did a few more autumn tags, non animated. LOL, yes you heard right, non animated. Feel free.....
Hope everyone had a great 'hump day', the weekend is right around the corner.

so glad it wasn't a tornado and you made it to work safely. sorry to hear about son going on strike. got him in my prayers. ty for the snags. (((hugs))))
Thank you for letting me snag these gorgeous ones. YOu have made enjoying fall so much more fun this year for me because of all these pretty pictures. I'm glad your son won a match and just know that we are thinking about your other son on strike and praying for them too.
I hear the mother worry in your voice. I'm definitely glad you didn't have to deal with a tornado. I love the rain, just not driving in it.
So sorry the strike looks imminent ..Love the snags ,also your description of the Thunder ,steel balls on glass wonderful ,.,.,Jan xx
very pretty graphics,,,I'm the weirdo---that scary looking manshion? Would love to live there...hope the strike doesnt last long.....truly....-Raven
yes it can be interesting to watch people in rain. I love your fall tags
Some storm you had there, Donna. I've snagged one of your tags by the way. And I'm sorry if yon strike is going to cause hardship to your son.
i have heard the one about angels bowling also.
maybe everyone hit their brakes because the loud thunder scared them and it just seemed like the thing to do at the time. lol
Too bad about the strike...hope it's settled quickly.
I'm not a true hockey fan, but with your enthusiasm, I'll throw my rooting skills in behind your boys. That was a nasty trick with the raising the banner thing.
Love your tags!
Congrats to the Sabres for recording the first win of the '06-'07 season. Our Leafs lost to their nemsis, Ottawa. Kicked their butts the next night, though. Which, of course, demonstrated the unbelievable band wagoning of the TO media. Yesterday morning they were moaning that the Leafs were horrible, and had no chance to make the playoffs. This morning, they're crowing that it's such a well balance machine that they can get offense from all four lines. Just report the scores and dump the hyperbole, OK? Man, I hate the media.
P.S. Did you notice that I used the badge you made for CarnivAOL this week? Thanks for that. I think I'm going to start using it regularly, and find a way to display it prominently on the CarnivAOL blog. I'll make sure to credit you when I do.
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