Monday, December 26, 2005

Crazy days and crazy nights


It has been so hectic the last few days, as I am sure it has been with everyone.  The entire family spent Christmas Eve at my parents.  It's tradition and we've been doing it since I can remember.  We have a wonderful holiday dinner and then sit to open gifts.  My Dad's gift arrived on Friday.  We all chipped in and bought him a beautiful recliner.  I think he likes it even though he says he'd never spend that kind of money.  Santa arrived for the kids and had several gifts in his bag.  Gage was in awe and the 'Bug' was scared to death.  Well, scared but not so much that she didn't go snatch the gifts he handed her.  My sister and I had gifts for them, but we also included one portion of the dress up gift that would be given to Bug on Christmas Day.  I think the outfits were a hit.  Though Gage has the facial expression of Ralphie after he was forced to wear the bunny jammies, Gage actually put on his outfit without any prompts from us.   

After the little kids and our kids did their exchange we did our traditional $5 trade off.  Everyone brings a gift that is no more than $5, wrapped of course.  Everyone starts with a gift, and not necessarily the one they brought.  A story about the Right family gets read.  Each time 'right' is said the gift you have goes to the right, when 'left' is said it goes to the left.  When the story is over what ever you have, you open.  It's always fun and very interesting to see what you get.  Anything goes and it usually turns into a laugh fest.  Next year, I think we need a new story!   

Then it was our exchange.  We picked names and did a somewhat 'theme' basket.  I had my younger sister and did a 'pamper' me basket.  New robe, new slippers, hand creams, a few cocktails, manicure set.  My older niece (bug and Gage's Mom) hadme, she got me the softest robe I'd ever touched.  At that point of the day I couldn't wait to go home and put it on.  It was not cold here for Christmas, but I didn't care.  It was soft and comfy.  New slippers, some perfume, gloves & a scarf finished it off.  The night was a huge success!   

Most of Christmas Day was spent at home.  Sweet rolls and coffee while we opened gifts.  My son got me a tripod which I absolutely am thrilled with.  Some computer supplies and CD's for burning.  Oh, and nice fleece jammies that I happen to be wearing now.  LOL  He got way to much as usual and won't bore you with the details.   

After our ham dinner we went to my sisters house (grandma) to give the kids the rest of their gifts.  All were successful and they loved them.  Bug is such a card and absolutely loved her dress up.  Gage enjoyed his gifts and immediately put together one of his pirate Lego sets. 


Anonymous said...

I'm glad you and your family had a wonderful holiday !!

Peace & Blessings,

Anonymous said...

Sounds like it was wonderful! And that tag you made with thier pics is really neat. TTYL!
- Jessica

Anonymous said...

The tree was magic before ,but now we have the king and the princess its wonderland stuff ,so pleased you all had a good time,with lots of lovely presents ,loved the right story  .......Jan xx

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you all had a great time, that's what Christmas is about isn't it? Being with those you love. Have a great new year. Jeannette xx

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a fun time was had by all. Glad your Christmas was a good one. Your picture turned out good. Helen

Anonymous said...

The Pic is awesome, you really out did yourself again.
I love the $ 5.00 trade off idea with the story.
That is really a neat idea.

Anonymous said...

Your family holiday sounds like such fun!  

Anonymous said...

Donna~Glad you had such a fun & cozy Christmas! Is that your neice and nephew or your kids in the creative graphic? (Sorry I'm too time pressed to read all the back entries to find out ;-0) I think "Bug " is your the trade off gift game. Glad you shared that! We wished they did a price limit at Dutch's work--it's so dumb when people spend too much on others they don't even particualrly like! heehee...I still have another round of returns and kitty needs to go to the vet for coughing...back to "normal" life! Blessings, Deb ;-)

Anonymous said...

I like the idea of that theme baskets...glad to hear you had a wonderul Christmas.

Anonymous said...

Your Christmas traditions sound delightful. The graphic is adorable. (The kids look so cute) Glad you had a Happy One!

Anonymous said...

The kids look like they are off to Narnia!  Great pics and nice Christmas story!  Love, Linda